2,688 research outputs found

    On the volume of the convex hull of two convex bodies

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    In this note we examine the volume of the convex hull of two congruent copies of a convex body in Euclidean nn-space, under some subsets of the isometry group of the space. We prove inequalities for this volume if the two bodies are translates, or reflected copies of each other about a common point or a hyperplane containing it. In particular, we give a proof of a related conjecture of Rogers and Shephard.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Tube formulas and complex dimensions of self-similar tilings

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    We use the self-similar tilings constructed by the second author in "Canonical self-affine tilings by iterated function systems" to define a generating function for the geometry of a self-similar set in Euclidean space. This tubular zeta function encodes scaling and curvature properties related to the complement of the fractal set, and the associated system of mappings. This allows one to obtain the complex dimensions of the self-similar tiling as the poles of the tubular zeta function and hence develop a tube formula for self-similar tilings in \Rd\mathbb{R}^d. The resulting power series in Ï”\epsilon is a fractal extension of Steiner's classical tube formula for convex bodies K \ci \bRd. Our sum has coefficients related to the curvatures of the tiling, and contains terms for each integer i=0,1,...,d−1i=0,1,...,d-1, just as Steiner's does. However, our formula also contains terms for each complex dimension. This provides further justification for the term "complex dimension". It also extends several aspects of the theory of fractal strings to higher dimensions and sheds new light on the tube formula for fractals strings obtained in "Fractal Geometry and Complex Dimensions" by the first author and Machiel van Frankenhuijsen.Comment: 41 pages, 6 figures, incorporates referee comments and references to new result

    2-perfect m-cycle systems

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    AbstractThe spectrum for 2-perfect m-cycle systems of Kn has been considered by several authors in the case when m⩜7. In this paper we essentially solve the problem for 2-perfect m-cycle systems of Kn in the case where m is prime and 2m+1 is a prime power. In particular we settle the problem for m = 11 and 13 except for two or one possible exceptions respectively. The problem for m = 9 is also considered

    Periodicity of certain piecewise affine planar maps

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    We determine periodic and aperiodic points of certain piecewise affine maps in the Euclidean plane. Using these maps, we prove for λ∈{±1±52,±2,±3}\lambda\in\{\frac{\pm1\pm\sqrt5}2,\pm\sqrt2,\pm\sqrt3\} that all integer sequences (ak)k∈Z(a_k)_{k\in\mathbb Z} satisfying 0≀ak−1+λak+ak+1<10\le a_{k-1}+\lambda a_k+a_{k+1}<1 are periodic
