13 research outputs found

    Reflections of pre-Service teachers on their own teaching practices

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    The focus of this paper is self-reflection on teaching using video. The excerpts that are used in this paper are taken from the emails of pre-service music teachers at Illinois State University completing their required clinical hours with instrumental students at both the middle school and high school level. Though these teaching episodes were eventually evaluated by the instructor in the areas of teacher presence, classroom management, lesson planning, teaching method, pacing, error detection, pedagogy and assessment, the pre-service teachers received no specific guidelines on how to focus their first reflective comments. The intent was to get a glimpse into the developing teacher psyche and see what teachers-in-training actually do notice about their own teaching

    Using Video to Develop Skills in Reflection in Teacher Education Students

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    Teacher education students confront the challenging task of acquiring a unique and complex set of skills during their courses. These skills are acquired through the study of education theory together with practical experience in the classroom. Perhaps one of the most important skills that students quickly need to develop is that of reflective practice. It is only through a critical and detailed analysis of their performance that strengths and weaknesses can be ascertained and addressed. Video has been used as a tool in teacher education for many years and provides a means by which a teaching episode can be captured more permanently to be used as a point of reference for reflection. This paper discusses the concept of reflection and examines the use of video to enhance the development of these reflective practice skills in a cohort of Graduate Diploma of Education students. Students indicated that that the use of video, in conjunction with written feedback from teachers, had enhanced their capacity to reflect on their teaching skills

    Usages de la vidéo dans le contexte sherbrookois de la formation en ligne à l’enseignement

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    Cet article concerne une étape préliminaire d’une recherche portant sur l’utilisation de vidéos de pratiques enseignantes dans un contexte de formation en ligne à l’enseignement. Nous présentons tout d’abord, une synthèse d’une recension d’études portant sur l’usage de la vidéo dans la formation des enseignants. Nous présentons ensuite une enquête exploratoire réalisée en 2013 à l’Université de Sherbrooke. Enfin nous ouvrons sur la recherche que ces résultats nous encouragent à poursuivre.This article relates to a preliminary stage of research on the use of videos of teaching practices in the context of distance teacher education. We present firstly, a summary of a review of studies on the use of video in teacher education. We then present an exploratory survey conducted in 2013 at the University of Sherbrooke. Finally we open on the research that these results lead us to pursue

    Kolektivne varijacije u percepciji videorevizije kao refleksivne samoprocjene u preddiplomskom kolegiju Baleta: fenomenografska perspektiva

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    Fostering reflective thinking among students pursuing a career as dance educators is an important task, the one contributing to student-teachers’ professional development. This study analyses video-review as a technology-enabled self-reflection mechanism and trainee teachers’ perceptions of it. The research focuses on prospective educators enrolled in a ballet teacher preparation programme in a higher education institution in the UK. The outcomes of this investigation are categories of description which capture qualitatively different ways of how student-teachers understand the phenomenon under the investigation. This study provides educators and designers of courses in ballet training and education with useful conclusions and detailed understanding of video-review, including the role that this technology-enhanced learning (TEL) experience has in encouraging student reflective thinking and transformative learning.Poticanje refleksije studenata koji žele ostvariti karijeru plesnih edukatora važna je zadaća, ona koja doprinosi profesionalnom razvoju studenata/ budućih učitelja. Ova studija analizira videoreviziju kao tehnologijom potpomognuti mehanizam samorefleksije i percepciju toga mehanizma budućih učitelja. Istraživanje se fokusiralo na buduće edukatore upisane u program obrazovanja baletnih učitelja na institucijama visokoga obrazovanja u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu. Ishodi ovoga istraživanja su kategorije opisa koje obuhvaćaju kvalitativno različite načine na koje studenti-učitelji razumiju istraživani fenomen. Ova studija pruža edukatorima i tvorcima baletnoga školovanja korisne zaključke i detaljno razumijevanje videorevizije, uključujući ulogu koju ovakvo iskustvo tehnologijom potpomognutoga učenja (TPU) ima u poticanju studenata na refleksiju i transformaciju učenja


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    本研究では,英語教員養成課程での模擬授業において,学生向けの授業研究用チェックリストを用いてピア・フィードバックを行うことでどのように模擬授業が改善されるのか,また,授業研究用チェックリストに設定した項目が適切なものかについて調査を行った.被験者は中学校・高等学校の英語教員免許取得を目指す大学3年生16名である.英語模擬授業を1名あたり2回実施し,生徒役を担う学生は筆者が作成したチェックリスト(試案)を用いて模擬授業へのピア・フィードバックを行った.さらに,全32回の模擬授業終了後,チェックリストについてのアンケートに回答した.ピア・フィードバックの結果,1回目と2回目とでは,コメントを付す項目,学生同士の評価には変化は見られなかった.しかし,ピア・フィードバックによる励ましのコメントや生徒役である学生からの目線でのコメントは,教師役を担う学生の模擬授業の改善につながることが明らかとなった.また,チェックリストの項目においては,「学習者への対応」「態度は教師らしいか」という項目は,模擬授業だけでは測ることが難しいこと,日本語使用の割合やOral IntroductionとExplanationのバランス,学生同士では指摘しづらい文法のエラーや発音については,教科教育法担当教員からの指導に任せられるべきであることが明らかとなった

