163 research outputs found

    The State of the Art in Flow Visualization: Partition-Based Techniques

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    Flow visualization has been a very active subfield of scientific visualization in recent years. From the resulting large variety of methods this paper discusses partition-based techniques. The aim of these approaches is to partition the flow in areas of common structure. Based on this partitioning, subsequent visualization techniques can be applied. A classification is suggested and advantages/disadvantages of the different techniques are discussed as well

    Spectral, Combinatorial, and Probabilistic Methods in Analyzing and Visualizing Vector Fields and Their Associated Flows

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    In this thesis, we introduce several tools, each coming from a different branch of mathematics, for analyzing real vector fields and their associated flows. Beginning with a discussion about generalized vector field decompositions, that mainly have been derived from the classical Helmholtz-Hodge-decomposition, we decompose a field into a kernel and a rest respectively to an arbitrary vector-valued linear differential operator that allows us to construct decompositions of either toroidal flows or flows obeying differential equations of second (or even fractional) order and a rest. The algorithm is based on the fast Fourier transform and guarantees a rapid processing and an implementation that can be directly derived from the spectral simplifications concerning differentiation used in mathematics. Moreover, we present two combinatorial methods to process 3D steady vector fields, which both use graph algorithms to extract features from the underlying vector field. Combinatorial approaches are known to be less sensitive to noise than extracting individual trajectories. Both of the methods are extensions of an existing 2D technique to 3D fields. We observed that the first technique can generate overly coarse results and therefore we present a second method that works using the same concepts but produces more detailed results. Finally, we discuss several possibilities for categorizing the invariant sets with respect to the flow. Existing methods for analyzing separation of streamlines are often restricted to a finite time or a local area. In the frame of this work, we introduce a new method that complements them by allowing an infinite-time-evaluation of steady planar vector fields. Our algorithm unifies combinatorial and probabilistic methods and introduces the concept of separation in time-discrete Markov chains. We compute particle distributions instead of the streamlines of single particles. We encode the flow into a map and then into a transition matrix for each time direction. Finally, we compare the results of our grid-independent algorithm to the popular Finite-Time-Lyapunov-Exponents and discuss the discrepancies. Gauss\'' theorem, which relates the flow through a surface to the vector field inside the surface, is an important tool in flow visualization. We are exploiting the fact that the theorem can be further refined on polygonal cells and construct a process that encodes the particle movement through the boundary facets of these cells using transition matrices. By pure power iteration of transition matrices, various topological features, such as separation and invariant sets, can be extracted without having to rely on the classical techniques, e.g., interpolation, differentiation and numerical streamline integration

