221,595 research outputs found

    Measuring the Quality of Machine Learning and Optimization Frameworks

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    Software frameworks are daily and extensively used in research, both for fundamental studies and applications. Researchers usually trust in the quality of these frameworks without any evidence that they are correctly build, indeed they could contain some defects that potentially could affect to thousands of already published and future papers. Considering the important role of these frameworks in the current state-of-the-art in research, their quality should be quantified to show the weaknesses and strengths of each software package. In this paper we study the main static quality properties, defined in the product quality model proposed by the ISO 25010 standard, of ten well-known frameworks. We provide a quality rating for each characteristic depending on the severity of the issues detected in the analysis. In addition, we propose an overall quality rating of 12 levels (ranging from A+ to D-) considering the ratings of all characteristics. As a result, we have data evidence to claim that the analysed frameworks are not in a good shape, because the best overall rating is just a C+ for Mahout framework, i.e., all packages need to go for a revision in the analysed features. Focusing on the characteristics individually, maintainability is by far the one which needs the biggest effort to fix the found defects. On the other hand, performance obtains the best average rating, a result which conforms to our expectations because frameworksā€™ authors used to take care about how fast their software runs.University of Malaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional AndalucĆ­a Tech. We would like to say thank you to all authors of these frameworks that make research easier for all of us. This research has been partially funded by CELTIC C2017/2-2 in collaboration with companies EMERGYA and SECMOTIC with contracts #8.06/5.47.4997 and #8.06/5.47.4996. It has also been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and /Junta de AndalucıĢa/FEDER under contracts TIN2014-57341-R and TIN2017-88213-R, the network of smart cities CI-RTI (TIN2016-81766-REDT

    GPU acceleration for statistical gene classification

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    The use of Bioinformatic tools in routine clinical diagnostics is still facing a number of issues. The more complex and advanced bioinformatic tools become, the more performance is required by the computing platforms. Unfortunately, the cost of parallel computing platforms is usually prohibitive for both public and small private medical practices. This paper presents a successful experience in using the parallel processing capabilities of Graphical Processing Units (GPU) to speed up bioinformatic tasks such as statistical classification of gene expression profiles. The results show that using open source CUDA programming libraries allows to obtain a significant increase in performances and therefore to shorten the gap between advanced bioinformatic tools and real medical practic

    Hopfield Networks in Relevance and Redundancy Feature Selection Applied to Classification of Biomedical High-Resolution Micro-CT Images

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    We study filterā€“based feature selection methods for classification of biomedical images. For feature selection, we use two filters ā€” a relevance filter which measures usefulness of individual features for target prediction, and a redundancy filter, which measures similarity between features. As selection method that combines relevance and redundancy we try out a Hopfield network. We experimentally compare selection methods, running unitary redundancy and relevance filters, against a greedy algorithm with redundancy thresholds [9], the min-redundancy max-relevance integration [8,23,36], and our Hopfield network selection. We conclude that on the whole, Hopfield selection was one of the most successful methods, outperforming min-redundancy max-relevance when\ud more features are selected
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