64 research outputs found

    Strategy-Proof Facility Location for Concave Cost Functions

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    We consider k-Facility Location games, where n strategic agents report their locations on the real line, and a mechanism maps them to k facilities. Each agent seeks to minimize his connection cost, given by a nonnegative increasing function of his distance to the nearest facility. Departing from previous work, that mostly considers the identity cost function, we are interested in mechanisms without payments that are (group) strategyproof for any given cost function, and achieve a good approximation ratio for the social cost and/or the maximum cost of the agents. We present a randomized mechanism, called Equal Cost, which is group strategyproof and achieves a bounded approximation ratio for all k and n, for any given concave cost function. The approximation ratio is at most 2 for Max Cost and at most n for Social Cost. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first mechanism with a bounded approximation ratio for instances with k > 2 facilities and any number of agents. Our result implies an interesting separation between deterministic mechanisms, whose approximation ratio for Max Cost jumps from 2 to unbounded when k increases from 2 to 3, and randomized mechanisms, whose approximation ratio remains at most 2 for all k. On the negative side, we exclude the possibility of a mechanism with the properties of Equal Cost for strictly convex cost functions. We also present a randomized mechanism, called Pick the Loser, which applies to instances with k facilities and n = k+1 agents, and for any given concave cost function, is strongly group strategyproof and achieves an approximation ratio of 2 for Social Cost

    Nash Welfare and Facility Location

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    We consider the problem of locating a facility to serve a set of agents located along a line. The Nash welfare objective function, defined as the product of the agents' utilities, is known to provide a compromise between fairness and efficiency in resource allocation problems. We apply this welfare notion to the facility location problem, converting individual costs to utilities and analyzing the facility placement that maximizes the Nash welfare. We give a polynomial-time approximation algorithm to compute this facility location, and prove results suggesting that it achieves a good balance of fairness and efficiency. Finally, we take a mechanism design perspective and propose a strategy-proof mechanism with a bounded approximation ratio for Nash welfare

    Heterogeneous Facility Location with Limited Resources

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    We initiate the study of the heterogeneous facility location problem with limited resources. We mainly focus on the fundamental case where a set of agents are positioned in the line segment [0,1] and have approval preferences over two available facilities. A mechanism takes as input the positions and the preferences of the agents, and chooses to locate a single facility based on this information. We study mechanisms that aim to maximize the social welfare (the total utility the agents derive from facilities they approve), under the constraint of incentivizing the agents to truthfully report their positions and preferences. We consider three different settings depending on the level of agent-related information that is public or private. For each setting, we design deterministic and randomized strategyproof mechanisms that achieve a good approximation of the optimal social welfare, and complement these with nearly-tight impossibility results

    Characterization of Group-Strategyproof Mechanisms for Facility Location in Strictly Convex Space

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    We characterize the class of group-strategyproof mechanisms for the single facility location game in any unconstrained strictly convex space. A mechanism is \emph{group-strategyproof}, if no group of agents can misreport so that all its members are \emph{strictly} better off. A strictly convex space is a normed vector space where x+y<2\|x+y\|<2 holds for any pair of different unit vectors xyx \neq y, e.g., any LpL_p space with p(1,)p\in (1,\infty). We show that any deterministic, unanimous, group-strategyproof mechanism must be dictatorial, and that any randomized, unanimous, translation-invariant, group-strategyproof mechanism must be \emph{2-dictatorial}. Here a randomized mechanism is 2-dictatorial if the lottery output of the mechanism must be distributed on the line segment between two dictators' inputs. A mechanism is translation-invariant if the output of the mechanism follows the same translation of the input. Our characterization directly implies that any (randomized) translation-invariant approximation algorithm satisfying the group-strategyproofness property has a lower bound of 22-approximation for maximum cost (whenever n3n \geq 3), and n/21n/2 - 1 for social cost. We also find an algorithm that 22-approximates the maximum cost and n/2n/2-approximates the social cost, proving the bounds to be (almost) tight.Comment: Accepted to ACM Conference on Economics and Computation (EC) 202