13,704 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Urban Improvement on the Islands of the Venice Lagoon: A Spatially-Distributed Hedonic-Hierarchical Approach

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    This paper presents a model for the evaluation of environmental and urban improvements on the islands of the Venetian lagoon. The model simulates the changes in residential real estate values using a value function integrated in a geographical database which provides spatial distributions of values changes. The fairly weak market signals, fragmented demand and strong externalities, and the scarcity of market data available do not permit the use of econometric models for value appraisal. Appropriate hedonic-hierarchical value functions are calibrated on the basis of a set of indicators of the characteristics of the buildings and the location. Some applications of the model are illustrated simulating two scenarios of future interventions which are actually being discussed or realised and involving the island of Murano, Burano and S. Erasmo in the Venice Lagoon. The interventions considered are: subway beyond the lagoon connecting Murano with Venice and the mainland, and the solution of “high water” problems on Murano, Burano and S. Erasmo.Public work assessment, Property value, Hierarchical analysis

    Integration of rural architectural heritage: The case of the alquerías in northern Valencia

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    [EN] This work deals with the conservation and integration of the so-called “alquerías”, the traditional rural houses scattered in the historical agricultural landscape of the Huerta de Valencia, which has been surrounding this Spanish city for centuries. The first alquerías were built during the Medieval Muslim period, for farming and housing purposes. Their uses have been evolving throughout history, following the agriculture and cultural changes, thus resulting in a great diversity of shapes, sizes and types. Today, these buildings are considered as an important part of the local heritage of Valencia, testifying of the traditional way of life and construction. However, the urban growth and modern lifestyle have not been always respectful towards the alquerías: many of them have been demolished to make way for new neighborhoods. Others have been sadly abandoned and left in a state of ruin. Cases of absorption have experienced unequal situations, from forced accommodation to full integration. In general, the remaining alquerías are threatened and require protection actions, as well as a quality integration to the urban fabric in order to prevent their deterioration, marginalization and even destruction.This research work consists in an analytical study of the alquerías of four northern districts of Valencia –Benicalap, Rascanya, La Saïdia and Benimaclet– aiming at providing an insight of the current situation regarding the issue of rural heritage integrated into urban fabrics. General conclusions will be extracted from a statistical study of the collected data, and highlights will be given to the good practices’ cases as potential solutions for the future integration projects.Calvignac, D.; Baró Zarzo, J.; Debailleux, L. (2023). Integration of rural architectural heritage: The case of the alquerías in northern Valencia. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 462-472. https://doi.org/10.4995/VIBRArch2022.2022.1523346247

    Cap Rate as the Interpretative Variable of the Urban Real Estate Capital Asset: A Comparison of Different Sub\u2010Market Definitions in Palermo, Italy

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    Real estate capital is in constant competition with other capital assets due to its different and complementary economic functions such as direct use, productive investment, and speculative investment. These features and the resulting opportunities cannot be easily deduced from direct observation of the real estate markets, so some further insights need to be carried out in order to highlight the relationship between prices, rents and performances. This study aims at providing a multifaceted perspective of a specific urban real estate market to overcome the difficulties arising from opacities and informative asymmetries that hinder the decision of investors, by facilitating the comparison of different options such as capital value, income and performance. Within the mass appraisal approach, the study proposes a methodology for the analysis of the cap rate, intended as the expression of profitability and liquidity of the urban real estate capital asset. The methodology is based on a detailed survey of a sample of the housing market data, collected within a structured database, supported by statistical and territorial analyses of the sample, in order to display the range of cap rates featuring each sub\u2010market, and the related distributions. The methodology is applied to a case study of nearly 1000 properties distributed in a vast urban area of the municipality of Palermo, Italy. The consistency of the relationships between the three variables has been tested with reference to two hypotheses about the sub\u2010market definition, which has been carried out by cluster and by neighbourhood

