35 research outputs found

    Mosaiced-Based Panoramic Depth Imaging with a Single Standard Camera

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    In this article we present a panoramic depth imaging system. The system is mosaic-based which means that we use a single rotating camera and assemble the captured images in a mosaic. Due to a setoff of the camera’s optical center from the rotational center of the system we are able to capture the motion parallax effect which enables the stereo reconstruction. The camera is rotating on a circular path with the step defined by an angle, equivalent to one column of the captured image. The equation for depth estimation can be easily extracted from system geometry. To find the corresponding points on a stereo pair of panoramic images the epipolar geometry needs to be determined. It can be shown that the epipolar geometry is very simple if we are doing the reconstruction based on a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images. We get a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images when we take symmetric columns on the left and on the right side from the captured image center column. Epipolar lines of the symmetrical pair of panoramic images are image rows. We focused mainly on the system analysis. Results of the stereo reconstruction procedure and quality evaluation of generated depth images are quite promissing. The system performs well in the reconstruction of small indoor spaces. Our finall goal is to develop a system for automatic navigation of a mobile robot in a room

    Panoramic Depth Imaging: Single Standard Camera Approach

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    In this paper we present a panoramic depth imaging system. The system is mosaic-based which means that we use a single rotating camera and assemble the captured images in a mosaic. Due to a setoff of the camera’s optical center from the rotational center of the system we are able to capture the motion parallax effect which enables stereo reconstruction. The camera is rotating on a circular path with a step defined by the angle, equivalent to one pixel column of the captured image. The equation for depth estimation can be easily extracted from the system geometry. To find the corresponding points on a stereo pair of panoramic images the epipolar geometry needs to be determined. It can be shown that the epipolar geometry is very simple if we are doing the reconstruction based on a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images. We get a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images when we take symmetric pixel columns on the left and on the right side from the captured image center column. Epipolar lines of the symmetrical pair of panoramic images are image rows. The search space on the epipolar line can be additionaly constrained. The focus of the paper is mainly on the system analysis. Results of the stereo reconstruction procedure and quality evaluation of generated depth images are quite promissing. The system performs well for reconstruction of small indoor spaces. Our finall goal is to develop a system for automatic navigation of a mobile robot in a room

    Capturing Panoramic Depth Images with a Single Standard Camera

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    In this paper we present a panoramic depth imaging system. The system is mosaic-based which means that we use a single rotating camera and assemble the captured images in a mosaic. Due to a setoff of the camera’s optical center from the rotational center of the system we are able to capture the motion parallax effect which enables the stereo reconstruction. The camera is rotating on a circular path with the step defined by an angle equivalent to one column of the captured image. The equation for depth estimation can be easily extracted from system geometry. To find the corresponding points on a stereo pair of panoramic images the epipolar geometry needs to be determined. It can be shown that the epipolar geometry is very simple if we are doing the reconstruction based on a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images. We get a symmetric pair of stereo panoramic images when we take symmetric columns on the left and on the right side from the captured image center column. Epipolar lines of the symmetrical pair of panoramic images are image rows. We focused mainly on the system analysis. The system performs well in the reconstruction of small indoor spaces

    Gradnja globinskih panoramskih slik s postopkom mozaičenja

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    V clanku je predstavljen sistem za gradnjo globinskih panoramskih slik s postopkom mozaicenja standardnih slik zajetih z eno kamero. Zaradi odmika opticnega centra kamere iz sredisca vrtenja sistema, lahko z eno kamero zajamemo paralakso gibanja, ki omogoca stereo rekonstrukcijo. Panoramske slike ustvarimo tako, da rotacijsko roko vrtimo za kot, ki ustreza premiku za eno kolono zajete slike. Iz geometrije sistema je lepo razvidna enacba za izraˇcun globine. Za izracun globine pa moramo najti korespondencne tocke na paru stereo panoram, zato moramo izracunati epipolarno geometrijo. Izkaze se, da je epipolarna geometrija zelo enostavna v primeru racunanja rekonstrukcije na podlagi simetricnega para panoram. Simetricen par panoram dobimo, ce vzamemo enako oddaljeni koloni levo in desno od sredine zajete slike. Epipolarne premice simetricnih parov panoram so istolezne vrstice panoram. Teza clanka je predvsem v analizi zmogljivosti sistema. Sistem daje dobre rezultate pri rekonstrukciji majhnih prostorov

    Atomic detail visualization of photosynthetic membranes with GPU-accelerated ray tracing

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    The cellular process responsible for providing energy for most life on Earth, namely, photosynthetic light-harvesting, requires the cooperation of hundreds of proteins across an organelle, involving length and time scales spanning several orders of magnitude over quantum and classical regimes. Simulation and visualization of this fundamental energy conversion process pose many unique methodological and computational challenges. We present, in two accompanying movies, light-harvesting in the photosynthetic apparatus found in purple bacteria, the so-called chromatophore. The movies are the culmination of three decades of modeling efforts, featuring the collaboration of theoretical, experimental, and computational scientists. We describe the techniques that were used to build, simulate, analyze, and visualize the structures shown in the movies, and we highlight cases where scientific needs spurred the development of new parallel algorithms that efficiently harness GPU accelerators and petascale computers