34 research outputs found

    Weighted Networks: Applications from Power grid construction to crowd control

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    Since their discovery in the 1950\u27s by Erdos and Renyi, network theory (the study of objects and their associations) has blossomed into a full-fledged branch of mathematics. Due to the network\u27s flexibility, diverse scientific problems can be reformulated as networks and studied using a common set of tools. I define a network G = (V,E) composed of two parts: (i) the set of objects V, called nodes, and (ii) set of relationships (associations) E, called links, that connect objects in V. We can extend the classic network of nodes and links by describing the intensity of these associations with weights. More formally, weighted networks augment the classic network with a function f(e) from links to the real line, uncovering powerful ways to model real-world applications. This thesis studies new ways to construct robust micro powergrids, mine people\u27s perceptions of causality on a social network, and proposes a new way to analyze crowdsourcing all in the context of the weighted network model. The current state of Earth\u27s ecosystem and intensifying climate calls on scientists to find new ways to harvest clean affordable energy. A microgrid, or neighborhood-scale powergrid built using renewable energy sources attached to personal homes, suggest one way to ameliorate this energy crisis. We can study the stability (robustness) of such a small-scale system with weighted networks. A novel use of weighted networks and percolation theory guides the safe and efficient construction of power lines (links, E) connecting a small set of houses (nodes, V) to one another and weights each power line by the distance between houses. This new look at the robustness of microgrid structures calls into question the efficacy of the traditional utility. The next study uses the twitter social network to compare and contrast causal language from everyday conversation. Collecting a set of 1 million tweets, we find a set of words (unigrams), parts of speech, named entities, and sentiment signal the use of informal causal language. Breaking a problem difficult for a computer to solve into many parts and distributing these tasks to a group of humans to solve is called Crowdsourcing. My final project asks volunteers to \u27reply\u27 to questions asked of them and \u27supply\u27 novel questions for others to answer. I model this \u27reply and supply\u27 framework as a dynamic weighted network, proposing new theories about this network\u27s behavior and how to steer it toward worthy goals. This thesis demonstrates novel uses of, enhances the current scientific literature on, and presents novel methodology for, weighted networks

    Towards autonomous diagnostic systems with medical imaging

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    Democratizing access to high quality healthcare has highlighted the need for autonomous diagnostic systems that a non-expert can use. Remote communities, first responders and even deep space explorers will come to rely on medical imaging systems that will provide them with Point of Care diagnostic capabilities. This thesis introduces the building blocks that would enable the creation of such a system. Firstly, we present a case study in order to further motivate the need and requirements of autonomous diagnostic systems. This case study primarily concerns deep space exploration where astronauts cannot rely on communication with earth-bound doctors to help them through diagnosis, nor can they make the trip back to earth for treatment. Requirements and possible solutions about the major challenges faced with such an application are discussed. Moreover, this work describes how a system can explore its perceived environment by developing a Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning method that allows for implicit communication between the agents. Under this regime agents can share the knowledge that benefits them all in achieving their individual tasks. Furthermore, we explore how systems can understand the 3D properties of 2D depicted objects in a probabilistic way. In Part II, this work explores how to reason about the extracted information in a causally enabled manner. A critical view on the applications of causality in medical imaging, and its potential uses is provided. It is then narrowed down to estimating possible future outcomes and reasoning about counterfactual outcomes by embedding data on a pseudo-Riemannian manifold and constraining the latent space by using the relativistic concept of light cones. By formalizing an approach to estimating counterfactuals, a computationally lighter alternative to the abduction-action-prediction paradigm is presented through the introduction of Deep Twin Networks. Appropriate partial identifiability constraints for categorical variables are derived and the method is applied in a series of medical tasks involving structured data, images and videos. All methods are evaluated in a wide array of synthetic and real life tasks that showcase their abilities, often achieving state-of-the-art performance or matching the existing best performance while requiring a fraction of the computational cost.Open Acces

    Achieving Causal Fairness in Recommendation

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    Recommender systems provide personalized services for users seeking information and play an increasingly important role in online applications. While most research papers focus on inventing machine learning algorithms to fit user behavior data and maximizing predictive performance in recommendation, it is also very important to develop fairness-aware machine learning algorithms such that the decisions made by them are not only accurate but also meet desired fairness requirements. In personalized recommendation, although there are many works focusing on fairness and discrimination, how to achieve user-side fairness in bandit recommendation from a causal perspective still remains a challenging task. Besides, the deployed systems utilize user-item interaction data to train models and then generate new data by online recommendation. This feedback loop in recommendation often results in various biases in observational data. The goal of this dissertation is to address challenging issues in achieving causal fairness in recommender systems: achieving user-side fairness and counterfactual fairness in bandit-based recommendation, mitigating confounding and sample selection bias simultaneously in recommendation and robustly improving bandit learning process with biased offline data. In this dissertation, we developed the following algorithms and frameworks for research problems related to causal fairness in recommendation. • We developed a contextual bandit algorithm to achieve group level user-side fairness and two UCB-based causal bandit algorithms to achieve counterfactual individual fairness for personalized recommendation; • We derived sufficient and necessary graphical conditions for identifying and estimating three causal quantities under the presence of confounding and sample selection biases and proposed a framework for leveraging the causal bound derived from the confounded and selection biased offline data to robustly improve online bandit learning process; • We developed a framework for discrimination analysis with the benefit of multiple causes of the outcome variable to deal with hidden confounding; • We proposed a new causal-based fairness notion and developed algorithms for determining whether an individual or a group of individuals is discriminated in terms of equality of effort

