11,655 research outputs found

    Lignocellulosic Ethanol: The Path to Market

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    The cost effective production of transport fuels from biomass is essential if the EU aspiration to substitute 10% of transport fuels with sustainable alternatives by 2020 is to be met. The hope, voiced by the Parliament’s Industry and Energy Committee, is that at least 40% of the 2020 target will come from second-generation biofuels, and therein lies the challenge: second-generation conversion technologies are not yet commercial. Multiple pathways are being investigated around the globe, but dominant pathways have yet to emerge and business models have yet to be proven. Nevertheless, expectations are running high and there has been significant investment in R&D in the US, Europe and Asia. The production of ethanol from lignocellulosic biomass is commercially and environmentally one of the most promising options, and in 2007 the US Department of Energy (DOE) provided more than US1billiontowardlignocellulosicethanol(LE)projects.Theirgoalwastomakethefuelcostcompetitiveat1 billion toward lignocellulosic ethanol (LE) projects. Their goal was to make the fuel cost competitive at 1.33 per gallon, when deployed at scale, by 2012. The majority of studies also suggest that LE will result in superior greenhouse gas savings compared to ethanol produced from starch. Despite favourable predictions for cost and environmental performance, market deployment requires practical and plausible development paths that are able to support progress from existing small-scale demonstration plant to large industrial installations. Moreover, these development paths must be sufficiently attractive to persuade developers and investors that lignocellulosic ethanol remains an opportunity worth pursuing

    Regional Business Networks and the Multinational Retail Sector

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    In this paper we examine the network relationships of a set of large retail multinational enterprises (MNEs). We analyze under what conditions a flagship-network strategy (characterized by a network of five partners – the MNE; key suppliers; key partners; selected competitors; and key organisations in the non-business infrastructure) explains the internationalisation of three retailers whose geographic scope, sectoral conditions and competitive strategies differ substantially. We explore why and when retailers will adopt a flagship strategy. The three firms are Tesco and The Body Shop, two U.K.-based multinational retailers, and Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH), a French-based global retailer. We find evidence of strong network relationships for all three retailers, yet they embrace network strategies for different reasons. Their flagship relationships depend on each retailer’s strategic use of firm-specific-advantages (FSAs) and country-specific advantages (CSAs). We find that a flagship strategy succeeds in overcoming internal and/or environmental constraints to cross-border resource transfers, which are barriers to foreign direct investment (FDI). We provide recommendations on why and when to use a flagship-based strategy and which type of network partners to prioritize in order to succeed internationally.international retailing, flagship strategy, networks, LVMH, Tesco, The Body Shop, multinational, firm-specific advantages, regional strategy

    Vertical Organization, Technology Flows and R&D Incentives: An Exploratory Analysis

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    Despite its importance, the impact of vertical organization on innovation incentives has not been investigated in depth. This paper develops a number of testable hypotheses and then provides a first exploratory empirical analysis, using cross-sectional industry-level data. Two simple stylized facts emerge from the empirical results. First, once a fragmented buyer industry is dependent on a relatively concentrated supply sector, the industry’s own R&D intensity is reduced substantially. Second, vertical technology flows appear to act as substitutes for an industry's own R&D if the receiving industry's concentration is relatively low. Both results are largely consistent with a number of case studies and with theoretical arguments discussed in the paper. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG - (Vertikale Organisation, Technologieflüsse und FuE-Anreize - Eine explorative Studie) Der Einfluß der vertikalen Organisation von Industrien auf Innovationsanreize ist trotz der Bedeutung der Fragestellung noch nicht detailliert untersucht worden. Dieses Papier stellt eine Reihe von testbaren Hypothesen vor und präsentiert eine erste explorative empirische Analyse auf der Basis eines Querschnittsdatensatzes. Zwei empirische Regularitäten können nachgewiesen werden. Zum einen liegt die FuE-Intensität einer Industrie erheblich unter dem üblichen Durchschnitt, wenn die Konzentration der Industrie niedrig ist, aber eine Abhängigkeit von einer konzentrierten Zuliefererindustrie besteht. Zum zweiten scheinen vertikale Technologieflüsse als Substitute für die eigene FuE einer Industrie zu fungieren, sobald die Konzentration der Empfängerindustrie relativ niedrig ist. Beide Resultate sind prinzipiell konsistent mit weiterer Evidenz aus Fallstudien und mit den theoretisch hergeleiteten Hypothesen.vertical structure; research and development; appropriability