    Illustrative Flow Visualization of 4D PC-MRI Blood Flow and CFD Data

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    Das zentrale Thema dieser Dissertation ist die Anwendung illustrativer Methoden auf zwei bisher ungelöste Probleme der Strömungsvisualisierung. Das Ziel der Strömungsvisualisierung ist die Bereitstellung von Software, die Experten beim Auswerten ihrer Strömungsdaten und damit beim Erkenntnisgewinn unterstützt. Bei der illustrativen Visualisierung handelt es sich um einen Zweig der Visualisierung, der sich an der künstlerischen Arbeit von Illustratoren orientiert. Letztere sind darauf spezialisiert komplizierte Zusammenhänge verständlich und ansprechend zu vermitteln. Die angewendeten Techniken werden in der illustrativen Visualisierung auf reale Daten übertragen, um die Effektivität der Darstellung zu erhöhen. Das erste Problem, das im Rahmen dieser Dissertation bearbeitet wurde, ist die eingeschränkte Verständlichkeit von komplexen Stromflächen. Selbstverdeckungen oder Aufrollungen behindern die Form- und Strömungswahrnehmung und machen diese Flächen gerade in interessanten Strömungssituationen wenig nützlich. Auf Basis von handgezeichneten Strömungsdarstellungen haben wir ein Flächenrendering entwickelt, das Silhouetten, nicht-photorealistische Beleuchtung und illustrative Stromlinien verwendet. Interaktive Flächenschnitte erlauben die Exploration der Flächen und der Strömungen, die sie repräsentieren. Angewendet auf verschiedene Stromflächen ließ sich zeigen, dass die Methoden die Verständlichkeit erhöhen, v.a. in Bereichen komplexer Strömung mit Aufwicklungen oder Singularitäten. Das zweite Problem ist die Strömungsanalyse des Blutes aus 4D PC-MRI-Daten. An diese relativ neue Datenmodalität werden hohe Erwartungen für die Erforschung und Behandlung kardiovaskulärer Krankheiten geknüpft, da sie erstmals ein dreidimensionales, zeitlich aufgelöstes Abbild der Hämodynamik liefert. Bisher werden 4D PC-MRI-Daten meist mit Werkzeugen der klassischen Strömungsvisualisierung verarbeitet. Diese werden den besonderen Ansprüchen der medizinischen Anwender jedoch nicht gerecht, die in kurzer Zeit eine übersichtliche Darstellung der relevanten Strömungsaspekte erhalten möchten. Wir haben ein Werkzeug zur visuellen Analyse der Blutströmung entwickelt, welches eine einfache Detektion von markanten Strömungsmustern erlaubt, wie z.B. Jets, Wirbel oder Bereiche mit hoher Blutverweildauer. Die Grundidee ist hierbei aus vorberechneten Integrallinien mit Hilfe speziell definierter Linienprädikate die relevanten, d.h. am gefragten Strömungsmuster, beteiligten Linien ausgewählt werden. Um eine intuitive Darstellung der Resultate zu erreichen, haben wir uns von Blutflußillustrationen inspirieren lassen und präsentieren eine abstrakte Linienbündel- und Wirbeldarstellung. Die Linienprädikatmethode sowie die abstrakte Darstellung der Strömungsmuster wurden an 4D PC-MRI-Daten von gesunden und pathologischen Aorten- und Herzdaten erfolgreich getestet. Auch die Evaluierung durch Experten zeigt die Nützlichkeit der Methode und ihr Potential für den Einsatz in der Forschung und der Klinik.This thesis’ central theme is the use of illustrative methods to solve flow visualization problems. The goal of flow visualization is to provide users with software tools supporting them analyzing and extracting knowledge from their fluid dynamics data. This fluid dynamics data is produced in large amounts by simulations or measurements to answer diverse questions in application fields like engineering or medicine. This thesis deals with two unsolved problems in flow visualization and tackles them with methods of illustrative visualization. The latter is a subbranch of visualization whose methods are inspired by the art work of professional illustrators. They are specialized in the comprehensible and esthetic representation of complex knowledge. With illustrative visualization, their techniques are applied to real data to enhance their representation. The first problem dealt with in this thesis is the limited shape and flow perception of complex stream surfaces. Self-occlusion and wrap-ups hinder their effective use in the most interesting flow situations. On the basis of hand-drawn flow illustrations, a surface rendering method was designed that uses silhouettes, non-photorealistic shading, and illustrative surface stream lines. Additionally, geometrical and flow-based surface cuts allow the user an interactive exploration of the surface and the flow it represents. By applying this illustrative technique to various stream surfaces and collecting expert feedback, we could show that the comprehensibility of the stream surfaces was enhanced – especially in complex areas with surface wrap-ups and singularities. The second problem tackled in this thesis is the analysis of blood flow from 4D PC-MRI data. From this rather young data modality, medical experts expect many advances in the research of cardiovascular diseases because it delivers a three-dimensional and time-resolved image of the hemodynamics. However, 4D PC-MRI data are mainly processed with standard flow visualizaton tools, which do not fulfill the requirements of medical users. They need a quick and easy-to-understand display of the relevant blood flow aspects. We developed a tool for the visual analysis of blood flow that allows a fast detection of distinctive flow patterns, such as high-velocity jets, vortices, or areas with high residence times. The basic idea is to precalculate integral lines and use specifically designed line predicates to select and display only lines involved in the pattern of interest. Traditional blood flow illustrations inspired us to an abstract and comprehensible depiction of the resulting line bundles and vortices. The line predicate method and the illustrative flow pattern representation were successfully tested with 4D PC-MRI data of healthy and pathological aortae and hearts. Also, the feedback of several medical experts confirmed the usefulness of our methods and their capabilities for a future application in the clinical research and routine

