5,721,643 research outputs found

    Why espresso? : Explaining changes in European coffee preferences from a production of culture perspective

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    Since the 1990s supposedly ‘historic’ fault lines separating coffee preferences and practices across the European continent have been broken down. The consumption of Italian-style espresso-based beverages outside the home is now widespread. Much of this is drunk in branded coffee-shop outlets, based on a format popularised in the United States. This article investigates these changes employing the culture of production perspective. It is structured in three parts. The first investigates the formation of quasi-national coffee-drinking styles in the at-home and away-from-home sectors with particular reference to Italy; the second analyses the transformation of out-of-home coffee-drinking in the UK during the 1990s; and the third examines the spread of Italian-style coffee across the European continentPeer reviewe

    Persuasive Strategies Used by Insurance Agents in Prospecting Customers Based on the Customers' Age Factor

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    This study aimed to find out the persuasive strategies used by X insurance agents in prospecting the customers and reveal the differences and similarities between persuasive strategies used by insurance agents in prospecting same-age customers and older customers. Through this study, the writer tried to relate the persuasive strategies used by insurance agents to the customers' age factor. The writer chose three insurance agents who worked in X Insurance company and classified the customers into two categories based on their ages; firstly, customers who are in the same-age group as the agents; secondly, customers who are in different-age (older) group from the agents. In the findings, it turned out that in prospecting both customers' categories, the insurance agents used both persuasive strategies proposed by Beebe & Beebe (2012); however some methods of persuasion strategies were not used at all. This study concluded that the age of the customers does not really affect the way insurance agents prospect their customers

    The Communication Strategies Employed By Male And Female Students Of English Department Of Stain Gajah Putih Takengon

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    In an educational world, communication is seen as a necessity,as education is a communication process. When communicating, the EFL students often face many obstacles that make them use communication strategies. However, in the same time, theyare required to use the appropriate strategies, as the use of communication strategies contribute to the development of their communicative competence.There are several factors affecting the use of communication strategies by the EFL learners,one of them is gender. Communication between men and women in the classroom is considered as cross-cultural which potentially causes communication breakdown. Pertaining to this problem, this study was conducted to provide answers about the types of communication strategies used by male and female students to overcome their communication problems, and revealing the reasons why they used the strategies. The investigation is based on Bailystock (1990) classification of communication strategies. The study employed a qualitative research design. The subjects were the students who enrolled in Speaking IVcourse of the English Department of STAIN Gajah Putih Takengon. The data were collected through communication tasks (oral presentations), observations, interviews and video recordings. The findings showed that the male and female subjects used L1-based and L2-based communication strategies. Male subjects used mostly the L1-based communication strategies, meanwhile the female subjects dominantly employed the L-2 based communication strategies.The findings also indicated that the male subjects used more L1-based strategiesto help them reaching the communication goal rather than the communicationeffectiveness. In contrast, female subjects dominantly used L2-based strategies to communicate effectively.To sum up, the subjects still used the strategies, which are not beneficial to the development of their communicative competence. Therefore, these findings finally leads to a suggestion thatthe teachers should consider introducing the appropriate communication strategies to make students communicate effectively by incorporating them in the teaching and learning through the classroom activities

    Politeness Strategies in 2014 Presidential Debates Between Joko Widodo and Prabowo Subianto

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    This study analyzed the politeness strategies employed by Joko Widodo andPrabowo Subianto in 2014 Presidential Debates. This study used descriptivequalitative method. Kothari (2004:2) states that Descriptive research includessurveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. In this study the writerdescribed the utterances of president candidates debate into written text. Themajor purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as itexists at present. The instrument of collecting data is video recording of DebatCapres Cawapres Jokowi Jk- Prabowo Hatta at Metro TV on July 5, 2014.Particular attention is given to candidate's use of bald on record, positivepoliteness, negative politeness, off record and do not do speech act or do the FTA(face threatening act) as defined by Brown and Levinson theory. The focus of thepaper is on the types of politeness strategies that used in debate, the dominant typeof politeness strategies, and the reason of dominant type USAge in debate. Theresult showed that the most dominant type is Positive politeness (61,53%). Thenthere was also Negative politeness (30,76%), On record (3,84%), Off record(3,84%) and do not do the FTA (0%). The president candidates mostly usedpositive politeness because want to reduce face-threatening act besides how thetwo candidates can be conveyed smoothly without making one party feelsthreatened

    Persuasive Strategies Used in Jokowi's Speech in His Governor Election Campaign

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    This present study is conducted to find out the types of persuasive strategies which were used in Jokowi's speech. This study is aimed to seek the types of persuasive strategies and also the speech function related to the persuasive strategies used by Jokowi. This study is supported by Beebe & Beebe's theory of persuasive strategy (2012) and Holmes theory of speech function (1996). The writer analyzed the speech in a standup comedy used in Jokowi campaign in 5th October 2012. The writer found eight characteristics of persuasive strategies that Jokowi used: using evidence to tell a story , considering using appeals to several emotion (hope, courage, pride,) using specific evidence, using appropriate fear appear, using new evidence, and using concrete example that help your listener visualize what you describe. The writer also found the speech function that related in persuasive strategies in Jokowi's speech as being referential, directive, metalinguistic, expressive, and phatic

    Motivational Strategies Used by an Englsh Teacher at Hand Fortuna Center

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    This is a qualitative study on the use of motivational strategies by the English teacher at Hand Fortuna Center. This study was based on Dörnyei\u27s (2001) theory about motivational strategies and focused on the interaction between the teacher and his students in the classroom. The data were collected by using video recording and interview. The observation was done in three meetings within two weeks. The duration of the class was 90 minutes for each meeting. The findings showed that the teacher used five out of eight motivational strategies in the classroom. There were making learning stimulating and enjoyable, protecting the learners\u27 self-esteem and increase their self-confidence, presenting task in a motivating way, allowing learners to maintain a positive social image, and promoting cooperation among the learners. For the interview, the writer found that the reason why the teacher used the motivational strategies. It was because the strategies could increase students\u27 motivation in learning language
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