12 research outputs found

    Filme de animação e realidade aumentada. Desenvolvimento de um recurso de aprendizagem para o 2.º ciclo do ensino básico

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    This article describes the process concerning the development and implementation of educational audio-visual technical resources. The resources were developed using stop-motion animation technique and deployed over a Technological Education (TE) textbook byAugmented Reality (AR) technology. These resources, drawn up in accordance with the principles set out in the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (TCAM) were made available for a student sample of the 2nd Cycle of basic education in a northern Portuguese public school.The prototypes were subject of a study in threeparts. The first, according to the Development Research methodology, consisted in the usability evaluation of the prototypes. The second, using the Instructional Material Motivation Survey (IMMS) (Keller 2009) based on ARCS motivation model (Keller 1987) intendto study the impact on the motivation of users.The third, using an experimental design (Kumar 2011), involving control and experimental groups, aims to know the impact on student learning achievements. This article presents the first part of the study. Early results suggest that the audio-visual prototypes implemented in the textbook, are easy to use and to learn complying with general usability parameters, and that the AR technology is mature enough to be used in educational contexts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Visualisation physique et tangible de l'information

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    Les visualisations, dans le sens général de représentations externes et physiques de données, sont plus anciennes que l'invention de l'écriture. De manière générale, les représentations externes encouragent la cognition et la pensée visuelle, et nous avons développé des savoir-faire pour les créer et les exploiter. La révolution informatique a augmenté la quantité de données qu'il est possible de collecter et de traiter, et a diversifié les façons de les représenter visuellement. Les systèmes de visualisation assistés par ordinateur, et étudiés dans le domaine de la visualisation d'information, sont aujourd'hui si puissants et complexes que nous avons besoin de techniques d'interaction très sophistiqués. Grâce au développement des possibilités technologiques au-delà des ordinateurs de bureau, un large éventail d'utilisations émerge. Non seulement des surfaces d'affichage de formes et de tailles variées permettent de montrer des visualisations plus riches, mais aussi des dispositifs d'entrée de nouvelle génération peuvent être utilisés qui exploitent les aptitudes humaines à manipuler les objets physiques. Cependant, ces technologies sont peu étudiées dans le contexte de la visualisation d'information. Tout d'abord, un premier problème découle d'une terminologie insuffisante. Dans cette thèse, je définis et étudie entre autres le concept de corporalisation (embodiment) pour la visualisation d'information. Concernant les visualisations, la corporalisation réfère à la congruence entre les éléments visuels d'une visualisation et leurs formes physiques. Ce concept intègre des concepts déjà connus tels que la tangibilité. Par exemple, l'interaction tangible s'attache à la représentation d'objets virtuels par des objets physiques. Mais en réalité, leur forme physique n'est pas nécessairement congruente avec l'objet virtuel. Un second problème découle du peu d'exemples convaincants d'interfaces tangibles appliquées à la visualisation d'information. Dans le domaine de la visualisation d'information, les écrans standard et les dispositifs d'entrée génériques tels que la souris, sont toujours les plus courants et considérés comme les plus efficaces. Cependant, aussi bien la partie affichage que la partie contrôle fournit des possibilités de corporalisation : les dispositifs d'entrée peuvent être spécialisés et adaptés de façon à ce que leur forme physique ressemble à leur fonction; les écrans peuvent être rendus déformables ou, dans l'avenir, être composés d'une matière programmable capable de prendre n'importe quelle forme imaginable. Mais la recherche sur les écrans et matières déformables est pour l'instant principalement dirigée par l'innovation technologique sans tenir compte des applications possibles à la visualisation d'information. Dans cette thèse, j'propose la corporalisation comme principe de conception pour la visualisation d'information. Je démontre l'efficacité et l'utilisabilité des dispositifs d'entrée corporalisés ainsi que des affichages corporalisés, en présentant trois expériences contrôlées. Par la suite, je présente un modèle d'interaction conceptuel et un système de notation visuelle pour décrire, comparer et critiquer différents types de systèmes de visualisation, et j'illustre l'utilisation de ce modèle à partir d'études de cas. Enfin, je présente un outil de conception pour aider à la création de visualisations physiques. Cet outil s'adresse à des utilisateurs novices en visualisation d'information et en fabrication numérique, et peut contribuer à sensibiliser ces utilisateurs à l'intérêt d'explorer des données qui les concernent dans leur vie quotidienne. En résumé, cette thèse contribue à la compréhension de la valeur ajoutée des interfaces physiques pour la visualisation d'information.Visualizations in the most general sense of external, physical representations of information are older than the invention of writing. Generally, external representations promote external cognition and visual thinking, and humans developed a rich set of skills for crafting and exploring them. Computers immensely increased the amount of data we can collect and process as well as diversified the ways we can represent it visually. Computer-supported visualization systems, studied in the field of information visualization (infovis), have become powerful and complex, and sophisticated interaction techniques are now necessary to control them. With the widening of technological possibilities beyond classic desktop settings, new opportunities have emerged. Not only display surfaces of arbitrary shapes and sizes can be used to show richer visualizations, but also new input technologies can be used to manipulate them. For example, tangible user interfaces are an emerging input technology that capitalizes on humans' abilities to manipulate physical objects. However, these technologies have been barely studied in the field of information visualization. A first problem is a poorly defined terminology. In this dissertation, I define and explore the conceptual space of embodiment for information visualization. For visualizations, embodiment refers to the level of congruence between the visual elements of the visualization and their physical shape. This concept subsumes previously introduced concepts such as tangibility and physicality. For example, tangible computing aims to represent virtual objects through a physical form but the form is not necessarily congruent with the virtual object. A second problem is the scarcity of convincing applications of tangible user interfaces for infovis purposes. In information visualization, standard computer displays and input devices are still widespread and considered as most effective. Both of these provide however opportunities for embodiment: input devices can be specialized and adapted so that their physical shape reflects their functionality within the system; computer displays can be substituted by transformable shape changing displays or, eventually, by programmable matter which can take any physical shape imaginable. Research on such shape-changing interfaces has so far been technology-driven while the utility of such interfaces for information visualization remained unexploited. In this thesis, I suggest embodiment as a design principle for infovis purposes, I demonstrate and validate the efficiency and usability of both embodied visualization controls and embodied visualization displays through three controlled user experiments. I then present a conceptual interaction model and visual notation system that facilitates the description, comparison and criticism of various types of visualization systems and illustrate it through case studies of currently existing point solutions. Finally, to aid the creation of physical visualizations, I present a software tool that supports users in building their own visualizations. The tool is suitable for users new to both visualization and digital fabrication, and can help to increase users' awareness of and interest in data in their everyday live. In summary, this thesis contributes to the understanding of the value of emerging physical representations for information visualization.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Depth of Field: Discursive design research through film

