11 research outputs found

    Adopting agile methods in the public sector: a systematic literature review.

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    Abstract - Agile software development (ASD) has become an important research topic. However, despite the increase in the number of studies in this area in the last few years, there is a lack of structured information about its adoption in the ublic sector. Since the public sector is the part of the economy concerned with providing various government services, the goal of this study is to report from a systematic literature review and provide information that may enhance the understanding of the implications of adopting ASD within public companies. As the main results, we found that ASD could indeed be adopted in the public sector. The analysis suggests that a good alternative is to start the adoption of ASD with people willing to change - strongly supported by senior management -working on important pilot-projects. Second, we found that job satisfaction is greater when adopting agile methods within public companies. Finally, we also found some barriers that are difficult to overcome, including the ingrained use of plan-drive methods, as well as big bang deliveries and lack of experience in ASD.SEKE 2015

    Metodologias ágeis na administração pública: uma revisão sistemática da literatura.

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    O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar os resultados de uma revisão sistemática sobre o uso de metodologias ágeis na AP, apresentando evidências sobre seus benefícios, motivação e ameaças, além de recomendações para seu uso

    Desarrollo ágil y reutilización de software libre

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    Las metodologías ágiles de desarrollo de software enfatizan la importancia del “software funcionando” por sobre la documentación extensiva. Al mismo tiempo, la posibilidad de reutilización que ofrecen las licencias de software libre y la amplia oferta existente de productos bajo ese tipo de licencias invitan a explorar las ventajas y dificultades que puede acarrear su adopción en el marco de diversos procesos de metodologías ágiles. Mediante una experiencia de desarrollo parcial, detectamos posibilidades y dificultades de un abordaje conjunto.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Desarrollo ágil y reutilización de software libre

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    Las metodologías ágiles de desarrollo de software enfatizan la importancia del “software funcionando” por sobre la documentación extensiva. Al mismo tiempo, la posibilidad de reutilización que ofrecen las licencias de software libre y la amplia oferta existente de productos bajo ese tipo de licencias invitan a explorar las ventajas y dificultades que puede acarrear su adopción en el marco de diversos procesos de metodologías ágiles. Mediante una experiencia de desarrollo parcial, detectamos posibilidades y dificultades de un abordaje conjunto.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Desarrollo ágil y reutilización de software libre

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    Las metodologías ágiles de desarrollo de software enfatizan la importancia del “software funcionando” por sobre la documentación extensiva. Al mismo tiempo, la posibilidad de reutilización que ofrecen las licencias de software libre y la amplia oferta existente de productos bajo ese tipo de licencias invitan a explorar las ventajas y dificultades que puede acarrear su adopción en el marco de diversos procesos de metodologías ágiles. Mediante una experiencia de desarrollo parcial, detectamos posibilidades y dificultades de un abordaje conjunto.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Scrum@PA: Tailoring an Agile Methodology to the Digital Transformation in the Public Sector

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    Digital transformation in the public sector provides digital services to the citizens aiming at increasing their quality of life, as well as the transparency and accountability of a public administration. Since adaptation to the citizens changing needs is central for its success, Agile methodologies seem best suited for the software development of digital services in that area. However, as well documented by an attempt to use Scrum for an important Public Administration in Italy, substantial modifications to standard Agile were needed, giving rise to a new proposal called improved Agile (in short, iAgile). Another notable example is the Scrum@IMI method developed by the City of Barcelona for the deployment of its digital services. However, given the importance of digital transformation in the public sector and the scarcity of efforts (documented in the scholarly literature) to effectively bring Agile within it, a strategically important contribution that Computer Science can offer is a general paradigm describing how to tailor Agile methodologies and, in particular, Scrum, for such a specific context. Our proposal, called Scrum@PA, addresses this strategic need. Based on it, a public administration has a technically sound avenue to follow to adopt Scrum rather than a generic set of guidelines as in the current state of the art. We show the validity of our proposal by describing how the quite successful Scrum@IMI approach can be derived from Scrum@PA. Although iAgile can also be derived from our paradigm, we have chosen Scrum@IMI as a pilot example since it is publicly available on GitHub

    A Bibliographic Review of the Environmental Factors that Influence the Management Of Information Systems Projects Within the Public Sector

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    Este artigo apresenta uma análise das principais diferenças apontadas pela literatura entre a gestão de projetos de Sistemas da Informação no setor privado e no setor público. O texto também discute a aplicabilidade na administração pública dos modelos de gestão de projetos mais usados na iniciativa privada. As principais características da gestão de projetos de Sistemas de Informação no setor público são apresentadas e os textos pesquisados são consolidados em aspectos técnicos, políticos e organizacionais. Finalmente, são sugeridas pautas para futuras pesquisas.Owing to the increased investment in information systems and e-government projects within the public administration, it is important to identify the specific environmental factors of the projects carried out in this context. This article presents a literature review of the main environmental factors that differentiate information systems project management in the public sector. The text also discusses whether the project management models commonly used in the private sector are also applicable in the public sector. The main features of information systems project management in the public sector are presented and researched texts are consolidated according to technical, political and organisational aspects. Finally, some themes are suggested for future research

    Um estudo empírico sobre a adoção de métodos ágeis para desenvolvimento de software em organizações públicas.

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    Nesta pesquisa, executou-se um estudo empírico sobre a adoção de métodos ágeis para desenvolvimento de software em organizações públicas. Este estudo incluiu a revisão da literatura da área e entrevistas com quatro equipes de desenvolvimento de software em duas organizações públicas de grande e médio porte no Brasil. Constatou-se que métodos ágeis podem ser realmente adotados por organizações públicas.Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Computação) - Faculdade de Informática, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre