25 research outputs found

    Discrete Cosserat Approach for Multi-Section Soft Robots Dynamics

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    In spite of recent progress, soft robotics still suffers from a lack of unified modeling framework. Nowadays, the most adopted model for the design and control of soft robots is the piece-wise constant curvature model, with its consolidated benefits and drawbacks. In this work, an alternative model for multisection soft robots dynamics is presented based on a discrete Cosserat approach, which, not only takes into account shear and torsional deformations, essentials to cope with out-of-plane external loads, but also inherits the geometrical and mechanical properties of the continuous Cosserat model, making it the natural soft robotics counterpart of the traditional rigid robotics dynamics model. The soundness of the model is demonstrated through extensive simulation and experimental results for both plane and out-of-plane motions.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Dynamic Modeling of a Spatial Cable-Driven Continuum Robot Using Euler-Lagrange Method

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    Continuum robots are kinematically redundant and their dynamic models are highly nonlinear. This study aims to overcome this difficulty by presenting a more practical dynamic model of a certain class of continuum robots called cable-driven continuum robot (CDCR). Firstly, the structural design of a CDCR with two rotational degrees of freedom (DOF) is introduced. Then, the kinematic models are derived according to the constant curvature assumption. Considering the complexity of the kinetic energy expression, it has been approximated by the well-known Taylor expansions.  This case corresponds to weak bending angles within the specified bending angle range of the robot. On the other hand, due to the low weight of the CDCR components, the gravitational energy effects can be neglected compared to those stemmed from the elastic energy. Thereafter, the corresponding dynamic model is established using Euler-Lagrange method. Static and dynamic models have been illustrated by examples. This analysis and dynamic model development have been compared with the existing scientific literature. The obtained results shown that the consistency and the efficiency of accuracy for real-time have been carried out. However, the dynamic modeling of CDCR with more than 2-DOF leads to a more complex mathematical expression, and cannot be simplified by adopting the similar assumptions and methodology used in the case of 2-DOF

    Continuum Robots for Space Applications Based on Layer-Jamming Scales with Stiffness Capability

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    Continuum robots, which have continuous mechanical structures comparable to the flexibility in elephant trunks and octopus arms, have been primarily geared toward the medical and defense communities. In space, however, NASA projects these robots to have a place in irregular inspection routines. The inherent compliance and bending of these continuum arms are especially suitable for inspection in obstructed spaces to ensure proper equipment functionality. In this paper, we propose a new solution that improves on the functionality of previous continuum robots, via a novel mechanical scaly layer-jamming design. Layer-jamming assisted continuum arms have previously required pneumatic sources for actuation, which limit their portability and usage in aerospace applications. This paper combines the compliance of continuum arms and stiffness modulation of the layer jamming mechanism to design new hybrid layer jamming continuum arms. The novel designs use an electromechanical actuation which eliminates the previous need for pneumatic actuation therefore making the hardware compact and portable

    Dynamics Modeling of a Continuum Robotic Arm with a Contact Point in Planar Grasp

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    Grasping objects by continuum arms or fingers is a new field of interest in robotics. Continuum manipulators have the advantages of high adaptation and compatibility with respect to the object shape. However, due to their extremely nonlinear behavior and infinite degrees of freedom, continuum arms cannot be easily modeled. In fact, dynamics modeling of continuum robotic manipulators is state-of-the-art. Using the exact modeling approaches, such as theory of Cosserat rod, the resulting models are either too much time-taking for computation or numerically unstable. Thus, such models are not suitable for applications such as real-time control. However, based on realistic assumptions and using some approximations, these systems can be modeled with reasonable computational efforts. In this paper, a planar continuum robotic arm is modeled, considering its backbone as two circular arcs. In order to simulate finger grasping, the continuum arm experiences a point-force along its body. Finally, the results are validated using obtained experimental data