22,316 research outputs found

    The effects of noise on binocular rivalry waves: a stochastic neural field model

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    We analyse the effects of extrinsic noise on traveling waves of visual perception in a competitive neural field model of binocular rivalry. The model consists of two one-dimensional excitatory neural fields, whose activity variables represent the responses to left-eye and right-eye stimuli, respectively. The two networks mutually inhibit each other, and slow adaptation is incorporated into the model by taking the network connections to exhibit synaptic depression. We first show how, in the absence of any noise, the system supports a propagating composite wave consisting of an invading activity front in one network co-moving with a retreating front in the other network. Using a separation of time scales and perturbation methods previously developed for stochastic reaction-diffusion equations, we then show how multiplicative noise in the activity variables leads to a diffusive–like displacement (wandering) of the composite wave from its uniformly translating position at long time scales, and fluctuations in the wave profile around its instantaneous position at short time scales. The multiplicative noise also renormalizes the mean speed of the wave. We use our analysis to calculate the first passage time distribution for a stochastic rivalry wave to travel a fixed distance, which we find to be given by an inverse Gaussian. Finally, we investigate the effects of noise in the depression variables, which under an adiabatic approximation leads to quenched disorder in the neural fields during propagation of a wave

    Multiscale modelling of vascular tumour growth in 3D: the roles of domain size & boundary condition

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    We investigate a three-dimensional multiscale model of vascular tumour growth, which couples blood flow, angiogenesis, vascular remodelling, nutrient/growth factor transport, movement of, and interactions between, normal and tumour cells, and nutrient-dependent cell cycle dynamics within each cell. In particular, we determine how the domain size, aspect ratio and initial vascular network influence the tumour's growth dynamics and its long-time composition. We establish whether it is possible to extrapolate simulation results obtained for small domains to larger ones, by constructing a large simulation domain from a number of identical subdomains, each subsystem initially comprising two parallel parent vessels, with associated cells and diffusible substances. We find that the subsystem is not representative of the full domain and conclude that, for this initial vessel geometry, interactions between adjacent subsystems contribute to the overall growth dynamics. We then show that extrapolation of results from a small subdomain to a larger domain can only be made if the subdomain is sufficiently large and is initialised with a sufficiently complex vascular network. Motivated by these results, we perform simulations to investigate the tumour's response to therapy and show that the probability of tumour elimination in a larger domain can be extrapolated from simulation results on a smaller domain. Finally, we demonstrate how our model may be combined with experimental data, to predict the spatio-temporal evolution of a vascular tumour

    Intracellular transport driven by cytoskeletal motors: General mechanisms and defects

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    Cells are strongly out-of-equilibrium systems driven by continuous energy supply. They carry out many vital functions requiring active transport of various ingredients and organelles, some being small, others being large. The cytoskeleton, composed of three types of filaments, determines the shape of the cell and plays a role in cell motion. It also serves as a road network for the so-called cytoskeletal motors. These molecules can attach to a cytoskeletal filament, perform directed motion, possibly carrying along some cargo, and then detach. It is a central issue to understand how intracellular transport driven by molecular motors is regulated, in particular because its breakdown is one of the signatures of some neuronal diseases like the Alzheimer. We give a survey of the current knowledge on microtubule based intracellular transport. We first review some biological facts obtained from experiments, and present some modeling attempts based on cellular automata. We start with background knowledge on the original and variants of the TASEP (Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process), before turning to more application oriented models. After addressing microtubule based transport in general, with a focus on in vitro experiments, and on cooperative effects in the transportation of large cargos by multiple motors, we concentrate on axonal transport, because of its relevance for neuronal diseases. It is a challenge to understand how this transport is organized, given that it takes place in a confined environment and that several types of motors moving in opposite directions are involved. We review several features that could contribute to the efficiency of this transport, including the role of motor-motor interactions and of the dynamics of the underlying microtubule network. Finally, we discuss some still open questions.Comment: 74 pages, 43 figure

    Collective Effects in Models for Interacting Molecular Motors and Motor-Microtubule Mixtures

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    Three problems in the statistical mechanics of models for an assembly of molecular motors interacting with cytoskeletal filaments are reviewed. First, a description of the hydrodynamical behaviour of density-density correlations in fluctuating ratchet models for interacting molecular motors is outlined. Numerical evidence indicates that the scaling properties of dynamical behavior in such models belong to the KPZ universality class. Second, the generalization of such models to include boundary injection and removal of motors is provided. In common with known results for the asymmetric exclusion processes, simulations indicate that such models exhibit sharp boundary driven phase transitions in the thermodynamic limit. In the third part of this paper, recent progress towards a continuum description of pattern formation in mixtures of motors and microtubules is described, and a non-equilibrium ``phase-diagram'' for such systems discussed.Comment: Proc. Int. Workshop on "Common Trends in Traffic Systems", Kanpur, India, Feb 2006; to be published in Physica