1,554 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Stream Control Transmission Protocol Using Uppaal

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    The Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a Transport Layer protocol that has been proposed as an alternative to the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) for the Internet of Things (IoT). SCTP, with its four-way handshake mechanism, claims to protect the Server from a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack by ensuring the legitimacy of the Client, which has been a known issue pertaining to the three-way handshake of TCP. This paper compares the handshakes of TCP and SCTP to discuss its shortcomings and strengths. We present an Uppaal model of the TCP three-way handshake and SCTP four-way handshake and show that SCTP is able to cope with the presence of an Illegitimate Client, while TCP fails. The results confirm that SCTP is better equipped to deal with this type of attack.Comment: In Proceedings MARS 2017, arXiv:1703.0581


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    ABSTRAKSI: Protokol Transport merupakan bagian yang sangat penting dalam perkembangan internet saat ini. Stream Protocol Transmission Protocol (SCTP) merupakan protokol pada transport layer yang mendukung pertukaran data antara client-server secara tepat. Salah satu fitur pada SCTP adalah multihoming, yaitu suatu fitur dimana SCTP sender dapat mengakses host tujuan dengan beberapa alamat IP dalam sesi yang sama. Jika jalur utama antara sumber dan tujuan sedang down, trafik dapat tetap berjalan ke tujuan dengan memanfaatkan jalur yang lainnya. Multihoming pada SCTP juga mendukung Concurrent Multipath Transfer (CMT)Pada tugas akhir ini akan disimulasikan mengenai perilaku SCTP multihoming pada saat Concurrent Multipath Transfer (CMT) dengan menggunakan tiga manajemen antrian yang berbeda yaitu Droptail, RED , dan REM . Simulasi menggunakan Network Simulator 2 sebagai simulator.Dari simulasi yang telah dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa adalah CMTSCTP Multihoming memiliki throughput yang lebih baik dengan menggunakan antrian REM dibandingkan antrian RED dan DropTail. Sedangkan nilai average delay paling baik didapatkan dengan menggunakan antrian RED.Kata Kunci : SCTP , multihoming , CMT , RED ,REM, DropTail , Network Simulator 2ABSTRACT: Transport protocol is a very important part in the development of the Internet. Stream Protocol Transmission Protocol (SCTP) is a transport layer protocol that supports data exchange between client-server. One of the features of SCTP is multihoming, which is a feature when SCTP sender can access the destination host with multiple IP addresses in the same session. If the primary path between the source and the destination is down, traffic is still sent to the destination with utilize other path. SCTP multihoming also support on Concurrent Multipath Transfer (CMT).In this final project will be simulated on the behavior of SCTP multihoming at Concurrent Multipath Transfer (CMT). This final project will use three queue managements that is different in every scenario and background traffic. The queue managements are Droptail, RED, and REM.. Simulation using Network Simulator 2 as simulator.From the simulations that have been conducted show that is CMT-SCTP Multihoming has better throughput when using REM algorithm. And using RED algorithm is better than others to get better value in average delay.Keyword: SCTP , multihoming , CMT , RED ,REM, DropTail , Network Simulator

    On the Use of Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) with IPsec

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    This document describes functional requirements for IPsec (RFC 2401) and Internet Key Exchange (IKE) (RFC 2409) to facilitate their use in securing SCTP (RFC 2960) traffic

    Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP): Robust and Efficient for Data Centre Applications

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    Due to rapid advancement in modern technology, as one of the major concerns is the stability of business. The organizations depend on their systems to provide robust and faster processing of information for their operations. Efficient data centers are key sources to handle these operations. If the organizational system is not fully functional, the performance of organization may be impaired or clogged completely. With the developments of real-time applications into data centers for data communications, there is a need to use an alternative of the standard TCP protocol to provide reliable data transfer. Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) consists of several well built-in characteristics that make it capable to work efficiently with real-time applications. In this paper, we evaluate an optimized version of STCP. The optimized version of SCTP is tested against a non optimized version of STCP and TCP in a data center environment. Simulations of the protocols are carried using NS2 simulator.http://arxiv.org/abs/1312.062

    Hiding information in a Stream Control Transmission Protocol

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    a b s t r a c t The STCP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol) is a candidate for a new transport layer protocol that may replace the TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) protocols in future IP networks. Currently, the SCTP is implemented in, or can be added to, many popular operating systems (Windows, BSD, Linux, HP-UX or Sun Solaris). This paper identifies and presents the most likely ''places'' where hidden information can be exchanged using an SCTP. The paper focuses mostly on proposing new steganographic methods that can be applied to an SCTP and that can utilise new, characteristic SCTP features, such as multi-homing and multi-streaming. Moreover, for each method, the countermeasure is covered. When used with malicious intent, a method may pose a threat to network security. Knowledge about potential SCTP steganographic methods may be used as a supplement to RFC5062, which describes security attacks in an SCTP protocol. Presented in this paper is a complete analysis of information hiding in an SCTP, and this analysis can be treated as a ''guide'' when developing steganalysis (detection) tools

    TCP and Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) RTO Restart

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    Improving the performance of SCTP Transport Protocol over wireless networks

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    [Abstract]: Stream Control Transmission Protocol(SCTP) is a reliable transport protocol combining the advantages of TCP and UDP. SCTP has many desirable features including multihoming, multistreaming, and partial data reliability. These features have made SCTP perform much more effectively in multimedia networking applications. They have also worked better in wireless environment which traditional transport protocols are ineffective and cumbersome. Before the transmission, an application using SCTP needs to establish an association between the client and the server. The establishment of association requires a number which will be used to create multiple streams. However, SCTP has not specified a method or suggested any ideas of determine the number. In our paper, we focus on the performance of SCTP protocol over the wireless networks. The ideas is to extend the SCTP with a process of determining an optimal number prior to the association establishing. We examine the modified SCTP on a simulated wireless networks, and the experiment results of simulation using NS2 have shown the modified SCTP is feasible and also demonstrated the modified SCTP’s superiority of performance over TCP and UDP over the wireless networks
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