1,085 research outputs found

    Personalised Procedures for Thoracic Radiotherapy

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    This thesis presents the investigation, development, and estimation of two personalised procedures for thoracic cancer therapy in Shenzhen, China and two projects were carried out: (1) respiratory motion management of a lung tumour, and (2) the application of a three-dimensional (3D) printing technique for postmastectomy irradiation. For the first project, all subjects attended sessions of free-breathing (FB) and personalised vocal coaching (VC) for respiratory regulation. Thoracic and abdominal breathing signals were extracted from the subjects’ surface area then estimated as kernel density estimation (KDE) for motion visualisation. The mutual information (MI) and correlation coefficient (CC) calculated from KDEs indicate the variation in the relationship between the two signals. From the 1D signal, through VC, the variation of cycle time and the signal value of end-of-exhale/inhale increased in the patient group but decreased in volunteers. Mixed results were presented on KDE and MI. Compared with FB, VC improves movement consistency between the two signals in eight of eleven subjects by increasing MI. The fixed instruction method showed no improvement for day-to-day variation, while the daily generated instruction enhanced the respiratory regularity in three of five volunteers. VC addresses the variation of the single signal, while the outcome of the two signals, thoracic and abdominal signals, requires further interpretation. The second project aims to address both the enhancement of the skin dose and avoidance of hotspots of critical organs, focusing on improving irradiative treatment for post-mastectomy patients. A 3D-printed bolus was presented as a solution for the air gap between the bolus and skin. The results showed no evidence of significant skin dose enhancement with the printed bolus. Additionally, an air gap larger than 5 mm was evident in all patients. Until a solution for complete bolus adhesion is found, this customised bolus is not suitable for clinical use

    Optimization strategies for respiratory motion management in stereotactic body radiation therapy

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    Various challenges arise during the treatment of lung tumors with stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), which is a form of hypofractionated high precision conformal radiation therapy delivered to small targets. The dose is applied in only a few fractions and respiratory organ and tumor motion is a source of uncertainty additional to interfractional set-up errors. Respiratory organ and tumor motion is highly patient-specific and it affects the whole radiotherapy treatment chain. In this thesis, motion management techniques for SBRT are evaluated and improved in a clinical setting. A clinical need for improvement has been present at the LMU university hospital for each issue addressed in this thesis: Initially, the usage of respiratory correlated computed tomography (4DCT), which is vital for SBRT treatment, was seen as impractical and prone to uncertainties in the data reconstruction in its current form. Therefore, the 4DCT reconstruction workflow has been improved to minimize these potential error sources. Secondly, treatment planning for tumors affected by respiratory motion was evaluated and subsequently improved. Finally, the treatment technique of respiratory gating was implemented at the clinic, which led to the need of evaluating the respiratory gating characteristics of the novel system configuration. At first, the 4DCT reconstruction workflow used in clinical practice was investigated, as in the presence of respiratory motion the knowledge of tumor position over time is essential in SBRT treatments. Using 4DCT, the full motion range of the individual tumor can be determined. However, certain 4DCT reconstruction methods can under- or overestimate tumor motion due to limitations in the data acquisition scheme and due to the incorrect sorting of certain X-ray computed tomography (CT) image slices into different respiratory phases. As the regular clinical workflow of cycle-based sorting (CBS) without maximum inspiration detection (and therefore no clear starting point for the individual breathing cycles) seemed to be affected by these potential errors, the usage of CBS with correct maximum detection and another sorting algorithm of the respiration states, so-called local amplitude-based sorting (LAS), both have been implemented for a reduction of image artifacts and improved 4DCT quality. The three phase binning algorithms have been investigated in a phantom study (using 10 different breathing waveforms) and in a patient study (with 10 different patients). The mis-representation of the tumor volume was reduced in both implemented sorting algorithms compared to the previously used CBS approach (without correct maximum detection) in the phantom and the patient study. The clinical recommendation was the use of CBS with improved maximum detection, as too many manual interventions would be needed for the LAS workflow. Secondly, a combination of the actual patient breathing trace during treatment, the log files generated by the linear accelerator (LINAC), and Monte Carlo (MC) four-dimensional (4D) dose calculations for each individual fraction was implemented as a 4D dose evaluation tool. This workflow was tested in a clinical environment for SBRT treatment planning on multiple CT datasets featuring: a native free-breathing 3DCT, an average intensity projection (AIP) as well as a maximum intensity projection (MIP), both obtained from the patient's 4DCT, and density overrides (DOs) in a 3DCT. This study has been carried out for 5 SBRT patients for three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT) and volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) treatment plans. The dose has been recalculated on each 4DCT breathing phase according the the patient's breathing waveform and accumulated to the gross tumor volume (GTV) at the end-of-exhale (EOE) breathing phase using deformable image registration. Even though the least differences in planned and recalculated dose were found for AIP and MIP treatment planning, the results indicate a strong dependency on individual tumor motion due to the variability of breathing motion in general, and on tumor size. The combination of the patient's individual breathing trace during each SBRT fraction with 4D MC dose calculation based on the LINAC log file information leads to a good approximation of actual dose delivery. Finally, in order to ensure precise and accurate treatment for respiratory gating techniques, the technical characteristics of the LINAC in combination with a breathing motion monitoring system as s surrogate for tumor motion have to be identified. The dose delivery accuracy and the latency of a surface imaging system in connection with a modern medical LINAC were investigated using a dynamic breathing motion phantom. The dosimetric evaluation has been carried out using a static 2D-diode array. The measurement of the dose difference between gated and ungated radiation delivery was found to be below 1% (for clinical relevant gating levels of about 30%). The beam-on latency, or time delay, determined using radiographic films was found to be up to 851 ms±100 ms. With these known parameters, an adjustment of the pre-selected gating level or the internal target volume (ITV) margins could be made. With the highly patient-specific character of respiratory motion, lung SBRT faces many additional challenges besides the specific issues addressed in this thesis. However, the findings of this thesis have improved clinical workflows at the Department of Radiation Oncology of the LMU University hospital. In a future perspective, a workflow using evaluation of the actual 4D dose in combination with accurate 4DCT image acquisition and specialized treatment delivery (such as respiratory gating) has the potential for a safe further reduction of treatment margins and increased sparing of organs-at-risk (OARs) in SBRT without compromising tumor dose targeting accuracy

