108 research outputs found

    Strategic Operations Research and the Edelman Prize Finalist Applications 1989-1998

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    In an earlier study we examined the available evidence on the Edelman Prize finalist applications 1989-1998. This study concluded that 13 of the 42 private sector applications provide examples of strategic operations research (SOR) when SOR is defined as operations research that creates a sustainable competitive advantage. In a follow-up study we tested our classifications, gathering longitudinal information on the continued success of the Edelman applications. We contacted people who were familiar with all the private sector applications that were Edelman finalists 1989-1996 and had at least five years of history since the competition. We describe the post-Edelman history of these applications and use this data to reassess their strategic role. We found that the longitudinal data provides evidence to support our original classification, but also suggests that several additional applications were more strategic than was originally apparent. We conclude that almost 60% (20 of 34) of these applications created a sustainable competitive advantage for their firms and provide examples of SOR

    A review of the Tom Rozwadowski medal

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    The Tom Rozwadowski (TR) medal is the most prestigious award of the Operations Research Society of South Africa (ORSSA). The award, first presented in 1971, was established in honour of one of ORSSA's founding members. Initially the medal was to be presented to a member of the society for a paper of most outstanding merit, but the rules were subsequently adapted and currently the medal is awarded to the best paper published during the previous calendar year. This review endeavours to present an analysis of all the award winning papers since its inception. The aim is three-fold, namely: to present a historical review, to detect any trends within Operations Research (OR) in South Africa and to present a view of OR in the country. The analysis indicates that these award-winning papers are very diverse in nature, which certainly epitomises OR in South Africa, but the sample is small and thus not representative enough to be used to draw strict conclusions about the evolution of OR in South Africa. The papers, in general, exhibit originality, quality and clarity of exposition while there is clear interaction between theory and practice

    Reassessing the scope of OR practice:the influences of problem structuring methods and the analytics movement

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    This paper argues that if OR is to prosper it needs to more closely reflect the needs of organizations and its practitioners. Past research has highlighted a gap between theoretical research developments, applications and the methods most frequently used in organizations. The scope of OR applications has also been contested with arguments as to the expanding boundaries of OR. But despite this, anecdotal evidence suggests that OR has become marginalized in many contexts. In order to understand these changes, IFORS (International Federation of OR Societies) in 2009 conducted a survey of global OR practice. The aim was to provide current evidence on the usage of OR tools, areas of application, and the barriers to OR’s uptake, as well as the educational background of OR practitioners. Results presented here show practitioners falling into three segments, which can be loosely characterized as those practicing ‘traditional’ OR, those adopting a range of softer techniques including Problem Structuring Methods (PSMs), and a Business Analytics cluster. When combined with other recent survey evidence, the use of PSMs and Business Analytics is apparently extending the scope of OR practice. In particular, the paper considers whether the Business Analytics movement, with an overlapping skill set to traditional OR but with a fast growing organizational base, offers a route to diminishing the gap between academic research and practice. The paper concludes with an exploration of whether this represents not just an opportunity for OR but also a serious challenge to its established practices

    Lawyers of the Future (1997-1998)

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    Efectos de aplicar la gestión de ingresos en la industria aeronáutica

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    Airlines around the world have been affected by the challenges of profitability, market share and demand behavior, which has contributed to the development of revenue management or Revenue Management. The management model seeks to maximize the level of income in companies with demand management. The application of this model in companies of various sectors has generated an increase in their annual income in order of 4 to 5% favoring business opportunities through the development of new markets based on business profitability. The aviation industry was one of the pioneers in applying this management model worldwide. On this occasion, the case applies the model in a dynamic market with new restrictions: regional market, short flights, deregulated fares and impact of low-cost airlines.Las aerolíneas alrededor del mundo se han visto afectadas por los desafíos de rentabilidad, participación de mercado y el comportamiento de la demanda, lo cual ha contribuido al desarrollo de la gestión de ingresos o Revenue Management. El modelo de gestión busca maximizar el nivel de ingreso en las empresas con la gestión de la demanda. La aplicación de este modelo en empresas de diversos rubros ha generado un incremento en sus ingresos anuales en orden del 4 a 5% favoreciendo oportunidades de negocio a través del desarrollo de nuevos mercados basados en la rentabilidad empresarial. La industria aeronáutica fue una de las pioneras en aplicar este modelo de gestión a nivel mundial. En esta oportunidad, el caso aplica el modelo en un mercado dinámico y con nuevas restricciones: mercado regional, vuelos cortos, tarifas desreguladas e impacto de las aerolíneas de bajo costo

    Corporate influence and the academic computer science discipline. [4: CMU]

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    Prosopographical work on the four major centers for computer research in the United States has now been conducted, resulting in big questions about the independence of, so called, computer science

    Furman Magazine. Volume 47, Issue 2 - Full Issue

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    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2010

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    This report summarizes the research activities of the Air Force Institute of Technology’s Graduate School of Engineering and Management. It describes research interests and faculty expertise; lists student theses/dissertations; identifies research sponsors and contributions; and outlines the procedures for contacting the school. Included in the report are: faculty publications, conference presentations, consultations, and funded research projects. Research was conducted in the areas of Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Electro-Optics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science, Systems and Engineering Management, Operational Sciences, Mathematics, Statistics and Engineering Physic

    Reports to the President

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    A compilation of annual reports for the 1999-2000 academic year, including a report from the President of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as well as reports from the academic and administrative units of the Institute. The reports outline the year's goals, accomplishments, honors and awards, and future plans