61,688 research outputs found

    Characterization and Inference of Graph Diffusion Processes from Observations of Stationary Signals

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    Many tools from the field of graph signal processing exploit knowledge of the underlying graph's structure (e.g., as encoded in the Laplacian matrix) to process signals on the graph. Therefore, in the case when no graph is available, graph signal processing tools cannot be used anymore. Researchers have proposed approaches to infer a graph topology from observations of signals on its nodes. Since the problem is ill-posed, these approaches make assumptions, such as smoothness of the signals on the graph, or sparsity priors. In this paper, we propose a characterization of the space of valid graphs, in the sense that they can explain stationary signals. To simplify the exposition in this paper, we focus here on the case where signals were i.i.d. at some point back in time and were observed after diffusion on a graph. We show that the set of graphs verifying this assumption has a strong connection with the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix, and forms a convex set. Along with a theoretical study in which these eigenvectors are assumed to be known, we consider the practical case when the observations are noisy, and experimentally observe how fast the set of valid graphs converges to the set obtained when the exact eigenvectors are known, as the number of observations grows. To illustrate how this characterization can be used for graph recovery, we present two methods for selecting a particular point in this set under chosen criteria, namely graph simplicity and sparsity. Additionally, we introduce a measure to evaluate how much a graph is adapted to signals under a stationarity assumption. Finally, we evaluate how state-of-the-art methods relate to this framework through experiments on a dataset of temperatures.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Network

    Graph Variogram: A novel tool to measure spatial stationarity

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    Irregularly sampling a spatially stationary random field does not yield a graph stationary signal in general. Based on this observation, we build a definition of graph stationarity based on intrinsic stationarity, a less restrictive definition of classical stationarity. We introduce the concept of graph variogram, a novel tool for measuring spatial intrinsic stationarity at local and global scales for irregularly sampled signals by selecting subgraphs of local neighborhoods. Graph variograms are extensions of variograms used for signals defined on continuous Euclidean space. Our experiments with intrinsically stationary signals sampled on a graph, demonstrate that graph variograms yield estimates with small bias of true theoretical models, while being robust to sampling variation of the space.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing 2018 (IEEE GlobalSIP 2018), Nov 2018, Anaheim, CA, United States. (https://2018.ieeeglobalsip.org/

    Forecasting Time Series with VARMA Recursions on Graphs

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    Graph-based techniques emerged as a choice to deal with the dimensionality issues in modeling multivariate time series. However, there is yet no complete understanding of how the underlying structure could be exploited to ease this task. This work provides contributions in this direction by considering the forecasting of a process evolving over a graph. We make use of the (approximate) time-vertex stationarity assumption, i.e., timevarying graph signals whose first and second order statistical moments are invariant over time and correlated to a known graph topology. The latter is combined with VAR and VARMA models to tackle the dimensionality issues present in predicting the temporal evolution of multivariate time series. We find out that by projecting the data to the graph spectral domain: (i) the multivariate model estimation reduces to that of fitting a number of uncorrelated univariate ARMA models and (ii) an optimal low-rank data representation can be exploited so as to further reduce the estimation costs. In the case that the multivariate process can be observed at a subset of nodes, the proposed models extend naturally to Kalman filtering on graphs allowing for optimal tracking. Numerical experiments with both synthetic and real data validate the proposed approach and highlight its benefits over state-of-the-art alternatives.Comment: submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Sampling and Reconstruction of Graph Signals via Weak Submodularity and Semidefinite Relaxation

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    We study the problem of sampling a bandlimited graph signal in the presence of noise, where the objective is to select a node subset of prescribed cardinality that minimizes the signal reconstruction mean squared error (MSE). To that end, we formulate the task at hand as the minimization of MSE subject to binary constraints, and approximate the resulting NP-hard problem via semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation. Moreover, we provide an alternative formulation based on maximizing a monotone weak submodular function and propose a randomized-greedy algorithm to find a sub-optimal subset. We then derive a worst-case performance guarantee on the MSE returned by the randomized greedy algorithm for general non-stationary graph signals. The efficacy of the proposed methods is illustrated through numerical simulations on synthetic and real-world graphs. Notably, the randomized greedy algorithm yields an order-of-magnitude speedup over state-of-the-art greedy sampling schemes, while incurring only a marginal MSE performance loss
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