    Respiratory motion modelling for MR-guided lung cancer radiotherapy: model development and geometric accuracy evaluation.

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    Objective.Respiratory motion of lung tumours and adjacent structures is challenging for radiotherapy. Online MR-imaging cannot currently provide real-time volumetric information of the moving patient anatomy, therefore limiting precise dose delivery, delivered dose reconstruction, and downstream adaptation methods.Approach.We tailor a respiratory motion modelling framework towards an MR-Linac workflow to estimate the time-resolved 4D motion from real-time data. We develop a multi-slice acquisition scheme which acquires thick, overlapping 2D motion-slices in different locations and orientations, interleaved with 2D surrogate-slices from a fixed location. The framework fits a motion model directly to the input data without the need for sorting or binning to account for inter- and intra-cycle variation of the breathing motion. The framework alternates between model fitting and motion-compensated super-resolution image reconstruction to recover a high-quality motion-free image and a motion model. The fitted model can then estimate the 4D motion from 2D surrogate-slices. The framework is applied to four simulated anthropomorphic datasets and evaluated against known ground truth anatomy and motion. Clinical applicability is demonstrated by applying our framework to eight datasets acquired on an MR-Linac from four lung cancer patients.Main results.The framework accurately reconstructs high-quality motion-compensated 3D images with 2 mm3isotropic voxels. For the simulated case with the largest target motion, the motion model achieved a mean deformation field error of 1.13 mm. For the patient cases residual error registrations estimate the model error to be 1.07 mm (1.64 mm), 0.91 mm (1.32 mm), and 0.88 mm (1.33 mm) in superior-inferior, anterior-posterior, and left-right directions respectively for the building (application) data.Significance.The motion modelling framework estimates the patient motion with high accuracy and accurately reconstructs the anatomy. The image acquisition scheme can be flexibly integrated into an MR-Linac workflow whilst maintaining the capability of online motion-management strategies based on cine imaging such as target tracking and/or gating

