988 research outputs found


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    X-ray examination is suitable for screening of gastric cancer. This is because X-ray examination can be performed by radiologists, compared to endoscopy, which can only be performed by physicians, and therefore more patients have the opportunity to receive it. However, the diagnostic accuracy of gastric radiographs is considered to be low at 85.5%, and to address this problem, it is desirable to achieve highly accurate and quantitative automated diagnosis using machine learning. In this paper, we propose a diagnostic support method for detecting gastric cancer sites from gastric X-ray images with high accuracy. The two new components of the proposed method are (1) Stochastic functional gastric image augmentation (sfGAIA), which probabilistically generates gastric folds in X-ray images based on medical knowledge, and (2) Inhibition boundary box, which automatically identifies and relearns regions that are likely to be falsely detected as malignant regions. They enhanced the accuracy of the object detection model and improved the performance of EfficientDet-D7 in detecting gastric cancer from 4,724 gastric radiographs of 145 patients in a clinical setting by 5.9% in F1-score (recall: 90.2%, precision: 42.5%)

    Texture-based Deep Neural Network for Histopathology Cancer Whole Slide Image (WSI) Classification

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    Automatic histopathological Whole Slide Image (WSI) analysis for cancer classification has been highlighted along with the advancements in microscopic imaging techniques. However, manual examination and diagnosis with WSIs is time-consuming and tiresome. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks have succeeded in histopathological image analysis. In this paper, we propose a novel cancer texture-based deep neural network (CAT-Net) that learns scalable texture features from histopathological WSIs. The innovation of CAT-Net is twofold: (1) capturing invariant spatial patterns by dilated convolutional layers and (2) Reducing model complexity while improving performance. Moreover, CAT-Net can provide discriminative texture patterns formed on cancerous regions of histopathological images compared to normal regions. The proposed method outperformed the current state-of-the-art benchmark methods on accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score

    Automated GI tract segmentation using deep learning

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    The job of Radiation oncologists is to deliver x-ray beams pointed toward the tumor and at the same time avoid the stomach and intestines. With MR-Linacs (magnetic resonance imaging and linear accelerator systems), oncologists can visualize the position of the tumor and allow for precise dose according to tumor cell presence which can vary from day to day. The current job of outlining the position of the stomach and intestines to adjust the X-ray beams direction for the dose delivery to the tumor while avoiding the organs. This is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that can easily prolong treatments from 15 minutes to an hour a day unless deep learning methods can automate the segmentation process. This paper discusses an automated segmentation process using deep learning to make this process faster and allow more patients to get effective treatment.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Differently stained whole slide image registration technique with landmark validation