    Sustainability in facilities management: an overview of current research

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    PurposeClimate adaptation, energy efficiency, sustainable development and green growth are societal challenges for which the Facilities Management (FM) profession can develop solutions and make positive contributions on the organisational level and with societal-level effects. To base the emerging sub-discipline of sustainable facilities management (SFM) on research, an overview of current studies is needed. The purpose of this literature review is to provide exactly this overview.Design/methodology/approachThis article identifies and examines current research studies on SFM through a comprehensive and systematic literature review. The literature review included screening of 85 identified scientific journals and almost 20,000 articles from the period of 2007-2012. Of the articles reviewed, 151 were identified as key articles and categorised according to topic.FindingsThe literature review indicated that the current research varies in focus, methodology and application of theory, and it was concluded that the current research primary addresses environmental sustainability, whereas the current research which takes an integrated strategic approach to SFM is limited. The article includes lists of reviewed journals and articles to support the further development of SFM in research and practice.Research limitations/implicationsThe literature review includes literature from 2007 to 2012, to manage the analytical process within the project period. However, with the current categorisation and the access to the reviewed journals and articles, it is possible to continue with the latest literature.Practical implicationsThe article provides an overview of theoretical and practical knowledge which can guide: how to document and measure the performance of building operations in terms of environmental, social and economical impacts? How to improve the sustainability performance of buildings? What are the potentials for and barriers to integrating sustainability into FM on strategic, tactical and operational levels?Originality/valueThe paper presents the most comprehensive literature study on SFM so far, and represents an important knowledge basis which is likely to become a key reference point for pioneers and scholars in the emerging sub-discipline of SFM.</jats:sec

    Urban heritage conservation and rapid urbanization : insights from Surat, India

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    Currently, heritage is challenged in the Indian city of Surat due to diverse pressures,  including rapid urbanization, increasing housing demand, and socio‐cultural and climate changes.  Where rapid demographic growth of urban areas is happening, heritage is disappearing at an  alarming rate. Despite some efforts from the local government, urban cultural heritage is being  neglected and historic buildings keep being replaced by ordinary concrete buildings at a worryingly  rapid pace. Discussions of challenges and issues of Surat’s urban area is supported by a qualitative  dataset, including in‐depth semi‐structured interviews and focus groups with local policy makers,  planners, and heritage experts, triangulated by observation and a photo‐survey of two historic  areas. Findings from this study reveal a myriad of challenges such as: inadequacy of urban  conservation management policies and processes focused on heritage, absence of skills, training,  and resources amongst decision makers and persistent conflict and competition between heritage  conservation needs and developers’ interests. Furthermore, the values and significance of Surat’s  tangible and intangible heritage is not fully recognized by its citizens and heritage stakeholders. A  crucial opportunity exists for Surat to maximize the potential of heritage and reinforce urban  identity for its present and future generations. Surat’s context is representative of general trends  and conservation challenges and therefore recommendations developed in this study hold the  potential to offer interesting insights to the wider planners and conservationists’ international  community.  This  paper  recommends  thoughtful  integration  of  sustainable  heritage  urban  conservation into local urban development frameworks and the establishment of approaches that  recognize the plurality of heritage values

    Human experience in the natural and built environment : implications for research policy and practice

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    22nd IAPS conference. Edited book of abstracts. 427 pp. University of Strathclyde, Sheffield and West of Scotland Publication. ISBN: 978-0-94-764988-3

    Morfologia de aldeias tradicionais no planalto central iraniano: estudo analítico para a compreensão do seu património

