4 research outputs found

    Calculation of Generalized Polynomial-Chaos Basis Functions and Gauss Quadrature Rules in Hierarchical Uncertainty Quantification

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    Stochastic spectral methods are efficient techniques for uncertainty quantification. Recently they have shown excellent performance in the statistical analysis of integrated circuits. In stochastic spectral methods, one needs to determine a set of orthonormal polynomials and a proper numerical quadrature rule. The former are used as the basis functions in a generalized polynomial chaos expansion. The latter is used to compute the integrals involved in stochastic spectral methods. Obtaining such information requires knowing the density function of the random input {\it a-priori}. However, individual system components are often described by surrogate models rather than density functions. In order to apply stochastic spectral methods in hierarchical uncertainty quantification, we first propose to construct physically consistent closed-form density functions by two monotone interpolation schemes. Then, by exploiting the special forms of the obtained density functions, we determine the generalized polynomial-chaos basis functions and the Gauss quadrature rules that are required by a stochastic spectral simulator. The effectiveness of our proposed algorithm is verified by both synthetic and practical circuit examples.Comment: Published by IEEE Trans CAD in May 201

    Statistical Classification Based Modelling and Estimation of Analog Circuits Failure Probability

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    At nanoscales, variations in transistor parameters cause variations and unpredictability in the circuit output, and may ultimately cause a violation of the desired specifications, leading to circuit failure. The parametric variations in transistors occur due to limitations in the manufacturing process and are commonly known as process variations. Circuit simulation is a Computer-Aided Design (CAD) technique for verifying the behavior of analog circuits but exhibits incompleteness under the effects of process variations. Hence, statistical circuit simulation is showing increasing importance for circuit design to address this incompleteness problem. However, existing statistical circuit simulation approaches either fail to analyze the rare failure events accurately and efficiently or are impractical to use. Moreover, none of the existing approaches is able to successfully analyze analog circuits in the presence of multiple performance specifications in timely and accurate manner. Therefore, we propose a new statistical circuit simulation based methodology for modelling and estimation of failure probability of analog circuits in the presence of multiple performance metrics. Our methodology is based on an iterative way of estimating failure probability, employing a statistical classifier to reduce the number of simulations while still maintaining high estimation accuracy. Furthermore, a more practical classifier model is proposed for analog circuit failure probability estimation. Our methodology estimates an accurate failure probability even when the failures resulting from each performance metric occur simultaneously. The proposed methodology can deliver many orders of speedup compared to traditional Monte Carlo methods. Moreover, experimental results show that the methodology generates accurate results for problems with multiple specifications, while other approaches fail totally