23,871 research outputs found

    Stochastic Weight Matrix-based Regularization Methods for Deep Neural Networks

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    The aim of this paper is to introduce two widely applicable regularization methods based on the direct modification of weight matrices. The first method, Weight Reinitialization, utilizes a simplified Bayesian assumption with partially resetting a sparse subset of the parameters. The second one, Weight Shuffling, introduces an entropy- and weight distribution-invariant non-white noise to the parameters. The latter can also be interpreted as an ensemble approach. The proposed methods are evaluated on benchmark datasets, such as MNIST, CIFAR-10 or the JSB Chorales database, and also on time series modeling masks. We report gains both regarding performance and entropy of the analyzed networks. We also made our code available as a GitHub repository

    Blockout: Dynamic Model Selection for Hierarchical Deep Networks

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    Most deep architectures for image classification--even those that are trained to classify a large number of diverse categories--learn shared image representations with a single model. Intuitively, however, categories that are more similar should share more information than those that are very different. While hierarchical deep networks address this problem by learning separate features for subsets of related categories, current implementations require simplified models using fixed architectures specified via heuristic clustering methods. Instead, we propose Blockout, a method for regularization and model selection that simultaneously learns both the model architecture and parameters. A generalization of Dropout, our approach gives a novel parametrization of hierarchical architectures that allows for structure learning via back-propagation. To demonstrate its utility, we evaluate Blockout on the CIFAR and ImageNet datasets, demonstrating improved classification accuracy, better regularization performance, faster training, and the clear emergence of hierarchical network structures

    Generalization Error in Deep Learning

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    Deep learning models have lately shown great performance in various fields such as computer vision, speech recognition, speech translation, and natural language processing. However, alongside their state-of-the-art performance, it is still generally unclear what is the source of their generalization ability. Thus, an important question is what makes deep neural networks able to generalize well from the training set to new data. In this article, we provide an overview of the existing theory and bounds for the characterization of the generalization error of deep neural networks, combining both classical and more recent theoretical and empirical results

    Stochastic Training of Neural Networks via Successive Convex Approximations

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    This paper proposes a new family of algorithms for training neural networks (NNs). These are based on recent developments in the field of non-convex optimization, going under the general name of successive convex approximation (SCA) techniques. The basic idea is to iteratively replace the original (non-convex, highly dimensional) learning problem with a sequence of (strongly convex) approximations, which are both accurate and simple to optimize. Differently from similar ideas (e.g., quasi-Newton algorithms), the approximations can be constructed using only first-order information of the neural network function, in a stochastic fashion, while exploiting the overall structure of the learning problem for a faster convergence. We discuss several use cases, based on different choices for the loss function (e.g., squared loss and cross-entropy loss), and for the regularization of the NN's weights. We experiment on several medium-sized benchmark problems, and on a large-scale dataset involving simulated physical data. The results show how the algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art techniques, providing faster convergence to a better minimum. Additionally, we show how the algorithm can be easily parallelized over multiple computational units without hindering its performance. In particular, each computational unit can optimize a tailored surrogate function defined on a randomly assigned subset of the input variables, whose dimension can be selected depending entirely on the available computational power.Comment: Preprint submitted to IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning System

    Variational Dropout and the Local Reparameterization Trick

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    We investigate a local reparameterizaton technique for greatly reducing the variance of stochastic gradients for variational Bayesian inference (SGVB) of a posterior over model parameters, while retaining parallelizability. This local reparameterization translates uncertainty about global parameters into local noise that is independent across datapoints in the minibatch. Such parameterizations can be trivially parallelized and have variance that is inversely proportional to the minibatch size, generally leading to much faster convergence. Additionally, we explore a connection with dropout: Gaussian dropout objectives correspond to SGVB with local reparameterization, a scale-invariant prior and proportionally fixed posterior variance. Our method allows inference of more flexibly parameterized posteriors; specifically, we propose variational dropout, a generalization of Gaussian dropout where the dropout rates are learned, often leading to better models. The method is demonstrated through several experiments
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