    Business in the World of Water

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    The book aims to: 1) clarify and enhance understanding by business of the key issues and drivers of change related to water; 2) promote mutual understanding between the business community and non-business stakeholders on water management issues; and 3) support effective business action as part of the solution to sustainable water management. The report poses three scenarios about the possible future of water in 2025 which serve as catalysts for exploration into how businesses can contribute to sustainable water management

    Policy Reform in Sub Saharan Africa

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    Agricultural adjustment policies in sub Saharan Africa have not delivered substantial increases in agricultural growth. We examine alternative explanations for this and argue that transitions and thresholds in agricultural growth processes are not sufficiently recognised and understood in dominant policy discourses. This is a particular problem with market failures for goods and services with private good characteristics and we need a greater emphasis on and understanding of the causes and nature of coordination failures which lead to these market failures. This paper examines core features of poor rural areas, the nature of coordination problems faced by different potential economic actors, the impacts of these problems on markets and economic development, and the ways that these have been addressed or ignored in different policies and policy approaches in Asia and Africa in the last 40 years. We conclude by drawing out the implications for policies seeking to promote pro-poor economic growth in poor rural areas today.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Vertical foreclosure: a policy framework

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    Whenever you phone your mother, switch on the light, or buy health insurance you purchase a service or product from a chain of vertically related industries. Providers of these products or services need access to a telecommunications network, an electricity network or to health care services. In such industries, integration and exclusive contracts between vertically related firms may have important welfare enhancing effects, but can also deny or limit rivals' access to input or customers, leading to foreclosure. Foreclosure can harm welfare if it reduces competition. This document provides policymakers with a framework to assess the potential for welfare reducing foreclosure of vertical integration and vertical restraints and describes possible remedies. The framework consists of four steps. Each step requires its own detailed analysis. First, market power should exist either upstream or downstream. Second, a theory of foreclosure should be formulated that explains why foreclosure is a profitable equilibrium strategy. Third, the existence and magnitude of potential welfare enhancing effects of the vertical restrains or vertical integration should be assessed. Fourth, suitable policies to address foreclosure should be found.

    Market and Coordination Failures in Poor Rural Economies: Policy Implications for Agricultural and Rural Development

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    This paper argues that the disappointing outcomes of adjustment policies in poor rural economies, principally in sub-Saharan Africa, can be partly attributed to weaknesses in the neo-classical theory which underlies these polices and from associated failures to recognise structural changes (or transitions) in growing agricultural economies. After a brief description of agricultural policy changes in sub Saharan Africa, the mixed achievements of market liberalisation policies are explained using new institutional economic arguments regarding inherent difficulties in economic coordination in poor economies, difficulties which markets themselves cannot overcome. A novel framework is put forward for understanding coordination failure and integrating it with other causes of under-development notably low levels of technical and institutional development and poor governance. The paper concludes by considering the implications of these arguments for development policies in different sub-Saharan economies.development, coordination, markets, institutions, Marketing, O12, O17, Q12,

    Building Long-Term Buyer-Seller Relationships in Food Chains

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    Building on the extent literature of buyer-seller relationships, we develop a model that describes the relationship building process. Starting from the suppliers offer quality, we demonstrate how relational satisfaction leads to trust and the customers desire to maintain the relationship. These variables are examined in relation to the situational factors (dependence and the exchange partners willingness to make idiosyncratic investments).Industrial Organization,