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    Touching the past: developing and evaluating tangible AR interfaces for manipulating virtual representations of historical artefacts

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    Tangible User Interfaces (TUIs) and Augmented Reality (AR) are two advanced technologies that are becoming highly integrated into the cultural heritage domain, TUIs give physical form to manipulate digital information, while AR allows superimposing virtual objects in the physical environment. The common sign “do not touch” is visible on every museum visit toalert visitors not to touch the collections on display. This practice-led thesis aimed at developing and evaluating ARcheoBox, a walk-up-and-use tangible augmented reality prototype that would ‘bring historical artefacts to life’ using a collection of Bronze Age artefacts from the Northumberland National Park in the North East of England. While tangible interactions became widely and successfully implemented in museums, exhibits are still site-specific and theme-specific, on the other hand, ARcheoBox employs generic physical objects as tangible AR interfaces that offer physical access to otherwise inaccessible artefacts removing any physical barriers encountered using more common touch screen interface. The thesis follows a Research through Design (RtD) methodology; supported by the researcher's reflective practitioner lens and co-designing which involved multiple stakeholders in the design process. The practical contribution of this thesis ‘ARcheoBox’demonstrates the implementation of tangible AR interfaces for manipulating virtual representations and interacting with interpretation of historical artefacts in augmented reality. ARcheoBox was installed as a stand-alone exhibit at The Sill: National Landscape Discovery Centre. The theoretical contribution of this thesis proposes a conceptual framework that contributes original knowledge to the literature on developing and evaluating tangible AR interfaces for manipulating virtual representations of historical artefacts. The conceptual framework presents four core themes: Interactivity, Learning, Engagement, Usability. The core themes encompass four main concepts: Tangible Interfaces, Gesture Interactions, Mapping, andSystem Usability. The four main concepts are aligned to 10 key aspects where each aspect is defined and contributes with design characteristics for ARcheoBox. These key aspects inform the future design space of tangible AR interfaces, and aid to guide the design process of developing and evaluating tangible AR interfaces for manipulating virtual representations of historical artefacts

    Making Models : vom Selbermachen stofflich-digitaler Artefakte als Modellbildung

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    In recent years a maker movement that is characterized by linking DIY to digital media has appeared. In this context amateurs create and construct digital physical artefacts themselves, and share documentation of their projects online to learn from each other. Distributing on-going projects to other makers presupposes that essential characteristics of the artefact under construction are documented. This raises the question of how young amateurs can be supported to document their physical digital artefacts. This thesis develops an approach based on model theory to define the making of digital physical artefacts as modelling processes. Starting from a general model definition, corresponding modelling concepts from computer science are taken up, expanded by alternative un-formal approaches from HCI and applied to making. Requirements for modelling software tools are derived and implemented. A content analysis of makers models and the evaluation of the new tools points towards the appropriateness of graphical models and unveils benefits of visual programming code for documentation. They are meaningful and practical model formats to outline un-formal and abstract characteristics comprehensibly. It is proposed to extend visual programming environments into simple documentation tools to relate to young makers construction activities

    Sketching with animation:using animation to portray fictional realities – aimed at becoming Factual

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