    Optimization strategies for respiratory motion management in stereotactic body radiation therapy

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    Various challenges arise during the treatment of lung tumors with stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), which is a form of hypofractionated high precision conformal radiation therapy delivered to small targets. The dose is applied in only a few fractions and respiratory organ and tumor motion is a source of uncertainty additional to interfractional set-up errors. Respiratory organ and tumor motion is highly patient-specific and it affects the whole radiotherapy treatment chain. In this thesis, motion management techniques for SBRT are evaluated and improved in a clinical setting. A clinical need for improvement has been present at the LMU university hospital for each issue addressed in this thesis: Initially, the usage of respiratory correlated computed tomography (4DCT), which is vital for SBRT treatment, was seen as impractical and prone to uncertainties in the data reconstruction in its current form. Therefore, the 4DCT reconstruction workflow has been improved to minimize these potential error sources. Secondly, treatment planning for tumors affected by respiratory motion was evaluated and subsequently improved. Finally, the treatment technique of respiratory gating was implemented at the clinic, which led to the need of evaluating the respiratory gating characteristics of the novel system configuration. At first, the 4DCT reconstruction workflow used in clinical practice was investigated, as in the presence of respiratory motion the knowledge of tumor position over time is essential in SBRT treatments. Using 4DCT, the full motion range of the individual tumor can be determined. However, certain 4DCT reconstruction methods can under- or overestimate tumor motion due to limitations in the data acquisition scheme and due to the incorrect sorting of certain X-ray computed tomography (CT) image slices into different respiratory phases. As the regular clinical workflow of cycle-based sorting (CBS) without maximum inspiration detection (and therefore no clear starting point for the individual breathing cycles) seemed to be affected by these potential errors, the usage of CBS with correct maximum detection and another sorting algorithm of the respiration states, so-called local amplitude-based sorting (LAS), both have been implemented for a reduction of image artifacts and improved 4DCT quality. The three phase binning algorithms have been investigated in a phantom study (using 10 different breathing waveforms) and in a patient study (with 10 different patients). The mis-representation of the tumor volume was reduced in both implemented sorting algorithms compared to the previously used CBS approach (without correct maximum detection) in the phantom and the patient study. The clinical recommendation was the use of CBS with improved maximum detection, as too many manual interventions would be needed for the LAS workflow. Secondly, a combination of the actual patient breathing trace during treatment, the log files generated by the linear accelerator (LINAC), and Monte Carlo (MC) four-dimensional (4D) dose calculations for each individual fraction was implemented as a 4D dose evaluation tool. This workflow was tested in a clinical environment for SBRT treatment planning on multiple CT datasets featuring: a native free-breathing 3DCT, an average intensity projection (AIP) as well as a maximum intensity projection (MIP), both obtained from the patient's 4DCT, and density overrides (DOs) in a 3DCT. This study has been carried out for 5 SBRT patients for three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy (3D-CRT) and volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) treatment plans. The dose has been recalculated on each 4DCT breathing phase according the the patient's breathing waveform and accumulated to the gross tumor volume (GTV) at the end-of-exhale (EOE) breathing phase using deformable image registration. Even though the least differences in planned and recalculated dose were found for AIP and MIP treatment planning, the results indicate a strong dependency on individual tumor motion due to the variability of breathing motion in general, and on tumor size. The combination of the patient's individual breathing trace during each SBRT fraction with 4D MC dose calculation based on the LINAC log file information leads to a good approximation of actual dose delivery. Finally, in order to ensure precise and accurate treatment for respiratory gating techniques, the technical characteristics of the LINAC in combination with a breathing motion monitoring system as s surrogate for tumor motion have to be identified. The dose delivery accuracy and the latency of a surface imaging system in connection with a modern medical LINAC were investigated using a dynamic breathing motion phantom. The dosimetric evaluation has been carried out using a static 2D-diode array. The measurement of the dose difference between gated and ungated radiation delivery was found to be below 1% (for clinical relevant gating levels of about 30%). The beam-on latency, or time delay, determined using radiographic films was found to be up to 851 ms±100 ms. With these known parameters, an adjustment of the pre-selected gating level or the internal target volume (ITV) margins could be made. With the highly patient-specific character of respiratory motion, lung SBRT faces many additional challenges besides the specific issues addressed in this thesis. However, the findings of this thesis have improved clinical workflows at the Department of Radiation Oncology of the LMU University hospital. In a future perspective, a workflow using evaluation of the actual 4D dose in combination with accurate 4DCT image acquisition and specialized treatment delivery (such as respiratory gating) has the potential for a safe further reduction of treatment margins and increased sparing of organs-at-risk (OARs) in SBRT without compromising tumor dose targeting accuracy

