114 research outputs found

    Design of testbed and emulation tools

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    The research summarized was concerned with the design of testbed and emulation tools suitable to assist in projecting, with reasonable accuracy, the expected performance of highly concurrent computing systems on large, complete applications. Such testbed and emulation tools are intended for the eventual use of those exploring new concurrent system architectures and organizations, either as users or as designers of such systems. While a range of alternatives was considered, a software based set of hierarchical tools was chosen to provide maximum flexibility, to ease in moving to new computers as technology improves and to take advantage of the inherent reliability and availability of commercially available computing systems

    Controlling fine-grain non-numeric parallelism on a combinator-based multiprocessor system

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    We have developed a scheme to extend the SASL programming language and its run-time system for fine grain parallel processing. The proposed scheme provides a mechanism that can override the original lazy semantics by augmenting proper eager information. This information is first annotated in SASL programs and then translated to the combinator control tags by a new set of optimization rules. The effectiveness of this scheme has been evaluated through the simulation of a set of symbolic-oriented programs on an idealized shared-memory system. The results show that a considerable amount of parallelism can be extracted from a wide variety of application programs

    South African sign language dataset development and translation : a glove-based approach

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    Includes bibliographical references.There has been a definite breakdown of communication between the hearing and the Deaf communities. This communication gap drastically effects many facets of a Deaf person’s life, including education, job opportunities and quality of life. Researchers have turned to technology in order to remedy this issue using Automatic Sign Language. While there has been successful research around the world, this is not possible in South Africa as there is no South African Sign Language (SASL) database available. This research aims to develop a SASL static gesture database using a data glove as the first step towards developing a comprehensive database that encapsulates the entire language. Unfortunately commercial data gloves are expensive and so as part of this research, a low-cost data glove will be developed for the application of Automatic Sign Language Translation. The database and data glove will be used together with Neural Networks to perform gesture classification. This will be done in order to evaluate the gesture data collected for the database. This research project has been broken down into three main sections; data glove development, database creation and gesture classification. The data glove was developed by critically reviewing the relevant literature, testing the sensors and then evaluating the overall glove for repeatability and reliability. The final data glove prototype was constructed and five participants were used to collect 31 different static gestures in three different scenarios, which range from isolated gesture collection to continuous data collection. This data was cleaned and used to train a neural network for the purpose of classification. Several training algorithms were chosen and compared to see which attained the highest classification accuracy. The data glove performed well and achieved results superior to some research and on par with other researchers’ results. The data glove achieved a repeatable angle range of 3.27 degrees resolution with a standard deviation of 1.418 degrees. This result is far below the specified 15 degrees resolution required for the research. The device remained low-cost and was more than $100 cheaper than other custom research data gloves and hundreds of dollars cheaper than commercial data gloves. A database was created using five participants and 1550 type 1 gestures, 465 type 2 gestures and 93 type 3 gestures were collected. The Resilient Back-Propagation and Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithms were considered as the training algorithms for the neural network. The Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm had a superior classification accuracy achieving 99.61%, 77.42% and 81.72% accuracy on the type 1, type 2 and type 3 data respectively

    Avatar animation from SignWriting notation

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    >Magister Scientiae - MScThe SASL project at the University of the Western Cape is in the process of developing a machine translation system that can translate fully-fledged phrases between South African Sign Language (SASL) and English in real-time.To visualise sign language,the system aims to make use of a 3D humanoid avatar created by van Wyk. Moemedi used this avatar to create an animation system that visualises a small set of simple Phrases from very simple SignWriting notation input. This research aims to achieve an animation system that can render full sign language sentences given complex SignWriting notation glyphs with multiple sections. The specific focus of the research is achieving animations that are accurate representations of the SignWriting input in terms of the five fundamental parameters of sign language, namely, hand motion, location, orientation and shape, as well as non-manual features such as facial expressions. An experiment Was carried out to determine the accuracy of the proposed system on a set of 20 SASL phrases annotated with SignWriting notation. It was found that the proposed system is highly accurate, achieving an average accuracy of 81.6%

    An abstract machine for parallel graph reduction

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    technical reportAn abstract machine for parallel graph reduction on a shared memory multiprocessor is described. This is intended primarily for normal order (lazy) evaluation of functional programs. It is absolutely essential in such a design to adapt an efficient sequential model since during execution under limited resources available, performance will be reduced in the limit to that of the sequential engine. Parallel evaluation of normal order functional languages performed naively can result in poor overall performance despite the availability of sufficient processing elements and parallelism in the application. Needless context switching, task migration and continuation building may occur when a sequential thread of control would have sufficed. Furthermore, the compiler using static information cannot be fully aware of the availability of resources and their optimal utilization at any moment in run time. Indeed this may vary between runs which further aggravates the job of the compiler writer in generating optimal and compact code for programs. The benefits derived from this model are: 1) it is based on the G-machine so that execution under limited resources will default to a performance close to that of the G-machine; 2) the additional instructions needed to control the complexities of parallel evaluation are extremely simple, almost trivializing the job of the compiler writer; 3) attempts are made where possible to avoid context switching and task migration by retaining a sequential thread of control (made more clear in the paper), and 4) the method has demonstrated good overall performance on a shared memory multiprocessor

