20 research outputs found

    Fostering Comparability in Research Dissemination: A Research Portal-based Approach

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    In this paper, we address the problem of lacking consistency andcomparability in the dissemination of research information. Weseek to solve this problem using research portals, which arecommunity-based research information systems on the Internet.The idea of our solution is to customize research portals to betterfit to individual application scenarios. To this end, we propose aconceptual specification of a generic portal structure allowing forsemantic standardization. For a given application scenario, thisbasis has to be customized regarding portal structure andsemantics of textual descriptions. We demonstrate such acustomization for an exemplary research portal addressing designscience research. Furthermore, we describe an exemplary researchprocess using the customized portal definition. We conclude thatour approach has the potential to increase the consistency andcomparability of research dissemination with research portals.This goal is achieved with a) an individually customizable portalstructure, which is able to reflect the nature of a specificapplication scenario better than generic structures and b) asemantic standardization of textual descriptions, which enforcesthem to be precise, compact, and apply the vocabulary of thedomain

    Integriertes Informationsmanagement an der Universität Münster:Abschlussbericht des Projektes MIRO – Münster Information System for Research and Organization

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    Das DFG-geförderte Projekt MIRO – Münster Information System for Research and Organization – der Universität Münster hat wesentliche Fortschritte auf dem Bereich des integrierten Informationsmanagements erzielt. Hierzu zählt der Aufbau von serviceorientierten Architekturen, Identitätsmanagement und Webportalen zur effizienten Bereitstellung von Informationen für Forschung, Lehre und Universitätsverwaltung ebenso wie die Schaffung neuer Organisationsstrukturen der universitären Informationsverarbeitung. Der vorliegende Abschlussbericht ergänzt den in dieser Reihe erschienenen ausführlichen Tagungsband „Fortschritte des integrierten Informationsmanagements an Hochschulen“. Er soll die seit der Tagung Ende 2010 stattgefundenen Entwicklungen beleuchten und den Bogen zu zukünftigen Aktivitäten spannen. Im Mittelpunkt steht die zwischenzeitliche Überführung der Projektergebnisse in den Regelbetrieb und wie sich diese mit neu gestarteten IT- und Organisationsprojekten ergänzen. <br

    Evaluation of Functional Data Models for Database Design and Use

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    The problems of design, operation, and maintenance of databases using the three most popular database management systems (Hierarchical, CQDASYL/DBTG, and Relational) are well known. Users wishing to use these systems have to make conscious and often complex mappings between the real-world structures and the data structuring options (data models) provided by these systems. In addition, much of the semantics associated with the data either does not get expressed at all or gets embedded procedurally in application programs in an ad-hoc way. In recent years, a large number of data models (called semantic data models) have been proposed with the aim of simplifying database design and use. However, the lack of usable implementations of these proposals has so far inhibited the widespread use of these concepts. The present work reports on an effort to evaluate and extend one such semantic model by means of an implementation. It is based on the functional data model proposed earlier by Shipman[SHIP81). We call this 'Extended Functional Data Model' (EFDM). EFDM, like Shipman's proposals, is a marriage of three of the advanced modelling concepts found in both database and artificial intelligence research: the concept of entity to represent an object in the real world, the concept of type hierarchy among entity types, and the concept of derived data for modelling procedural knowledge. The functional notation of the model lends itself to high level data manipulation languages. The data selection in these languages is expressed simply as function application. Further, the functional approach makes it possible to incorporate general purpose computation facilities in the data languages without having to embed them in procedural languages. In addition to providing the usual database facilities, the implementation also provides a mechanism to specify multiple user views of the database

    Axiomatic Specification of Database Domain Statics

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    In the past ten years, much work has been done to add more structure to database models 1 than what is represented by a mere collection of flat relations (Albano & Cardelli [1985], Albano et al. [1986], Borgida eta. [1984], Brodie [1984], Brodie & Ridjanovic [1984], Brodie & Silva (1982], Codd (1979], Hammer & McLeod (1981], King (1984], King & McLeod [1984], [1985], Mylopoulos et al. [1980], Smith & Smith 1977a & b). 2 The informal approach which most of these studies advocate has a number of disadvantages. First, a recent survey of some of the pro­ posed models by Urban & Delcambre [1986] reveals a wide divergence in terminology and con­ cepts, making comparison of the expressive power of these models difficult. Second, undefined or even ill-defined concepts are a hindrance, not an aid, for the analysis of the Universe of Discourse (UoD). Third, informal treatment 9f such complex structures as set hierarchies, gen­ eralization hierarchies and aggregation hierarchies all in one model, with some dynamics thrown in for good measure, bodes ill for the consistency of these theories. The first goal of the research reported on is to integrate the static structures which these models propose in one coherent, axiomatic framework. It will be shown in chapter 7 that the theory presented here provides the needed conceptual foundations for these models. A second aim is to provide a possible worlds framework onto which to graft theories of the dynamics of the UoD. The third aim is to provide clear concepts which can aid the database model designer in his or her thinking about the UoD. In this report we concentrate on the first goal only, leav­ ing the formulation of theories of domain dynamics and the application to system development as research goals for the near future

    A method for building and evaluating formal specifications of object-oriented conceptual models of database systems

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    This report describes a method called MCM (Method for Conceptual Modeling) for building and evaluating formal specifications of object-oriented models of database system behavior. An important aim of MCM is to bridge the gap between formal specification and informal understanding. Building a MCM model is a process that moves from the informal to the formal, evaluating the model is a process that moves back from the formal to the informal. First, a general framework for information system development methods is given, that is used to indicate which elements are needed to build a particular information system development method. In general, the following elements are needed (see figure 0.1) l. Requirements determination methods that can be used to determine the information needs of the environment, and to find functional and nonfunctional requirements specifications. 2. Conceptual modeling methods that can be used to elaborate the statement of functional require­ ments into a formal specification of observable system behavior. 3. Implementation methods that can be used to transform the conceptual model specification into an implementation within the constraints indicated by the nonfunctional requirements. 4. Project management methods that can be used to manage the development process in the presence of limited resources and a potentially disturbing environment. MCM is a conceptual modeling method, and must therefore in any information system development project be supplemented with three other kinds of methods. MCM contains three kinds of methods (figure 0.1). 1. Observation methods to find relevant data about the required database system. 2. Induction methods that allow one to go from a finite set of data about required system behavior to a conceptual model that represents all of this behavior. 3. Evaluation methods that allow one to test the quality of a specification of a conceptual model. In this report, I concentrate on induction and evaluation methods and merely make a list of relevant observation methods. The induction methods listed in figure 0.1 are not exhaustive. MCM can be viewed as a framework within which methods and techniques for conceptual modeling can be plugged. Some of these methods and techniques are mentioned in this report but not elaborated. There are three kinds of evaluation methods, that deal with the validity of the conceptual model, the utility of the specified behavior, and the quality of the use that is made of the available modeling constructs. Prototyping and animation are briefly discussed as evaluation methods. The quality checks, however, are listed exhaustively. The result of following MCM is a conceptual model. In the philosophy of MCM, a conceptual model consists of three components (see figure 0.2): 1. The UoD model is a model of the part of reality represented by the database system. 2. The DBS model represents DBS behavior, such as the queries to be asked from the DBS, the user interface, the contents and layout of reports produced by the DBS, etc. 3. A model of the boundary between the DBS and the UoD. This is a list of all possible transactions that the DBS can engage in, plus the function that this behavior has for the user of the DBS