1,445 research outputs found

    Full-reference stereoscopic video quality assessment using a motion sensitive HVS model

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    Stereoscopic video quality assessment has become a major research topic in recent years. Existing stereoscopic video quality metrics are predominantly based on stereoscopic image quality metrics extended to the time domain via for example temporal pooling. These approaches do not explicitly consider the motion sensitivity of the Human Visual System (HVS). To address this limitation, this paper introduces a novel HVS model inspired by physiological findings characterising the motion sensitive response of complex cells in the primary visual cortex (V1 area). The proposed HVS model generalises previous HVS models, which characterised the behaviour of simple and complex cells but ignored motion sensitivity, by estimating optical flow to measure scene velocity at different scales and orientations. The local motion characteristics (direction and amplitude) are used to modulate the output of complex cells. The model is applied to develop a new type of full-reference stereoscopic video quality metrics which uniquely combine non-motion sensitive and motion sensitive energy terms to mimic the response of the HVS. A tailored two-stage multi-variate stepwise regression algorithm is introduced to determine the optimal contribution of each energy term. The two proposed stereoscopic video quality metrics are evaluated on three stereoscopic video datasets. Results indicate that they achieve average correlations with subjective scores of 0.9257 (PLCC), 0.9338 and 0.9120 (SRCC), 0.8622 and 0.8306 (KRCC), and outperform previous stereoscopic video quality metrics including other recent HVS-based metrics

    Freely Available Large-scale Video Quality Assessment Database in Full-HD Resolution with H.264 Coding

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    International audienceVideo databases often focus on a particular use case with a limited set of sequences. In this paper, a different type of database creation is proposed: an exhaustive number of test conditions will be continuously created and made freely available for objective and subjective evaluation. At the moment, the database comprises more than ten thousand JM/x264-encoded video sequences. An extensive study of the possible encoding parameter space led to a first subset selection of 1296 configura- tions. At the moment, only ten source sequences have been used, but extension to more than one hundred sequences is planned. Some Full-Reference (FR) and No-Reference (NR) metrics were selected and calculated. The resulting data will be freely available to the research community and possible exploitation areas are suggested

    Visual region understanding: unsupervised extraction and abstraction

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    The ability to gain a conceptual understanding of the world in uncontrolled environments is the ultimate goal of vision-based computer systems. Technological societies today are heavily reliant on surveillance and security infrastructure, robotics, medical image analysis, visual data categorisation and search, and smart device user interaction, to name a few. Out of all the complex problems tackled by computer vision today in context of these technologies, that which lies closest to the original goals of the field is the subarea of unsupervised scene analysis or scene modelling. However, its common use of low level features does not provide a good balance between generality and discriminative ability, both a result and a symptom of the sensory and semantic gaps existing between low level computer representations and high level human descriptions. In this research we explore a general framework that addresses the fundamental problem of universal unsupervised extraction of semantically meaningful visual regions and their behaviours. For this purpose we address issues related to (i) spatial and spatiotemporal segmentation for region extraction, (ii) region shape modelling, and (iii) the online categorisation of visual object classes and the spatiotemporal analysis of their behaviours. Under this framework we propose (a) a unified region merging method and spatiotemporal region reduction, (b) shape representation by the optimisation and novel simplication of contour-based growing neural gases, and (c) a foundation for the analysis of visual object motion properties using a shape and appearance based nearest-centroid classification algorithm and trajectory plots for the obtained region classes. 1 Specifically, we formulate a region merging spatial segmentation mechanism that combines and adapts features shown previously to be individually useful, namely parallel region growing, the best merge criterion, a time adaptive threshold, and region reduction techniques. For spatiotemporal region refinement we consider both scalar intensity differences and vector optical flow. To model the shapes of the visual regions thus obtained, we adapt the growing neural gas for rapid region contour representation and propose a contour simplication technique. A fast unsupervised nearest-centroid online learning technique next groups observed region instances into classes, for which we are then able to analyse spatial presence and spatiotemporal trajectories. The analysis results show semantic correlations to real world object behaviour. Performance evaluation of all steps across standard metrics and datasets validate their performance

    How do (perceptual) distracters distract?

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    When a target stimulus occurs in the presence of distracters, decisions are less accurate. But how exactly do distracters affect choices? Here, we explored this question using measurement of human behaviour, psychophysical reverse correlation and computational modelling. We contrasted two models: one in which targets and distracters had independent influence on choices (independent model) and one in which distracters modulated choices in a way that depended on their similarity to the target (interaction model). Across three experiments, participants were asked to make fine orientation judgments about the tilt of a target grating presented adjacent to an irrelevant distracter. We found strong evidence for the interaction model, in that decisions were more sensitive when target and distracter were consistent relative to when they were inconsistent. This consistency bias occurred in the frame of reference of the decision, that is, it operated on decision values rather than on sensory signals, and surprisingly, it was independent of spatial attention. A normalization framework, where target features are normalized by the expectation and variability of the local context, successfully captures the observed pattern of results

    How do (perceptual) distracters distract?

