3 research outputs found

    Diffusion-adapted spatial filtering of fMRI data for improved activation mapping in white matter

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    Brain activation mapping using fMRI data has been mostly focused on finding detections in gray matter. Activations in white matter are harder to detect due to anatomical differences between both tissue types, which are rarely acknowledged in experimental design. However, recent publications have started to show evidence for the possibility of detecting meaningful activations in white matter. The shape of the activations arising from the BOLD signal is fundamentally different between white matter and gray matter, a fact which is not taken into account when applying isotropic Gaussian filtering in the preprocessing of fMRI data. We explore a graph-based description of the white matter developed from diffusion MRI data, which is capable of encoding the anisotropic domain. Based on this representation, two approaches to white matter filtering are tested, and their performance is evaluated on both semi-synthetic phantoms and real fMRI data. The first approach relies on heat kernel filtering in the graph spectral domain, and produced a clear increase in both sensitivity and specificity over isotropic Gaussian filtering. The second approach is based on spectral decomposition for the denosing of the signal, and showed increased specificity at the cost of a lower sensitivity.Novel approach to white matter filtering We introduced new advanced methods for filtering brain scans. Using them, we managed to improve the detection of activity in the white matter of the brain

    Statistical parametric mapping of functional MRI data using wavelets adapted to the cerebral cortex

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    Wavelet approaches have been successfully applied to the detection of brain activity in fMRI data. Spatial activation patterns have a compact representation in the wavelet domain. However, classical wavelets designed for regular Euclidean spaces are not optimal for the topologically complicated gray-matter (GM) domain where activation is expected. We hypothesized that wavelet bases that are adapted to the structure of the GM, would be more powerful in detecting brain activity. We therefore combine (1) a GM-based graph wavelet transform as an advanced spatial transformation for fMRI data with (2) the wavelet-based statistical parametric mapping framework (WSPM). We introduce suitable design choices for the graph wavelet transform and evaluate the performance of the proposed approach both on simulated and real fMRI data. Compared to SPM and conventional WSPM, the graph-based WSPM shows improved detection of finely 3D-structured brain activity

    Dynamic brain networks explored by structure-revealing methods

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    The human brain is a complex system able to continuously adapt. How and where brain activity is modulated by behavior can be studied with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), a non-invasive neuroimaging technique with excellent spatial resolution and whole-brain coverage. FMRI scans of healthy adults completing a variety of behavioral tasks have greatly contributed to our understanding of the functional role of individual brain regions. However, by statistically analyzing each region independently, these studies ignore that brain regions act in concert rather than in unison. Thus, many studies since have instead examined how brain regions interact. Surprisingly, structured interactions between distinct brain regions not only occur during behavioral tasks but also while a subject rests quietly in the MRI scanner. Multiple groups of regions interact very strongly with each other and not only do these groups bear a striking resemblance to the sets of regions co-activated in tasks, but many of these interactions are also progressively disrupted in neurological diseases. This suggests that spontaneous fluctuations in activity can provide novel insights into fundamental organizing principles of the human brain in health and disease. Many techniques to date have segregated regions into spatially distinct networks, which ignores that any brain region can take part in multiple networks across time. A more natural view is to estimate dynamic brain networks that allow flexible functional interactions (or connectivity) over time. The estimation and analysis of such dynamic functional interactions is the subject of this dissertation. We take the perspective that dynamic brain networks evolve in a low-dimensional space and can be described by a small number of characteristic spatiotemporal patterns. Our proposed approaches are based on well-established statistical methods, such as principal component analysis (PCA), sparse matrix decompositions, temporal clustering, as well as a multiscale analysis by novel graph wavelet designs. We adapt and extend these methods to the analysis of dynamic brain networks. We show that PCA and its higher-order equivalent can identify co-varying functional interactions, which reveal disturbed dynamic properties in multiple sclerosis and which are related to the timing of stimuli for task studies, respectively. Further we show that sparse matrix decompositions provide a valid alternative approach to PCA and improve interpretability of the identified patterns. Finally, assuming an even simpler low-dimensional space and the exclusive temporal expression of individual patterns, we show that specific transient interactions of the medial prefrontal cortex are disturbed in aging and relate to impaired memory