    Browser-based sign language communication

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    This paper describes the design and evaluation of two browser-based video communication prototypes that support sign language communication between Deaf people. The research explores combinations of technologies, protocols and architectures with the hope to eventually provide a mobile video system that Deaf people would want to use enough to pay for. Technology products, and in particular mobile and web-based video communication systems, are designed for the majority of people in general. These are not necessarily suitable for Deaf people who have very different physiological and cultural needs. We focus on browser-based video transmission because end-users need not fiddle with application installation. Web-browsers are also common on mobile phones. This paper compares two prototypes built with Adobe Flex and the fifth version of the HyperText Markup Language, H.264 and H.263 video codecs, and PC and mobile phone implementations. The paper describes the motivation, related work, methods, prototype design and finally analyses results of user experiments conducted with Deaf users.Telkom, Cisco, THRIP, SANPADDepartment of HE and Training approved lis

    Developing and Measuring Parallel Rule-Based Systems in a Functional Programming Environment

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    This thesis investigates the suitability of using functional programming for building parallel rule-based systems. A functional version of the well known rule-based system OPS5 was implemented, and there is a discussion on the suitability of functional languages for both building compilers and manipulating state. Functional languages can be used to build compilers that reflect the structure of the original grammar of a language and are, therefore, very suitable. Particular attention is paid to the state requirements and the state manipulation structures of applications such as a rule-based system because, traditionally, functional languages have been considered unable to manipulate state. From the implementation work, issues have arisen that are important for functional programming as a whole. They are in the areas of algorithms and data structures and development environments. There is a more general discussion of state and state manipulation in functional programs and how theoretical work, such as monads, can be used. Techniques for how descriptions of graph algorithms may be interpreted more abstractly to build functional graph algorithms are presented. Beyond the scope of programming, there are issues relating both to the functional language interaction with the operating system and to tools, such as debugging and measurement tools, which help programmers write efficient programs. In both of these areas functional systems are lacking. To address the complete lack of measurement tools for functional languages, a profiling technique was designed which can accurately measure the number of calls to a function , the time spent in a function, and the amount of heap space used by a function. From this design, a profiler was developed for higher-order, lazy, functional languages which allows the programmer to measure and verify the behaviour of a program. This profiling technique is designed primarily for application programmers rather than functional language implementors, and the results presented by the profiler directly reflect the lexical scope of the original program rather than some run-time representation. Finally, there is a discussion of generally available techniques for parallelizing functional programs in order that they may execute on a parallel machine. The techniques which are easier for the parallel systems builder to implement are shown to be least suitable for large functional applications. Those techniques that best suit functional programmers are not yet generally available and usable

    Large scale numerical software development using functional languages

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    PhD ThesisFunctional programming languages such as Haskell allow numerical algorithms to be expressed in a concise, machine-independent manner that closely reflects the underlying mathematical notation in which the algorithm is described. Unfortunately the price paid for this level of abstraction is usually a considerable increase in execution time and space usage. This thesis presents a three-part study of the use of modern purely-functional languages to develop numerical software. In Part I the appropriateness and usefulness of language features such as polymorphism. pattern matching, type-class overloading and non-strict semantics are discussed together with the limitations they impose. Quantitative statistics concerning the manner in which these features are used in practice are also presented. In Part II the information gathered from Part I is used to design and implement FSC. all experimental functional language tailored to numerical computing, motivated as much by pragmatic as theoretical issues. This language is then used to develop numerical software and its suitability assessed via benchmarking it against C/C++ and Haskell under various metrics. In Part III the work is summarised and assessed.EPSRC

    Faster upper body pose recognition and estimation using compute unified device architecture

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    >Magister Scientiae - MScThe SASL project is in the process of developing a machine translation system that can translate fully-fledged phrases between SASL and English in real-time. To-date, several systems have been developed by the project focusing on facial expression, hand shape, hand motion, hand orientation and hand location recognition and estimation. Achmed developed a highly accurate upper body pose recognition and estimation system. The system is capable of recognizing and estimating the location of the arms from a twodimensional video captured from a monocular view at an accuracy of 88%. The system operates at well below real-time speeds. This research aims to investigate the use of optimizations and parallel processing techniques using the CUDA framework on Achmed’s algorithm to achieve real-time upper body pose recognition and estimation. A detailed analysis of Achmed’s algorithm identified potential improvements to the algorithm. Are- implementation of Achmed’s algorithm on the CUDA framework, coupled with these improvements culminated in an enhanced upper body pose recognition and estimation system that operates in real-time with an increased accuracy
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