699 research outputs found

    Convergence to equilibrium for time inhomogeneous jump diffusions with state dependent jump intensity

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    We consider a time inhomogeneous jump Markov process X=(Xt)tX = (X_t)_t with state dependent jump intensity, taking values in Rd.R^d . Its infinitesimal generator is given by \begin{multline*} L_t f (x) = \sum_{i=1}^d \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i } (x) b^i ( t,x) - \sum_{ i =1}^d \frac{\partial f}{\partial x_i } (x) \int_{E_1} c_1^i ( t, z, x) \gamma_1 ( t, z, x ) \mu_1 (dz ) \\ + \sum_{l=1}^3 \int_{E_l} [ f ( x + c_l ( t, z, x)) - f(x)] \gamma_l ( t, z, x) \mu_l (dz ) , \end{multline*} where (El,El,μl),1≤l≤3,(E_l , {\mathcal E}_l, \mu_l ) , 1 \le l \le 3, are sigma-finite measurable spaces describing three different jump regimes of the process (fast, intermediate, slow). We give conditions proving that the long time behavior of XX can be related to the one of a time homogeneous limit process Xˉ.\bar X . Moreover, we introduce a coupling method for the limit process which is entirely based on certain of its big jumps and which relies on the regeneration method. We state explicit conditions in terms of the coefficients of the process allowing to control the speed of convergence to equilibrium both for XX and for $\bar X.

    Stochastic ordinary differential equations in applied and computational mathematics

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    Using concrete examples, we discuss the current and potential use of stochastic ordinary differential equations (SDEs) from the perspective of applied and computational mathematics. Assuming only a minimal background knowledge in probability and stochastic processes, we focus on aspects that distinguish SDEs from their deterministic counterparts. To illustrate a multiscale modelling framework, we explain how SDEs arise naturally as diffusion limits in the type of discrete-valued stochastic models used in chemical kinetics, population dynamics, and, most topically, systems biology. We outline some key issues in existence, uniqueness and stability that arise when SDEs are used as physical models, and point out possible pitfalls. We also discuss the use of numerical methods to simulate trajectories of an SDE and explain how both weak and strong convergence properties are relevant for highly-efficient multilevel Monte Carlo simulations. We flag up what we believe to be key topics for future research, focussing especially on nonlinear models, parameter estimation, model comparison and multiscale simulation

    Rectified deep neural networks overcome the curse of dimensionality for nonsmooth value functions in zero-sum games of nonlinear stiff systems

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    In this paper, we establish that for a wide class of controlled stochastic differential equations (SDEs) with stiff coefficients, the value functions of corresponding zero-sum games can be represented by a deep artificial neural network (DNN), whose complexity grows at most polynomially in both the dimension of the state equation and the reciprocal of the required accuracy. Such nonlinear stiff systems may arise, for example, from Galerkin approximations of controlled stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs), or controlled PDEs with uncertain initial conditions and source terms. This implies that DNNs can break the curse of dimensionality in numerical approximations and optimal control of PDEs and SPDEs. The main ingredient of our proof is to construct a suitable discrete-time system to effectively approximate the evolution of the underlying stochastic dynamics. Similar ideas can also be applied to obtain expression rates of DNNs for value functions induced by stiff systems with regime switching coefficients and driven by general L\'{e}vy noise.Comment: This revised version has been accepted for publication in Analysis and Application

    Well-posedness and numerical schemes for one-dimensional McKean-Vlasov equations and interacting particle systems with discontinuous drift

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    In this paper, we first establish well-posedness results for one-dimensional McKean-Vlasov stochastic differential equations (SDEs) and related particle systems with a measure-dependent drift coefficient that is discontinuous in the spatial component, and a diffusion coefficient which is a Lipschitz function of the state only. We only require a fairly mild condition on the diffusion coefficient, namely to be non-zero in a point of discontinuity of the drift, while we need to impose certain structural assumptions on the measure-dependence of the drift. Second, we study fully implementable Euler-Maruyama type schemes for the particle system to approximate the solution of the one-dimensional McKean-Vlasov SDE. Here, we will prove strong convergence results in terms of the number of time-steps and number of particles. Due to the discontinuity of the drift, the convergence analysis is non-standard and the usual strong convergence order 1/21/2 known for the Lipschitz case cannot be recovered for all schemes.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figures, revised introduction and Section

    Error estimates of the backward Euler-Maruyama method for multi-valued stochastic differential equations

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    In this paper, we derive error estimates of the backward Euler-Maruyama method applied to multi-valued stochastic differential equations. An important example of such an equation is a stochastic gradient flow whose associated potential is not continuously differentiable, but assumed to be convex. We show that the backward Euler-Maruyama method is well-defined and convergent of order at least 1/41/4 with respect to the root-mean-square norm. Our error analysis relies on techniques for deterministic problems developed in [Nochetto, Savar\'e, and Verdi, Comm.\ Pure Appl.\ Math., 2000]. We verify that our setting applies to an overdamped Langevin equation with a discontinuous gradient and to a spatially semi-discrete approximation of the stochastic pp-Laplace equation
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