6 research outputs found

    Strong Dependencies between Software Components

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    Component-based systems often describe context requirements in terms of explicit inter-component dependencies. Studying large instances of such systems?such as free and open source software (FOSS) distributions?in terms of declared dependencies between packages is appealing. It is however also misleading when the language to express dependencies is as expressive as boolean formulae, which is often the case. In such settings, a more appropriate notion of component dependency exists: strong dependency. This paper introduces such notion as a first step towards modeling semantic, rather then syntactic, inter-component relationships. Furthermore, a notion of component sensitivity is derived from strong dependencies, with ap- plications to quality assurance and to the evaluation of upgrade risks. An empirical study of strong dependencies and sensitivity is presented, in the context of one of the largest, freely available, component-based system

    Expressing advanced user preferences in component installation

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    State of the art component-based software collections - such as FOSS distributions - are made of up to dozens of thousands components, with complex inter-dependencies and conflicts. Given a particular installation of such a system, each request to alter the set of installed components has potentially (too) many satisfying answers. We present an architecture that allows to express advanced user preferences about package selection in FOSS distributions. The architecture is composed by a distribution-independent format for describing available and installed packages called CUDF (Common Upgradeability Description Format), and a foundational language called MooML to specify optimization criteria. We present the syntax and semantics of CUDF and MooML, and discuss the partial evaluation mechanism of MooML which allows to gain efficiency in package dependency solvers

    On Software Component Co-Installability (extended version)

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    Modern software systems are built by composing components drawn from large repositories, whose size and complexity is increasing at a very fast pace. A fundamental challenge for the maintainability and the scalability of such software systems is the ability to quickly identify the components that can or cannot be installed together: this is the co-installability problem, which is related to boolean satisfiability and is known to be algorithmically hard. This paper develops a novel theoretical framework, based on formally certified. semantic preserving graph-theoretic transformations, that allows to associate to each concrete component repository a much smaller one with a simpler structure, but with equivalent co-installability properties. This smaller repository can be represented graphically, giving a concise view of the co-installability issues in the original repository, or used as a basis for various algorithms related to co-installability, like the efficient computation of strong conflicts between components. The proofs contained in this work have been machine checked in Coq

    Evolution and Architecture of Open Source Software Collections: A Case Study of Debian

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    Software has been studied at a variety of granularities. Code, classes, groups of classes, programs and finally large scale applications have been examined in detail. What lies beyond is the study of software collections that group together many individual applications. Collecting software and distributing it via a central repository has been popular for a while in the open source world, and only recently caught on commercially with Apple’s Mac app store and Microsoft’s Windows store. In many of these software collections, there is normally a complex process that must be followed in order to fully integrate new applications into the system. Moreover, in the case of open source software collections, applications frequently rely on each other for functionality and their interactions can be complex. We know that there are thousands of applications in these software collections that people depend on worldwide, but research in this area has been limited compared to other areas and granularities of software. In this thesis, we explore the evolution and architecture of a large open source software collections by using Debian as a case study. Debian is a software collection based off the Linux kernel with a large number of packages spread over multiple hardware platforms. Each package provides a particular service or application and is actively maintained by one or more developers. This thesis investigates how these packages evolve through time and their interactions with one another. The first half of the thesis describes the life cycle of a package from inception to end by carrying out a longitudinal study using the Ultimate Debian Database (UDD). The birth of packages is examined to see how Debian is growing. Conversely, package death is also analyzed to determine the lifespan of these packages. Moreover, four different package attributes are examined. They are package age, package bugs, package maintainers and package popularity. These four attributes combine to give us the overall biography of Debian packages. Debian’s architecture is explored in the second part of the thesis, where we analyze how packages interact with each other by examining the package dependencies in detail. The dependencies within Debian are extensive, which makes for an interesting architecture, but they are complex to analyze. This thesis provides a close look at the layered pattern. This pattern categorizes each package into one of five layers based on how they are used. These layers may also be visualized to give a concise view of how an application is structured. Using these views, we define five architectural subpatterns and anti-subpatterns which can aid developers in creating and maintaining packages

    Beyond Traditional Software Development: Studying and Supporting the Role of Reusing Crowdsourced Knowledge in Software Development

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    As software development is becoming increasingly complex, developers often need to reuse others’ code or knowledge made available online to tackle problems encountered during software development and maintenance. This phenomenon of using others' code or knowledge, often found on online forums, is referred to as crowdsourcing. A good example of crowdsourcing is posting a coding question on the Stack Overflow website and having others contribute code that solves that question. Recently, the phenomenon of crowdsourcing has attracted much attention from researchers and practitioners and recent studies show that crowdsourcing improves productivity and reduces time-to-market. However, like any solution, crowdsourcing brings with it challenges such as quality, maintenance, and even legal issues. The research presented in this thesis presents the result of a series of large-scale empirical studies involving some of the most popular crowdsourcing platforms such as Stack Overflow, Node Package Manager (npm), and Python Package Index (PyPI). The focus of these empirical studies is to investigate the role of reusing crowdsourcing knowledge and more particularly crowd code in the software development process. We first present two empirical studies on the reuse of knowledge from crowdsourcing platforms namely Stack Overflow. We found that reusing knowledge from this crowdsourcing platform has the potential to assist software development practices, specifically through source code reuse. However, relying on such crowdsourced knowledge might also negatively affect the quality of the software projects. Second, we empirically examine the type of development knowledge constructed on crowdsourcing platforms. We examine the use of trivial packages on npm and PyPI platforms. We found that trivial packages are common and developers tend to use them because they provide them with well tested and implemented code. However, developers are concerned about the maintenance overhead of these trivial packages due to the extra dependencies that trivial packages introduce. Finally, we used the gained knowledge to propose a pragmatic solution to improve the efficiency of relying on the crowd in software development. We proposed a rule-based technique that automatically detects commits that can skip the continuous integration process. We evaluate the performance of the proposed technique on a dataset of open-source Java projects. Our results show that continuous integration can be used to improve the efficiency of the reused code from crowdsourcing platforms. Among the findings of this thesis are that the way software is developed has changed dramatically. Developers rely on crowdsourcing to address problems encountered during software development and maintenance. The results presented in this thesis provides new insights on how knowledge from these crowdsourced platforms is reused in software systems and how some of this knowledge can be better integrated into current software development processes and best practices

    Strong dependencies between software components

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    Component-based systems often describe context requirements in terms of explicit inter-component dependencies. Studying large instances of such systems - such as free and open source software (FOSS) distributions - in terms of declared dependencies between packages is appealing. It is however also misleading when the language to express dependencies is as expressive as Boolean formulae, which is often the case. In such settings, a more appropriate notion of component dependency exists: strong dependency. This paper introduces such notion as a first step towards modeling semantic, rather then syntactic, inter-component relationships. Furthermore, a notion of component sensitivity is derived from strong dependencies, with applications to quality assurance and to the evaluation of upgrade risks. An empirical study of strong dependencies and sensitivity is presented, in the context of one of the largest, freely available, component-based system