    Achieving Causal Fairness in Recommendation

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    Recommender systems provide personalized services for users seeking information and play an increasingly important role in online applications. While most research papers focus on inventing machine learning algorithms to fit user behavior data and maximizing predictive performance in recommendation, it is also very important to develop fairness-aware machine learning algorithms such that the decisions made by them are not only accurate but also meet desired fairness requirements. In personalized recommendation, although there are many works focusing on fairness and discrimination, how to achieve user-side fairness in bandit recommendation from a causal perspective still remains a challenging task. Besides, the deployed systems utilize user-item interaction data to train models and then generate new data by online recommendation. This feedback loop in recommendation often results in various biases in observational data. The goal of this dissertation is to address challenging issues in achieving causal fairness in recommender systems: achieving user-side fairness and counterfactual fairness in bandit-based recommendation, mitigating confounding and sample selection bias simultaneously in recommendation and robustly improving bandit learning process with biased offline data. In this dissertation, we developed the following algorithms and frameworks for research problems related to causal fairness in recommendation. • We developed a contextual bandit algorithm to achieve group level user-side fairness and two UCB-based causal bandit algorithms to achieve counterfactual individual fairness for personalized recommendation; • We derived sufficient and necessary graphical conditions for identifying and estimating three causal quantities under the presence of confounding and sample selection biases and proposed a framework for leveraging the causal bound derived from the confounded and selection biased offline data to robustly improve online bandit learning process; • We developed a framework for discrimination analysis with the benefit of multiple causes of the outcome variable to deal with hidden confounding; • We proposed a new causal-based fairness notion and developed algorithms for determining whether an individual or a group of individuals is discriminated in terms of equality of effort

    Treatment Effect Estimation and Therapeutic Optimization Using Observational Data

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)In this dissertation, I address two essential questions of modern therapeutics: (1) to quantify the e ects of pharmacological agents as functions of patient's clinical characteristics; (2) to optimize individual treatment regimen in the presence of multiple treatment options. To address the rst question, I proposed a uni ed framework for the estimation of heterogeneous treatment e ect (x), which is expressed as a function of the patient characteristics x. The proposed framework not only covers most of the existing advantage-learning methods in the literature, but also enhances the robustness of di erent learning methods against outliers by allowing the selection of appropriate loss functions. To cope with high-dimensionality in x, I incorporated into the method modern machine learning algorithms including random forests, gradient boosting machines, and neural networks, for a more scalable implementation. To facilitate the wider use of the developed methods, I developed an R package RCATE, which is now posted on Github for public access. For therapeutic optimization, I developed a treatment recommendation system using o ine reinforcement learning. O ine reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning method that enables an agent to learn an optimal policy in the absence of an interactive environment, such as those encountered in the analysis of therapeutics data. The recommendation system optimizes long-term reward, while accounting for the safety of treatment regimens. I tested the method using data from the Systolic Blood Pressure Trial (SPRINT), which included multiple years of follow-up data from thousands of patients on many di erent antihypertensive drugs. Using the SPRINT data, I developed a treatment recommendation system for antihypertensive therapies

    Knowledge Augmented Machine Learning with Applications in Autonomous Driving: A Survey

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    The existence of representative datasets is a prerequisite of many successful artificial intelligence and machine learning models. However, the subsequent application of these models often involves scenarios that are inadequately represented in the data used for training. The reasons for this are manifold and range from time and cost constraints to ethical considerations. As a consequence, the reliable use of these models, especially in safety-critical applications, is a huge challenge. Leveraging additional, already existing sources of knowledge is key to overcome the limitations of purely data-driven approaches, and eventually to increase the generalization capability of these models. Furthermore, predictions that conform with knowledge are crucial for making trustworthy and safe decisions even in underrepresented scenarios. This work provides an overview of existing techniques and methods in the literature that combine data-based models with existing knowledge. The identified approaches are structured according to the categories integration, extraction and conformity. Special attention is given to applications in the field of autonomous driving

    Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence: Proceedings of the Thirty-Fourth Conference

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