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    When a target stimulus occurs in the presence of distracters, decisions are less accurate. But how exactly do distracters affect choices? Here, we explored this question using measurement of human behaviour, psychophysical reverse correlation and computational modelling. We contrasted two models: one in which targets and distracters had independent influence on choices (independent model) and one in which distracters modulated choices in a way that depended on their similarity to the target (interaction model). Across three experiments, participants were asked to make fine orientation judgments about the tilt of a target grating presented adjacent to an irrelevant distracter. We found strong evidence for the interaction model, in that decisions were more sensitive when target and distracter were consistent relative to when they were inconsistent. This consistency bias occurred in the frame of reference of the decision, that is, it operated on decision values rather than on sensory signals, and surprisingly, it was independent of spatial attention. A normalization framework, where target features are normalized by the expectation and variability of the local context, successfully captures the observed pattern of results

    Prolongational Structure in Bartok's Pitch-Centric Music: A Preliminary Study

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    Effects of temporal expectations on the perception of motion gestalts

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    Gestalt psychology has traditionally ignored the role of attention in perception, leading to the view that autonomous processes create perceptual configurations that are then attended. More recent research, however, has shown that spatial attention influences a form of Gestalt perception: the coherence of random-dot kinematograms (RDKs). Using ERPs, we investigated whether temporal expectations exert analogous attentional effects on the perception of coherence level in RDKs. Participants were presented fixed-length sequences of RDKs and reported the coherence level of a target RDK. The target was indicated immediately after its appearance by a postcue. Target expectancy increased as the sequence progressed until target presentation; afterward, remaining RDKs were perceived without target expectancy. Expectancy influenced the amplitudes of ERP components P1 and N2. Crucially, expectancy interacted with coherence level at N2, but not at P1. Specifically, P1 amplitudes decreased linearly as a function of RDK coherence irrespective of expectancy, whereas N2 exhibited a quadratic dependence on coherence: larger amplitudes for RDKs with intermediate coherence levels, and only when they were expected. These results suggest that expectancy at early processing stages is an unspecific, general readiness for perception. At later stages, expectancy becomes stimulus specific and nonlinearly related to Gestalt coherence

    A survey of exemplar-based texture synthesis

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    Exemplar-based texture synthesis is the process of generating, from an input sample, new texture images of arbitrary size and which are perceptually equivalent to the sample. The two main approaches are statistics-based methods and patch re-arrangement methods. In the first class, a texture is characterized by a statistical signature; then, a random sampling conditioned to this signature produces genuinely different texture images. The second class boils down to a clever "copy-paste" procedure, which stitches together large regions of the sample. Hybrid methods try to combine ideas from both approaches to avoid their hurdles. The recent approaches using convolutional neural networks fit to this classification, some being statistical and others performing patch re-arrangement in the feature space. They produce impressive synthesis on various kinds of textures. Nevertheless, we found that most real textures are organized at multiple scales, with global structures revealed at coarse scales and highly varying details at finer ones. Thus, when confronted with large natural images of textures the results of state-of-the-art methods degrade rapidly, and the problem of modeling them remains wide open.Comment: v2: Added comments and typos fixes. New section added to describe FRAME. New method presented: CNNMR

    Interaction features for prediction of perceptual segmentation:Effects of musicianship and experimental task

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    As music unfolds in time, structure is recognised and understood by listeners, regardless of their level of musical expertise. A number of studies have found spectral and tonal changes to quite successfully model boundaries between structural sections. However, the effects of musical expertise and experimental task on computational modelling of structure are not yet well understood. These issues need to be addressed to better understand how listeners perceive the structure of music and to improve automatic segmentation algorithms. In this study, computational prediction of segmentation by listeners was investigated for six musical stimuli via a real-time task and an annotation (non real-time) task. The proposed approach involved computation of novelty curve interaction features and a prediction model of perceptual segmentation boundary density. We found that, compared to non-musicians’, musicians’ segmentation yielded lower prediction rates, and involved more features for prediction, particularly more interaction features; also non-musicians required a larger time shift for optimal segmentation modelling. Prediction of the annotation task exhibited higher rates, and involved more musical features than for the real-time task; in addition, the real-time task required time shifting of the segmentation data for its optimal modelling. We also found that annotation task models that were weighted according to boundary strength ratings exhibited improvements in segmentation prediction rates and involved more interaction features. In sum, musical training and experimental task seem to have an impact on prediction rates and on musical features involved in novelty-based segmentation models. Musical training is associated with higher presence of schematic knowledge, attention to more dimensions of musical change and more levels of the structural hierarchy, and higher speed of musical structure processing. Real-time segmentation is linked with higher response delays, less levels of structural hierarchy attended and higher data noisiness than annotation segmentation. In addition, boundary strength weighting of density was associated with more emphasis given to stark musical changes and to clearer representation of a hierarchy involving high-dimensional musical changes.peerReviewe