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    Abstract. One of the most significant features in digital pathology is to compare and fuse successive differently stained tissue sections, also called slides, visually. Doing so, aligning different images to a common frame, ground truth, is required. Current sample scanning tools enable to create images full of informative layers of digitalized tissues, stored with a high resolution into whole slide images. However, there are a limited amount of automatic alignment tools handling large images precisely in acceptable processing time. The idea of this study is to propose a deep learning solution for histopathology image registration. The main focus is on the understanding of landmark validation and the impact of stain augmentation on differently stained histopathology images. Also, the developed registration method is compared with the state-of-the-art algorithms which utilize whole slide images in the field of digital pathology. There are previous studies about histopathology, digital pathology, whole slide imaging and image registration, color staining, data augmentation, and deep learning that are referenced in this study. The goal is to develop a learning-based registration framework specifically for high-resolution histopathology image registration. Different whole slide tissue sample images are used with a resolution of up to 40x magnification. The images are organized into sets of consecutive, differently dyed sections, and the aim is to register the images based on only the visible tissue and ignore the background. Significant structures in the tissue are marked with landmarks. The quality measurements include, for example, the relative target registration error, structural similarity index metric, visual evaluation, landmark-based evaluation, matching points, and image details. These results are comparable and can be used also in the future research and in development of new tools. Moreover, the results are expected to show how the theory and practice are combined in whole slide image registration challenges. DeepHistReg algorithm will be studied to better understand the development of stain color feature augmentation-based image registration tool of this study. Matlab and Aperio ImageScope are the tools to annotate and validate the image, and Python is used to develop the algorithm of this new registration tool. As cancer is globally a serious disease regardless of age or lifestyle, it is important to find ways to develop the systems experts can use while working with patients’ data. There is still a lot to improve in the field of digital pathology and this study is one step toward it.Eri menetelmin värjättyjen virtuaalinäytelasien rekisteröintitekniikka kiintopisteiden validointia hyödyntäen. Tiivistelmä. Yksi tärkeimmistä digitaalipatologian ominaisuuksista on verrata ja fuusioida peräkkäisiä eri menetelmin värjättyjä kudosleikkeitä toisiinsa visuaalisesti. Tällöin keskenään lähes identtiset kuvat kohdistetaan samaan yhteiseen kehykseen, niin sanottuun pohjatotuuteen. Nykyiset näytteiden skannaustyökalut mahdollistavat sellaisten kuvien luonnin, jotka ovat täynnä kerroksittaista tietoa digitalisoiduista näytteistä, tallennettuna erittäin korkean resoluution virtuaalisiin näytelaseihin. Tällä hetkellä on olemassa kuitenkin vain kourallinen automaattisia työkaluja, jotka kykenevät käsittelemään näin valtavia kuvatiedostoja tarkasti hyväksytyin aikarajoin. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on syväoppimista hyväksikäyttäen löytää ratkaisu histopatologisten kuvien rekisteröintiin. Tärkeimpänä osa-alueena on ymmärtää kiintopisteiden validoinnin periaatteet sekä eri väriaineiden augmentoinnin vaikutus. Lisäksi tässä työssä kehitettyä rekisteröintialgoritmia tullaan vertailemaan muihin kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin algoritmeihin, jotka myös hyödyntävät virtuaalinäytelaseja digitaalipatologian saralla. Kirjallisessa osiossa tullaan siteeraamaan aiempia tutkimuksia muun muassa seuraavista aihealueista: histopatologia, digitaalipatologia, virtuaalinäytelasi, kuvantaminen ja rekisteröinti, näytteen värjäys, data-augmentointi sekä syväoppiminen. Tavoitteena on kehittää oppimispohjainen rekisteröintikehys erityisesti korkearesoluutioisille digitalisoiduille histopatologisille kuville. Erilaisissa näytekuvissa tullaan käyttämään jopa 40-kertaista suurennosta. Kuvat kudoksista on järjestetty eri menetelmin värjättyihin peräkkäisiin kuvasarjoihin ja tämän työn päämääränä on rekisteröidä kuvat pohjautuen ainoastaan kudosten näkyviin osuuksiin, jättäen kuvien tausta huomioimatta. Kudosten merkittävimmät rakenteet on merkattu niin sanotuin kiintopistein. Työn laatumittauksina käytetään arvoja, kuten kohteen suhteellinen rekisteröintivirhe (rTRE), rakenteellisen samankaltaisuuindeksin mittari (SSIM), sekä visuaalista arviointia, kiintopisteisiin pohjautuvaa arviointia, yhteensopivuuskohtia, ja kuvatiedoston yksityiskohtia. Nämä arvot ovat verrattavissa myös tulevissa tutkimuksissa ja samaisia arvoja voidaan käyttää uusia työkaluja kehiteltäessä. DeepHistReg metodi toimii pohjana tässä työssä kehitettävälle näytteen värjäyksen parantamiseen pohjautuvalle rekisteröintityökalulle. Matlab ja Aperio ImageScope ovat ohjelmistoja, joita tullaan hyödyntämään tässä työssä kuvien merkitsemiseen ja validointiin. Ohjelmointikielenä käytetään Pythonia. Syöpä on maailmanlaajuisesti vakava sairaus, joka ei katso ikää eikä elämäntyyliä. Siksi on tärkeää löytää uusia keinoja kehittää työkaluja, joita asiantuntijat voivat hyödyntää jokapäiväisessä työssään potilastietojen käsittelyssä. Digitaalipatologian osa-alueella on vielä paljon innovoitavaa ja tämä työ on yksi askel eteenpäin taistelussa syöpäsairauksia vastaan

    Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Practice

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    This book focuses on a variety of interdisciplinary perspectives concerning the theory and application of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, medically oriented human biology, and healthcare. The list of topics includes the application of AI in biomedicine and clinical medicine, machine learning-based decision support, robotic surgery, data analytics and mining, laboratory information systems, and usage of AI in medical education. Special attention is given to the practical aspect of a study. Hence, the inclusion of a clinical assessment of the usefulness and potential impact of the submitted work is strongly highlighted

    Attention Gated Networks: Learning to Leverage Salient Regions in Medical Images

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    We propose a novel attention gate (AG) model for medical image analysis that automatically learns to focus on target structures of varying shapes and sizes. Models trained with AGs implicitly learn to suppress irrelevant regions in an input image while highlighting salient features useful for a specific task. This enables us to eliminate the necessity of using explicit external tissue/organ localisation modules when using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). AGs can be easily integrated into standard CNN models such as VGG or U-Net architectures with minimal computational overhead while increasing the model sensitivity and prediction accuracy. The proposed AG models are evaluated on a variety of tasks, including medical image classification and segmentation. For classification, we demonstrate the use case of AGs in scan plane detection for fetal ultrasound screening. We show that the proposed attention mechanism can provide efficient object localisation while improving the overall prediction performance by reducing false positives. For segmentation, the proposed architecture is evaluated on two large 3D CT abdominal datasets with manual annotations for multiple organs. Experimental results show that AG models consistently improve the prediction performance of the base architectures across different datasets and training sizes while preserving computational efficiency. Moreover, AGs guide the model activations to be focused around salient regions, which provides better insights into how model predictions are made. The source code for the proposed AG models is publicly available.Comment: Accepted for Medical Image Analysis (Special Issue on Medical Imaging with Deep Learning). arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1804.03999, arXiv:1804.0533

    Deep Functional Mapping For Predicting Cancer Outcome

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    The effective understanding of the biological behavior and prognosis of cancer subtypes is becoming very important in-patient administration. Cancer is a diverse disorder in which a significant medical progression and diagnosis for each subtype can be observed and characterized. Computer-aided diagnosis for early detection and diagnosis of many kinds of diseases has evolved in the last decade. In this research, we address challenges associated with multi-organ disease diagnosis and recommend numerous models for enhanced analysis. We concentrate on evaluating the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT), and Positron Emission Tomography (PET) for brain, lung, and breast scans to detect, segment, and classify types of cancer from biomedical images. Moreover, histopathological, and genomic classification of cancer prognosis has been considered for multi-organ disease diagnosis and biomarker recommendation. We considered multi-modal, multi-class classification during this study. We are proposing implementing deep learning techniques based on Convolutional Neural Network and Generative Adversarial Network. In our proposed research we plan to demonstrate ways to increase the performance of the disease diagnosis by focusing on a combined diagnosis of histology, image processing, and genomics. It has been observed that the combination of medical imaging and gene expression can effectively handle the cancer detection situation with a higher diagnostic rate rather than considering the individual disease diagnosis. This research puts forward a blockchain-based system that facilitates interpretations and enhancements pertaining to automated biomedical systems. In this scheme, a secured sharing of the biomedical images and gene expression has been established. To maintain the secured sharing of the biomedical contents in a distributed system or among the hospitals, a blockchain-based algorithm is considered that generates a secure sequence to identity a hash key. This adaptive feature enables the algorithm to use multiple data types and combines various biomedical images and text records. All data related to patients, including identity, pathological records are encrypted using private key cryptography based on blockchain architecture to maintain data privacy and secure sharing of the biomedical contents

    Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    The accelerating power of deep learning in diagnosing diseases will empower physicians and speed up decision making in clinical environments. Applications of modern medical instruments and digitalization of medical care have generated enormous amounts of medical images in recent years. In this big data arena, new deep learning methods and computational models for efficient data processing, analysis, and modeling of the generated data are crucially important for clinical applications and understanding the underlying biological process. This book presents and highlights novel algorithms, architectures, techniques, and applications of deep learning for medical image analysis