    Translational Research of Audiovisual Biofeedback: An investigation of respiratory-guidance in lung and liver cancer patient radiation therapy

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    Through the act of breathing, thoracic and abdominal anatomy is in constant motion and is typically irregular. This irregular motion can exacerbate errors in radiation therapy, breathing guidance interventions operate to minimise these errors. However, much of the breathing guidance investigations have not directly quantified the impact of regular breathing on radiation therapy accuracy. The first aim of this thesis was to critically appraise the literature in terms of the use of breathing guidance interventions via systematic review. This review found that 21 of the 27 identified studies yielded significant improvements from the use of breathing guidance. None of the studies were randomised and no studies quantified the impact on 4DCT image quality. The second aim of this thesis was to quantify the impact of audiovisual biofeedback breathing guidance on 4DCT. This study utilised data from an MRI study to program the motion of a digital phantom prior to then simulating 4DCT imaging. Audiovisual biofeedback demonstrated to significantly improved 4DCT image quality over free breathing. The third aim of this thesis was to assess the impact of audiovisual biofeedback on liver cancer patient breathing over a course of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). The findings of this study demonstrated the effectiveness of audiovisual biofeedback in producing consistent interfraction respiratory motion over a course of SBRT. The fourth aim of this thesis was to design and implement a phase II clinical trial investigating the use and impact of audiovisual biofeedback in lung cancer radiation therapy. The findings of a retrospective analysis were utilised to design and determine the statistics of the most comprehensive breathing guidance study to date: a randomised, stratified, multi-site, phase II clinical trial.. The fifth aim of this thesis was to explore the next stages of audiovisual biofeedback in terms of translating evidence into broader clinical use through commercialisation. This aim was achieved by investigating the the product-market fit of the audiovisual biofeedback technology. The culmination of these findings demonstrates the clinical benefit of the audiovisual biofeedback respiratory guidance system and the possibility to make breathing guidance systems more widely available to patients

    On the investigation of a novel x-ray imaging techniques in radiation oncology

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    Radiation therapy is indicated for nearly 50% of cancer patients in Australia. Radiation therapy requires accurate delivery of ionising radiation to the neoplastic tissue and pre-treatment in situ x-ray imaging plays an important role in meeting treatment accuracy requirements. Four dimensional cone-beam computed tomography (4D CBCT) is one such pre-treatment imaging technique that can help to visualise tumour target motion due to breathing at the time of radiation treatment delivery. Measuring and characterising the target motion can help to ensure highly accurate therapeutic x-ray beam delivery. In this thesis, a novel pre-treatment x-ray imaging technique, called Respiratory Triggered 4D cone-beam Computed Tomography (RT 4D CBCT), is conceived and investigated. Specifically, the aim of this work is to progress the 4D CBCT imaging technology by investigating the use of a patient’s breathing signal to improve and optimise the use of imaging radiation in 4D CBCT to facilitate the accurate delivery of radiation therapy. These investigations are presented in three main studies: 1. Introduction to the concept of respiratory triggered four dimensional conebeam computed tomography. 2. A simulation study exploring the behaviour of RT 4D CBCT using patientmeasured respiratory data. 3. The experimental realisation of RT 4D CBCT working in a real-time acquisitions setting. The major finding from this work is that RT 4D CBCT can provide target motion information with a 50% reduction in the x-ray imaging dose applied to the patient
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