    Cybersecurity issues in software architectures for innovative services

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    The recent advances in data center development have been at the basis of the widespread success of the cloud computing paradigm, which is at the basis of models for software based applications and services, which is the "Everything as a Service" (XaaS) model. According to the XaaS model, service of any kind are deployed on demand as cloud based applications, with a great degree of flexibility and a limited need for investments in dedicated hardware and or software components. This approach opens up a lot of opportunities, for instance providing access to complex and widely distributed applications, whose cost and complexity represented in the past a significant entry barrier, also to small or emerging businesses. Unfortunately, networking is now embedded in every service and application, raising several cybersecurity issues related to corruption and leakage of data, unauthorized access, etc. However, new service-oriented architectures are emerging in this context, the so-called services enabler architecture. The aim of these architectures is not only to expose and give the resources to these types of services, but it is also to validate them. The validation includes numerous aspects, from the legal to the infrastructural ones e.g., but above all the cybersecurity threats. A solid threat analysis of the aforementioned architecture is therefore necessary, and this is the main goal of this thesis. This work investigate the security threats of the emerging service enabler architectures, providing proof of concepts for these issues and the solutions too, based on several use-cases implemented in real world scenarios

    Visões em bancos de dados de grafos : uma abordagem multifoco para dados heterogêneos

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    Orientador: Claudia Maria Bauzer MedeirosTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: A pesquisa científica tornou-se cada vez mais dependente de dados. Esse novo paradigma de pesquisa demanda técnicas e tecnologias computacionais sofisticadas para apoiar tanto o ciclo de vida dos dados científicos como a colaboração entre cientistas de diferentes áreas. Uma demanda recorrente em equipes multidisciplinares é a construção de múltiplas perspectivas sobre um mesmo conjunto de dados. Soluções atuais cobrem vários aspectos, desde o projeto de padrões de interoperabilidade ao uso de sistemas de gerenciamento de bancos de dados não-relacionais. Entretanto, nenhum desses esforços atende de forma adequada a necessidade de múltiplas perspectivas, denominadas focos nesta tese. Em termos gerais, um foco é projetado e construído para atender um determinado grupo de pesquisa (mesmo no escopo de um único projeto) que necessita manipular um subconjunto de dados de interesse em múltiplos níveis de agregação/generalização. A definição e criação de um foco são tarefas complexas que demandam mecanismos capazes de manipular múltiplas representações de um mesmo fenômeno do mundo real. O objetivo desta tese é prover múltiplos focos sobre dados heterogêneos. Para atingir esse objetivo, esta pesquisa se concentrou em quatro principais problemas. Os problemas inicialmente abordados foram: (1) escolher um paradigma de gerenciamento de dados adequado e (2) elencar os principais requisitos de pesquisas multifoco. Nossos resultados nos direcionaram para a adoção de bancos de dados de grafos como solução para o problema (1) e a utilização do conceito de visões, de bancos de dados relacionais, para o problema (2). Entretanto, não há consenso sobre um modelo de dados para bancos de dados de grafos e o conceito de visões é pouco explorado nesse contexto. Com isso, os demais problemas tratados por esta pesquisa são: (3) a especificação de um modelo de dados de grafos e (4) a definição de um framework para manipular visões em bancos de dados de grafos. Nossa pesquisa nesses quatro problemas resultaram nas contribuições principais desta tese: (i) apontar o uso de bancos de dados de grafos como camada de persistência em pesquisas multifoco - um tipo de banco de dados de esquema flexível e orientado a relacionamentos que provê uma ampla compreensão sobre as relações entre os dados; (ii) definir visões para bancos de dados de grafos como mecanismo para manipular múltiplos focos, considerando operações de manipulação de dados em grafos, travessias e algoritmos de grafos; (iii) propor um modelo de dados para grafos - baseado em grafos de propriedade - para lidar com a ausência de um modelo de dados pleno para grafos; (iv) especificar e implementar um framework, denominado Graph-Kaleidoscope, para prover o uso de visões em bancos de dados de grafos e (v) validar nosso framework com dados reais em aplicações distintas - em biodiversidade e em recursos naturais - dois típicos exemplos de pesquisas multidisciplinares que envolvem a análise de interações de fenômenos a partir de dados heterogêneosAbstract: Scientific research has become data-intensive and data-dependent. This new research paradigm requires sophisticated computer science techniques and technologies to support the life cycle of scientific data and collaboration among scientists from distinct areas. A major requirement is that researchers working in data-intensive interdisciplinary teams demand construction of multiple perspectives of the world, built over the same datasets. Present solutions cover a wide range of aspects, from the design of interoperability standards to the use of non-relational database management systems. None of these efforts, however, adequately meet the needs of multiple perspectives, which are called foci in the thesis. Basically, a focus is designed/built to cater to a research group (even within a single project) that needs to deal with a subset of data of interest, under multiple ggregation/generalization levels. The definition and creation of a focus are complex tasks that require mechanisms and engines to manipulate multiple representations of the same real world phenomenon. This PhD research aims to provide multiple foci over heterogeneous data. To meet this challenge, we deal with four research problems. The first two were (1) choosing an appropriate data management paradigm; and (2) eliciting multifocus requirements. Our work towards solving these problems made as choose graph databases to answer (1) and the concept of views in relational databases for (2). However, there is no consensual data model for graph databases and views are seldom discussed in this context. Thus, research problems (3) and (4) are: (3) specifying an adequate graph data model and (4) defining a framework to handle views on graph databases. Our research in these problems results in the main contributions of this thesis: (i) to present the case for the use of graph databases in multifocus research as persistence layer - a schemaless and relationship driven type of database that provides a full understanding of data connections; (ii) to define views for graph databases to support the need for multiple foci, considering graph data manipulation, graph algorithms and traversal tasks; (iii) to propose a property graph data model (PGDM) to fill the gap of absence of a full-fledged data model for graphs; (iv) to specify and implement a framework, named Graph-Kaleidoscope, that supports views over graph databases and (v) to validate our framework for real world applications in two domains - biodiversity and environmental resources - typical examples of multidisciplinary research that involve the analysis of interactions of phenomena using heterogeneous dataDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutora em Ciência da Computaçã

