2,717 research outputs found

    Significance of log-periodic precursors to financial crashes

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    We clarify the status of log-periodicity associated with speculative bubbles preceding financial crashes. In particular, we address Feigenbaum's [2001] criticism and show how it can be rebuked. Feigenbaum's main result is as follows: ``the hypothesis that the log-periodic component is present in the data cannot be rejected at the 95% confidence level when using all the data prior to the 1987 crash; however, it can be rejected by removing the last year of data.'' (e.g., by removing 15% of the data closest to the critical point). We stress that it is naive to analyze a critical point phenomenon, i.e., a power law divergence, reliably by removing the most important part of the data closest to the critical point. We also present the history of log-periodicity in the present context explaining its essential features and why it may be important. We offer an extension of the rational expectation bubble model for general and arbitrary risk-aversion within the general stochastic discount factor theory. We suggest guidelines for using log-periodicity and explain how to develop and interpret statistical tests of log-periodicity. We discuss the issue of prediction based on our results and the evidence of outliers in the distribution of drawdowns. New statistical tests demonstrate that the 1% to 10% quantile of the largest events of the population of drawdowns of the Nasdaq composite index and of the Dow Jones Industrial Average index belong to a distribution significantly different from the rest of the population. This suggests that very large drawdowns result from an amplification mechanism that may make them more predictable than smaller market moves.Comment: Latex document of 38 pages including 16 eps figures and 3 tables, in press in Quantitative Financ

    Decision Support Systems for Financial Market Surveillance

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    EntscheidungsunterstĂŒtzungssysteme in der Finanzwirtschaft sind nicht nur fĂŒr die Wis-senschaft, sondern auch fĂŒr die Praxis von großem Interesse. Um die FinanzmarktĂŒber-wachung zu gewĂ€hrleisten, sehen sich die Finanzaufsichtsbehörden auf der einen Seite, mit der steigenden Anzahl von onlineverfĂŒgbaren Informationen, wie z.B. den Finanz-Blogs und -Nachrichten konfrontiert. Auf der anderen Seite stellen schnell aufkommen-de Trends, wie z.B. die stetig wachsende Menge an online verfĂŒgbaren Daten sowie die Entwicklung von Data-Mining-Methoden, Herausforderungen fĂŒr die Wissenschaft dar. EntscheidungsunterstĂŒtzungssysteme in der Finanzwirtschaft bieten die Möglichkeit rechtzeitig relevante Informationen fĂŒr Finanzaufsichtsbehörden und Compliance-Beauftragte von Finanzinstituten zur VerfĂŒgung zu stellen. In dieser Arbeit werden IT-Artefakte vorgestellt, welche die Entscheidungsfindung der FinanzmarktĂŒberwachung unterstĂŒtzen. DarĂŒber hinaus wird eine erklĂ€rende Designtheorie vorgestellt, welche die Anforderungen der Regulierungsbehörden und der Compliance-Beauftragten in Finan-zinstituten aufgreift

    The effect of the ban on short selling on market efficiency and volatility

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    GFC-Robust Risk Management Under the Basel Accord Using Extreme Value Methodologies

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    In McAleer et al. (2010b), a robust risk management strategy to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was proposed under the Basel II Accord by selecting a Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecast that combines the forecasts of different VaR models. The robust forecast was based on the median of the point VaR forecasts of a set of conditional volatility models. In this paper we provide further evidence on the suitability of the median as a GFC-robust strategy by using an additional set of new extreme value forecasting models and by extending the sample period for comparison. These extreme value models include DPOT and Conditional EVT. Such models might be expected to be useful in explaining financial data, especially in the presence of extreme shocks that arise during a GFC. Our empirical results confirm that the median remains GFC-robust even in the presence of these new extreme value models. This is illustrated by using the S&P500 index before, during and after the 2008-09 GFC. We investigate the performance of a variety of single and combined VaR forecasts in terms of daily capital requirements and violation penalties under the Basel II Accord, as well as other criteria, including several tests for independence of the violations. The strategy based on the median, or more generally, on combined forecasts of single models, is straightforward to incorporate into existing computer software packages that are used by banks and other financial institutions.Value-at-Risk (VaR); DPOT; daily capital charges; robust forecasts; violation penalties; optimizing strategy; aggressive risk management; conservative risk management; Basel; global financial crisis

