2,723 research outputs found

    Straightforward intermediate rank tensor product smoothing in mixed models

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    Just Another Gibbs Additive Modeller: Interfacing JAGS and mgcv

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    The BUGS language offers a very flexible way of specifying complex statistical models for the purposes of Gibbs sampling, while its JAGS variant offers very convenient R integration via the rjags package. However, including smoothers in JAGS models can involve some quite tedious coding, especially for multivariate or adaptive smoothers. Further, if an additive smooth structure is required then some care is needed, in order to centre smooths appropriately, and to find appropriate starting values. R package mgcv implements a wide range of smoothers, all in a manner appropriate for inclusion in JAGS code, and automates centring and other smooth setup tasks. The purpose of this note is to describe an interface between mgcv and JAGS, based around an R function, `jagam', which takes a generalized additive model (GAM) as specified in mgcv and automatically generates the JAGS model code and data required for inference about the model via Gibbs sampling. Although the auto-generated JAGS code can be run as is, the expectation is that the user would wish to modify it in order to add complex stochastic model components readily specified in JAGS. A simple interface is also provided for visualisation and further inference about the estimated smooth components using standard mgcv functionality. The methods described here will be un-necessarily inefficient if all that is required is fully Bayesian inference about a standard GAM, rather than the full flexibility of JAGS. In that case the BayesX package would be more efficient.Comment: Submitted to the Journal of Statistical Softwar

    Language Modeling with Power Low Rank Ensembles

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    We present power low rank ensembles (PLRE), a flexible framework for n-gram language modeling where ensembles of low rank matrices and tensors are used to obtain smoothed probability estimates of words in context. Our method can be understood as a generalization of n-gram modeling to non-integer n, and includes standard techniques such as absolute discounting and Kneser-Ney smoothing as special cases. PLRE training is efficient and our approach outperforms state-of-the-art modified Kneser Ney baselines in terms of perplexity on large corpora as well as on BLEU score in a downstream machine translation task

    Fast stable direct fitting and smoothness selection for Generalized Additive Models

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    Existing computationally efficient methods for penalized likelihood GAM fitting employ iterative smoothness selection on working linear models (or working mixed models). Such schemes fail to converge for a non-negligible proportion of models, with failure being particularly frequent in the presence of concurvity. If smoothness selection is performed by optimizing `whole model' criteria these problems disappear, but until now attempts to do this have employed finite difference based optimization schemes which are computationally inefficient, and can suffer from false convergence. This paper develops the first computationally efficient method for direct GAM smoothness selection. It is highly stable, but by careful structuring achieves a computational efficiency that leads, in simulations, to lower mean computation times than the schemes based on working-model smoothness selection. The method also offers a reliable way of fitting generalized additive mixed models

    Fast algorithm for smoothing parameter selection in multidimensional generalized P-splines

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    A new computational algorithm for estimating the smoothing parameters of a multidimensional penalized spline generalized model with anisotropic penalty is presented. This new proposal is based on the mixed model representation of a multidimensional P-spline, in which the smoothing parameter for each covariate is expressed in terms of variance components. On the basis of penalized quasi-likelihood methods (PQL), closed-form expressions for the estimates of the variance components are obtained. This formulation leads to an efficient implementation that can considerably reduce the computational load. The proposed algorithm can be seen as a generalization of the algorithm by Schall (1991) - for variance components estimation - to deal with non-standard structures of the covariance matrix of the random effects. The practical performance of the proposed computational algorithm is evaluated by means of simulations, and comparisons with alternative methods are made on the basis of the mean square error criterion and the computing time. Finally, we illustrate our proposal with the analysis of two real datasets: a two dimensional example of historical records of monthly precipitation data in USA and a three dimensional one of mortality data from respiratory disease according to the age at death, the year of death and the month of deathThe authors would like to express their gratitude for the support received in the form of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness grants MTM2011-28285-C02-01 and MTM2011-28285-C02-02. Work of Mar a Xose Rodríguez - Alvarez was supported by grant CA09/0053 from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. The research of Dae-Jin Lee was funded by an NIH grant for the Superfund Metal Mixtures, Biomarkers and Neurodevelopment project 1PA2ES016454-01A

    Fast smoothing parameter separation in multidimensional generalized P-splines: the SAP algorithm

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    A new computational algorithm for estimating the smoothing parameters of a multidimensional penalized spline generalized linear model with anisotropic penalty is presented. This new proposal is based on the mixed model representation of a multidimensional P-spline, in which the smoothing parameter for each covariate is expressed in terms of variance components. On the basis of penalized quasi-likelihood methods, closed-form expressions for the estimates of the variance components are obtained. This formulation leads to an efficient implementation that considerably reduces the computational burden. The proposed algorithm can be seen as a generalization of the algorithm by Schall (1991)-for variance components estimation-to deal with non-standard structures of the covariance matrix of the random effects. The practical performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by means of simulations, and comparisons with alternative methods are made on the basis of the mean square error criterion and the computing time. Finally, we illustrate our proposal with the analysis of two real datasets: a two dimensional example of historical records of monthly precipitation data in USA and a three dimensional one of mortality data from respiratory disease according to the age at death, the year of death and the month of death.The authors would like to express their gratitude for the support received in the form of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness grants MTM2011-28285-C02-01 and MTM2011-28285-C02-02. The research of Dae-Jin Lee was funded by an NIH grant for the Superfund Metal Mixtures, Biomarkers and Neurodevelopment project 1PA2ES016454-01A2

    Fast stable restricted maximum likelihood and marginal likelihood estimation of semiparametric generalized linear models

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    Summary Recent work by Reiss and Ogden provides a theoretical basis for sometimes preferring restricted maximum likelihood (REML) to generalized cross-validation (GCV) for smoothing parameter selection in semiparametric regression. However, existing REML or marginal likelihood (ML) based methods for semiparametric generalized linear models (GLMs) use iterative REML or ML estimation of the smoothing parameters of working linear approximations to the GLM. Such indirect schemes need not converge and fail to do so in a non-negligible proportion of practical analyses. By contrast, very reliable prediction error criteria smoothing parameter selection methods are available, based on direct optimization of GCV, or related criteria, for the GLM itself. Since such methods directly optimize properly defined functions of the smoothing parameters, they have much more reliable convergence properties. The paper develops the first such method for REML or ML estimation of smoothing parameters. A Laplace approximation is used to obtain an approximate REML or ML for any GLM, which is suitable for efficient direct optimization. This REML or ML criterion requires that Newton–Raphson iteration, rather than Fisher scoring, be used for GLM fitting, and a computationally stable approach to this is proposed. The REML or ML criterion itself is optimized by a Newton method, with the derivatives required obtained by a mixture of implicit differentiation and direct methods. The method will cope with numerical rank deficiency in the fitted model and in fact provides a slight improvement in numerical robustness on the earlier method of Wood for prediction error criteria based smoothness selection. Simulation results suggest that the new REML and ML methods offer some improvement in mean-square error performance relative to GCV or Akaike’s information criterion in most cases, without the small number of severe undersmoothing failures to which Akaike’s information criterion and GCV are prone. This is achieved at the same computational cost as GCV or Akaike’s information criterion. The new approach also eliminates the convergence failures of previous REML- or ML-based approaches for penalized GLMs and usually has lower computational cost than these alternatives. Example applications are presented in adaptive smoothing, scalar on function regression and generalized additive model selection.</jats:p