109 research outputs found

    Strong convergence of some drift implicit Euler scheme. Application to the CIR process

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    We study the convergence of a drift implicit scheme for one-dimensional SDEs that was considered by Alfonsi for the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) process. Under general conditions, we obtain a strong convergence of order 1. In the CIR case, Dereich, Neuenkirch and Szpruch have shown recently a strong convergence of order 1/2 for this scheme. Here, we obtain a strong convergence of order 1 under more restrictive assumptions on the CIR parameters

    Strong order 1/2 convergence of full truncation Euler approximations to the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process

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    We study convergence properties of the full truncation Euler scheme for the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross process in the regime where the boundary point zero is inaccessible. Under some conditions on the model parameters (precisely, when the Feller ratio is greater than three), we establish the strong order 1/2 convergence in LpL^{p} of the scheme to the exact solution. This is consistent with the optimal rate of strong convergence for Euler approximations of stochastic differential equations with globally Lipschitz coefficients, despite the fact that the diffusion coefficient in the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross model is not Lipschitz.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figur

    Switching and diffusion models for gene regulation networks

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    We analyze a hierarchy of three regimes for modeling gene regulation. The most complete model is a continuous time, discrete state space, Markov jump process. An intermediate 'switch plus diffusion' model takes the form of a stochastic differential equation driven by an independent continuous time Markov switch. In the third 'switch plus ODE' model the switch remains but the diffusion is removed. The latter two models allow for multi-scale simulation where, for the sake of computational efficiency, system components are treated differently according to their abundance. The 'switch plus ODE' regime was proposed by Paszek (Modeling stochasticity in gene regulation: characterization in the terms of the underlying distribution function, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2007), who analyzed the steady state behavior, showing that the mean was preserved but the variance only approximated that of the full model. Here, we show that the tools of stochastic calculus can be used to analyze first and second moments for all time. A technical issue to be addressed is that the state space for the discrete-valued switch is infinite. We show that the new 'switch plus diffusion' regime preserves the biologically relevant measures of mean and variance, whereas the 'switch plus ODE' model uniformly underestimates the variance in the protein level. We also show that, for biologically relevant parameters, the transient behaviour can differ significantly from the steady state, justifying our time-dependent analysis. Extra computational results are also given for a protein dimerization model that is beyond the scope of the current analysis

    Learning Nash Equilibria

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    In the paper, we re-investigate the long run behavior of an adaptive learning process driven by the stochastic replicator dynamics developed by Fudenberg and Harris (1992). It is demonstrated that the Nash equilibrium will be the robust limit of the adaptive learning process as long as it is reachable for the learning dynamics in almost surely finite time. Doobā€™s martingale theory and Girsanov Theorem play very important roles in confirming the required assertion

    Guaranteed Control of Sampled Switched Systems using Semi-Lagrangian Schemes and One-Sided Lipschitz Constants

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    In this paper, we propose a new method for ensuring formally that a controlled trajectory stay inside a given safety set S for a given duration T. Using a finite gridding X of S, we first synthesize, for a subset of initial nodes x of X , an admissible control for which the Euler-based approximate trajectories lie in S at t āˆˆ\in [0,T]. We then give sufficient conditions which ensure that the exact trajectories, under the same control, also lie in S for t āˆˆ\in [0,T], when starting at initial points 'close' to nodes x. The statement of such conditions relies on results giving estimates of the deviation of Euler-based approximate trajectories, using one-sided Lipschitz constants. We illustrate the interest of the method on several examples, including a stochastic one
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