    Nonlinear causality testing with stepwise multivariate filtering

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    This study explores the direction and nature of causal linkages among six currencies denoted relative to United States dollar (USD), namely Euro (EUR), Great Britain Pound (GBP), Japanese Yen (JPY), Swiss Frank (CHF), Australian Dollar (AUD) and Canadian Dollar (CAD). These are the most liquid and widely traded currency pairs in the world and make up about 90% of total Forex trading worldwide. The data covers the period 3/20/1987-11/14/2007, including the Asian crisis, the dot-com bubble and the period just before the outbreak of the US subprime crisis. The objective of the paper is to test for the existence of both linear and nonlinear causal relationships among these currency markets. The modified Baek-Brock test for nonlinear non-causality is applied on the currency return time series as well as the linear Granger test. Further to the classical pairwise analysis causality testing is conducted in a multivariate formulation, to correct for the effects of the other variables. A new stepwise multivariate filtering approach is implemented. To check if any of the observed causality is strictly nonlinear, the nonlinear causal relationships of VAR/VECM filtered residuals are also examined. Finally, the hypothesis of nonlinear non-causality is investigated after controlling for conditional heteroskedasticity in the data using GARCH-BEKK, CCC-GARCH and DCC-GARCH models. Significant nonlinear causal linkages persisted even after multivariate GARCH filtering. This indicates that if nonlinear effects are accounted for, neither FX market leads or lags the other consistently and currency returns may exhibit statistically significant higher-order moments and asymmetries.nonparametric Granger causality; filtering; multivariate GARCH models; spillovers

    GFC-Robust Risk Management Under the Basel Accord Using Extreme Value Methodologies

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    In McAleer et al. (2010b), a robust risk management strategy to the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was proposed under the Basel II Accord by selecting a Value-at-Risk (VaR) forecast that combines the forecasts of different VaR models. The robust forecast was based on the median of the point VaR forecasts of a set of conditional volatility models. In this paper we provide further evidence on the suitability of the median as a GFC-robust strategy by using an additional set of new extreme value forecasting models and by extending the sample period for comparison. These extreme value models include DPOT and Conditional EVT. Such models might be expected to be useful in explaining financial data, especially in the presence of extreme shocks that arise during a GFC. Our empirical results confirm that the median remains GFC-robust even in the presence of these new extreme value models. This is illustrated by using the S&P500 index before, during and after the 2008-09 GFC. We investigate the performance of a variety of single and combined VaR forecasts in terms of daily capital requirements and violation penalties under the Basel II Accord, as well as other criteria, including several tests for independence of the violations. The strategy based on the median, or more generally, on combined forecasts of single models, is straightforward to incorporate into existing computer software packages that are used by banks and other financial institutions.Value-at-Risk (VaR), DPOT, daily capital charges, robust forecasts, violation penalties, optimizing strategy, aggressive risk management, conservative risk management, Basel, global financial crisis.

    The Case for an Intermediate Exchange Rate Regime with Endogenizing Market Structures and Capital Mobility

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    Set in the context of the recent theoretical and policy debates on appropriate exchange rate regimes for emerging market economies in a world of free capital mobility, the paper attempts to present the case for an intermediate exchange rate regime, drawing on recent theoretical and empirical literatures on behavioural finance and currency market structures; and to examine empirically the experiences and evolution of Brazil.s foreign exchange market under different exchange rate regimes.exchange rate management, emerging markets, Brazil

    A Survey of Systemic Risk Analytics

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    We provide a survey of 31 quantitative measures of systemic risk in the economics and finance literature, chosen to span key themes and issues in systemic risk measurement and management. We motivate these measures from the supervisory, research, and data perspectives in the main text and present concise definitions of each risk measure—including required inputs, expected outputs, and data requirements—in an extensive Supplemental Appendix. To encourage experimentation and innovation among as broad an audience as possible, we have developed an open-source Matlab¼ library for most of the analytics surveyed, which, once tested, will be accessible through the Office of Financial Research (OFR) at http://www.treasury.gov/initiatives/wsr/ofr/Pages/default.aspx.United States. Dept. of the Treasury. Office of Financial ResearchMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Laboratory for Financial EngineeringNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant ECCS-1027905