    Streaming Videos in Peer Assessment to Support Training Pre-service Teachers

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    A web-based peer assessment system using video streaming technology was implemented to support the training of pre-service teachers. The peer assessment process was synchronized with viewing of peer teaching videos so that comments could be linked to the relevant position on the video. When one viewed a comment, the associated video segment could then be played, which allowed pre-service teachers to understand more precisely the nature of a reviewer’s comment. Thirty-six pre-service computer teachers, who were enrolled in a teaching practicum course, participated in the study. Five rounds of peer assessment were conducted during pre-service teachers ’ micro- and field-teaching sessions. The findings showed that pre-service teachers were satisfied with the peer assessment activities and perceived the streaming video as a useful feature. The video streaming feature also played an important role during pre-service teachers ’ web-based dialogues, but was not as significant in terms of how they commented on or replied to peers. We provide some suggestions for improved use of this technique in the conclusion of our paper

    Streaming videos in peer assessment to support training pre-service teachers

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    [[abstract]]A web-based peer assessment system using video streaming technology was implemented to support the training of pre-service teachers. The peer assessment process was synchronized with viewing of peer teaching videos so that comments could be linked to the relevant position on the video. When one viewed a comment, the associated video segment could then be played, which allowed pre-service teachers to understand more precisely the nature of a reviewer’s comment. Thirty-six pre-service computer teachers, who were enrolled in a teaching practicum course, participated in the study. Five rounds of peer assessment were conducted during pre-service teachers’ micro- and field-teaching sessions. The findings showed that pre-service teachers were satisfied with the peer assessment activities and perceived the streaming video as a useful feature. The video streaming feature also played an important role during pre-service teachers’ web-based dialogues, but was not as significant in terms of how they commented on or replied to peers. We provide some suggestions for improved use of this technique in the conclusion of our paper.

    Law student knowledge of legal interviewing: a case study of self-evaluation using video annotation

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    Video has long been used to support learner reflection in professional education programs in law, health, and education. Emerging video analysis tools offer learners the ability to highlight segments of video and focus their attention to specific moments or aspects of performance. These emerging tools afford opportunities for more systematic observation, analysis, and deliberate reflection on learner performance than was available previously. Expertise research has found that representative, rigorous tasks followed by immediate feedback and error correction constitute deliberate practice. Training environments that incorporate deliberate practice and emerging video annotation and analysis tools provide opportunities for learners pinpoint strengths and weaknesses in a systematic way. The purpose of this descriptive case study was to utilize a mixed method approach that would allow the identification and reveal the development of learner knowledge in an ill- structured professional domain. Data consisting of categorical, evaluative, and descriptive video annotations were collected from a legal interviewing and counseling course. Data were analyzed using Chi\u27s (1997) verbal analysis approach. Verbal analysis is a methodology for quantifying the qualitative coding of the content of verbal utterances. Results imply that verbal analysis may be a useful method for other ill-structured professional domains. While the concept of reflection remains ambiguous, the method demonstrated in this study also provides a means to analyze reflective artifacts to reveal the content or object of reflections. Finally, results suggest that it may be possible to evaluate the development of learner knowledge in ill-structured professional domains

    The effect of a mentoring intervention on the teaching self-efficacy of pre-service special education teacher candidates

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    Advisors: Elizabeth Wilkins; Thomas Smith.Committee members: Lynette Chandler; Thomas Smith.The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a specific mentoring intervention on the teaching self-efficacy of pre-service special education teacher candidates. A Special Educators Efficacy Scale (SEES) was developed to measure self-efficacy for the initial skill set required for novice special educators. A two-group, pre-test/post-test design was used to compare the special education teaching self-efficacy scores between the intervention and comparison group.The self-efficacy scores reported by 245 pre-service special education candidates from two universities were analyzed (intervention group, N = 43; comparison group, N = 202) before and after a 10-week mentoring intervention. ANCOVA findings indicated a statistically significant difference across all subscales between groups while controlling for the pre-test scores. The analysis of demographic characteristics such as age and grade level did not reveal any statistically significant differences between groups. This study posits that a specific mentoring intervention designed to meet the unique skill set of special educators has the potential to increase teaching self-efficacy among pre-service special education candidates.Ed.D. (Doctor of Education