    Tetrahedral Meshes in Biomedical Applications: Generation, Boundary Recovery and Quality Enhancements

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    Mesh generation is a fundamental precursor to finite element implementations for solution of partial differential equations in engineering and science. This dissertation advances the field in three distinct but coupled areas. A robust and fast three dimensional mesh generator for arbitrarily shaped geometries was developed. It deploys nodes throughout the domain based upon user-specified mesh density requirements. The system is integer and pixel based which eliminates round off errors, substantial memory requirements and cpu intensive calculations. Linked, but fully detachable, to the mesh generation system is a physical boundary recovery routine. Frequently, the original boundary topology is required for specific boundary condition applications or multiple material constraints. Historically, this boundary preservation was not available. An algorithm was developed, refined and optimized that recovers the original boundaries, internal and external, with fidelity. Finally, a node repositioning algorithm was developed that maximizes the minimum solid angle of tetrahedral meshes. The highly coveted 2D Delaunay property that maximizes the minimum interior angle of a triangle mesh does not extend to its 3D counterpart, to maximize the minimum solid angle of a tetrahedron mesh. As a consequence, 3D Delaunay created meshes have unacceptable sliver tetrahedral elements albeit composed of 4 high quality triangle sides. These compromised elements are virtually unavoidable and can foil an otherwise intact mesh. The numerical optimization routine developed takes any preexisting tetrahedral mesh and repositions the nodes without changing the mesh topology so that the minimum solid angle of the tetrahedrons is maximized. The overall quality enhancement of the volume mesh might be small, depending upon the initial mesh. However, highly distorted elements that create ill-conditioned global matrices and foil a finite element solver are enhanced significantly