370 research outputs found

    A new kernel-based approach for overparameterized Hammerstein system identification

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    In this paper we propose a new identification scheme for Hammerstein systems, which are dynamic systems consisting of a static nonlinearity and a linear time-invariant dynamic system in cascade. We assume that the nonlinear function can be described as a linear combination of pp basis functions. We reconstruct the pp coefficients of the nonlinearity together with the first nn samples of the impulse response of the linear system by estimating an npnp-dimensional overparameterized vector, which contains all the combinations of the unknown variables. To avoid high variance in these estimates, we adopt a regularized kernel-based approach and, in particular, we introduce a new kernel tailored for Hammerstein system identification. We show that the resulting scheme provides an estimate of the overparameterized vector that can be uniquely decomposed as the combination of an impulse response and pp coefficients of the static nonlinearity. We also show, through several numerical experiments, that the proposed method compares very favorably with two standard methods for Hammerstein system identification.Comment: 17 pages, submitted to IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 201

    Identification of Stochastic Wiener Systems using Indirect Inference

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    We study identification of stochastic Wiener dynamic systems using so-called indirect inference. The main idea is to first fit an auxiliary model to the observed data and then in a second step, often by simulation, fit a more structured model to the estimated auxiliary model. This two-step procedure can be used when the direct maximum-likelihood estimate is difficult or intractable to compute. One such example is the identification of stochastic Wiener systems, i.e.,~linear dynamic systems with process noise where the output is measured using a non-linear sensor with additive measurement noise. It is in principle possible to evaluate the log-likelihood cost function using numerical integration, but the corresponding optimization problem can be quite intricate. This motivates studying consistent, but sub-optimal, identification methods for stochastic Wiener systems. We will consider indirect inference using the best linear approximation as an auxiliary model. We show that the key to obtain a reliable estimate is to use uncertainty weighting when fitting the stochastic Wiener model to the auxiliary model estimate. The main technical contribution of this paper is the corresponding asymptotic variance analysis. A numerical evaluation is presented based on a first-order finite impulse response system with a cubic non-linearity, for which certain illustrative analytic properties are derived.Comment: The 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, SYSID 2015, Beijing, China, October 19-21, 201

    Nonparametric Hammerstein model based model predictive control for heart rate regulation.

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    This paper proposed a novel nonparametric model based model predictive control approach for the regulation of heart rate during treadmill exercise. As the model structure of human cardiovascular system is often hard to determine, nonparametric modelling is a more realistic manner to describe complex behaviours of cardiovascular system. This paper presents a new nonparametric Hammerstein model identification approach for heart rate response modelling. Based on the pseudo-random binary sequence experiment data, we decouple the identification of linear dynamic part and input nonlinearity of the Hammerstein system. Correlation analysis is applied to acquire step response of linear dynamic component. Support Vector Regression is adopted to obtain a nonparametric description of the inverse of input static nonlinearity that is utilized to form an approximate linear model of the Hammerstein system. Based on the established model, a model predictive controller under predefined speed and acceleration constraints is designed to achieve safer treadmill exercise. Simulation results show that the proposed control algorithm can achieve optimal heart rate tracking performance under predefined constraints

    Continuous-time block-oriented nonlinear modeling with complex input noise structure

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    The continuous-time closed-form algorithms to sinusoidal input changes are proposed and presented for single-input, single-output (SISO) Hammerstein and Wiener systems with the first-order, second-order, and second-order plus lead dynamics. By simulation on theoretical Hammerstein and Wiener systems, the predicted responses agree exactly with the true process values. They depend on only the most recent input change. The algorithms to SISO Hammerstein and Wiener systems can be conveniently extended to the multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) systems as shown by the two-input, two-output examples and demonstrated by the simulated seven-input, five-output continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). The predictions and the simulated theoretical responses agree exactly and the predicted multiple CSTR outputs are close to the true process outputs. The proposed algorithms can predict the responses closer to the true values when comparing with the piece-wise step input approximation of the sinusoidal input changes on a simulated MIMO CSTR. In addition, as the noisy process input could be decomposed as summation of sinusoidal signals imposed on a step input change; the proposed algorithms can be employed to predict outputs for the noisy process inputs once the decomposition is done and the predicted noisy process outputs are shown to be close to the true ones, and are much better than the predictions based on the perfect filtering of the input signals.;The estimating equations based on the moment method are proposed for the Wiener dynamic process with stochastically correlated process input disturbances or noises and they work well for the parameter estimation. No one has ever proposed such method before. This approach has led to stable and robust estimators that have reasonable estimation errors and there is no need to measure the input disturbances or noises, or to calculate the time derivative of the observed output variable. Only the original process output observations over time are needed. The original model can be shifted to an approximate model under some conditions. This approximation is acceptable based on some analysis and derivation. The estimating equation methodology was shown to work well for the approximate model, while other existing methods do not work at all

    Identification of Nonlinear Systems Structured by Wiener-Hammerstein Model

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    Wiener-Hammerstein systems consist of a series connection including a nonlinear static element sandwiched with two linear subsystems. The problem of identifying Wiener-Hammerstein models is addressed in the presence of hard nonlinearity and two linear subsystems of structure entirely unknown (asymptotically stable). Furthermore, the static nonlinearity is not required to be invertible. Given the system nonparametric nature, the identification problem is presently dealt with by developing a two-stage frequency identification method, involving simple inputs

    Optimizing heart rate regulation for safe exercise

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    Safe exercise protocols are critical for effective rehabilitation programs. This paper aims to develop a novel control strategy for an automated treadmill system to reduce the danger of injury during cardiac rehabilitation. We have developed a control-oriented nonparametric Hammerstein model for the control of heart rate during exercises by using support vector regression and correlation analysis. Based on this nonparametric model, a model predictive controller has been built. In order to guarantee the safety of treadmill exercise during rehabilitation, this new automated treadmill system is capable of optimizing system performance over predefined ranges of speed and acceleration. The effectiveness of the proposed approach was demonstrated with six subjects by having their heart rate track successfully a predetermined heart rate. © 2009 Biomedical Engineering Society
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