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    Tese de doutoramento em Architecture (especialidade em Architectural Culture)As aldeias encontram-se entre as primeiras formas de organização humana. A sua configuração tem sido moldada sob a influência de vários fatores, de modo a servir os seus habitantes. Assim, o presente estudo procura investigar o meio em que se construíram as aldeias tradicionais iranianas localizadas no planalto central e compreender o valor do seu legado. Através de uma análise detalhada, este trabalho tem como objetivo destacar as características únicas destes lugares, a sua importância histórica e cultural, e contribuir para a preservação e promoção dos seus patrimónios. Num primeiro momento foi levada a cabo a revisão da literatura, que enfatiza os aspetos chave da morfologia urbana, a história das formas de urbanização, e os fatores que influenciaram o seu desenvolvimento no Irão. Apesar do papel crucial desempenhado pelas aldeias na formação das cidades históricas no Irão, a literatura existente tem-se dedicado sobretudo aos centros de maior dimensão e conhecimento, ignorando as comunidades mais pequenas. Os diferentes fatores que contribuíram para a sua morfologia não têm também sido adequadamente considerados. Utilizando uma variedade de métodos e parâmetros para selecionar os estudos de caso, as aldeias escolhidas foram classificadas em três categorias principais: montanha, deserto, e fortificação, cada uma com características singulares. Em seguida, foi realizada uma análise minuciosa de três aldeias - Abyaneh, Qehi, Ghourtan - com base nos principais elementos da morfologia urbana, juntamente com uma abordagem qualitativa que considerou fatores ambientais e não ambientais. Essa análise envolveu ainda levantamentos, trabalho de campo e entrevistas. Para um maior entendimento, foram produzidos desenhos em diferentes escalas e resoluções para cada estudo de caso. Os resultados desta pesquisa não só estabelecem um caminho para estudos futuros, mas também introduzem de forma clara uma metodologia de análise dos fatores influentes. Esta abordagem oferece um modo mais eficaz de investigar estas aldeias, permitindo uma compreensão dos principais fatores que influenciaram o seu desenvolvimento. Este conhecimento é, portanto, essencial para a compreensão do património histórico destas aldeias e relevante para o planeamento e esforços de conservação destinados ao seu desenvolvimento sustentável. Em última análise, este trabalho tem como objetivo poder impactar na perceção estratégica deste património, atribuindo-lhe um papel instrumental no bem-estar das comunidades locais.Villages are among the first human settlements. Their traditional form has been shaped under the influence of various factors to meet the needs of the residents. The purpose of this research is to investigate the built environment of traditional villages located in the Iranian central plateau with the main objective of gaining a thorough understanding of their heritage value. Through a detailed analysis, this study aims to uncover the unique features, cultural and historical significance of the villages, and contribute to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage. To begin with, a comprehensive review of the literature is conducted, emphasizing the key elements of urban morphology, the history of urban form, and the factors that have influenced settlements in Iran. Despite the crucial role played by villages in shaping historical cities in Iran, the existing body of research has primarily focused on larger and well-known cities, disregarding smaller communities and villages. Furthermore, the various factors that shaped these villages have not been adequately considered thus far. Using a range of methods and parameters for selecting case studies, the chosen villages have been classified into three main categories: mountain, desert, and fortress, each with unique built features. A detailed examination was then conducted to three villages - Abyaneh, Qehi, Ghourtan - based on the main elements of urban morphology schools together with a qualitative approach that considers environmental and non-environmental factors. This analysis further involved surveys, fieldwork and interviews. To facilitate the analysis, different drawings were produced for each case study, varying in scales and resolutions. The findings of this research not only establish a comprehensive framework for future studies but also transparently introduce a methodology to analyse influential factors. This approach offers an enhanced and more effective means of researching these villages, thus facilitating a clear understanding of the primary factors that have influenced their development. This knowledge is essential for understanding the historical heritage of these villages and beneficial to consider in planning and conservation efforts aimed at their sustainable development. Ultimately, this work aims to impact the strategic perception of heritage, positioning it as an instrumental role for the overall well-being of local communities

    Classification of areas through quantifiable spatial attributes

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    This paper presents a comparative analysis of three areas within London based on measurable attributes of each city block, to assess the degree to which characteristic differences between the neighborhoods are evident and quantifiable. Both morphological measures of buildings and Space Syntax measures of streets are used. Results indicate that neighbourhoods are clearly distinguishable, however, the types of measures which best capture that distinction vary depending on the distinction being made. In the cases studied, building morphology alone distinguishes the residential neighbourhoods from mixed use, but the distinction between two residential neighbourhoods requires a combination of building and street measures

    A study of the spatial characteristics of the Jews in London 1695 & 1895

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    This paper suggests that the settlement pattern of Jews in London is in a distinct cluster, but contradicts the accepted belief about the nature of the 'ghetto'; finding that the traditional conception of the 'ghetto', as an enclosed, inward-looking immigrant quarter is incorrect in this case. It is shown that despite the fact that the Jews sometimes constituted up to 100% of the population of a street, that in general, the greater the concentration of Jews in a street, the better connected (more 'integrated') the street was into the main spacial structure of the city. It is also suggested here that the Jewish East End worked both as an internally strong structure of space, with local institutions relating to and reinforcing the local pattern of space; and also externally, with strong links tying the Jewish East End with its host society. It is proposed that this duality of internal/external links not only strengthens Jewish society but possibly contradicts accepted beliefs on the structure of immigrant societies