7 research outputs found

    Stochastic Subgradient Algorithms for Strongly Convex Optimization over Distributed Networks

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    We study diffusion and consensus based optimization of a sum of unknown convex objective functions over distributed networks. The only access to these functions is through stochastic gradient oracles, each of which is only available at a different node, and a limited number of gradient oracle calls is allowed at each node. In this framework, we introduce a convex optimization algorithm based on the stochastic gradient descent (SGD) updates. Particularly, we use a carefully designed time-dependent weighted averaging of the SGD iterates, which yields a convergence rate of O(NNT)O\left(\frac{N\sqrt{N}}{T}\right) after TT gradient updates for each node on a network of NN nodes. We then show that after TT gradient oracle calls, the average SGD iterate achieves a mean square deviation (MSD) of O(NT)O\left(\frac{\sqrt{N}}{T}\right). This rate of convergence is optimal as it matches the performance lower bound up to constant terms. Similar to the SGD algorithm, the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm also scales linearly with the dimensionality of the data. Furthermore, the communication load of the proposed method is the same as the communication load of the SGD algorithm. Thus, the proposed algorithm is highly efficient in terms of complexity and communication load. We illustrate the merits of the algorithm with respect to the state-of-art methods over benchmark real life data sets and widely studied network topologies

    Stochastic subgradient algorithms for strongly convex optimization over distributed networks

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    We study diffusion and consensus based optimization of a sum of unknown convex objective functions over distributed networks. The only access to these functions is through stochastic gradient oracles, each of which is only available at a different node; and a limited number of gradient oracle calls is allowed at each node. In this framework, we introduce a convex optimization algorithm based on stochastic subgradient descent (SSD) updates. We use a carefully designed time-dependent weighted averaging of the SSD iterates, which yields a convergence rate of O N ffiffiffi N p (1s)T after T gradient updates for each node on a network of N nodes, where 0 ≤ σ < 1 denotes the second largest singular value of the communication matrix. This rate of convergence matches the performance lower bound up to constant terms. Similar to the SSD algorithm, the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm also scales linearly with the dimensionality of the data. Furthermore, the communication load of the proposed method is the same as the communication load of the SSD algorithm. Thus, the proposed algorithm is highly efficient in terms of complexity and communication load. We illustrate the merits of the algorithm with respect to the state-of-art methods over benchmark real life data sets. © 2017 IEEE

    Distributed Stochastic Subgradient Optimization Algorithms Over Random and Noisy Networks

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    We study distributed stochastic optimization by networked nodes to cooperatively minimize a sum of convex cost functions. The network is modeled by a sequence of time-varying random digraphs with each node representing a local optimizer and each edge representing a communication link. We consider the distributed subgradient optimization algorithm with noisy measurements of local cost functions' subgradients, additive and multiplicative noises among information exchanging between each pair of nodes. By stochastic Lyapunov method, convex analysis, algebraic graph theory and martingale convergence theory, it is proved that if the local subgradient functions grow linearly and the sequence of digraphs is conditionally balanced and uniformly conditionally jointly connected, then proper algorithm step sizes can be designed so that all nodes' states converge to the global optimal solution almost surely