659 research outputs found

    Understanding Legacy Workflows through Runtime Trace Analysis

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    abstract: When scientific software is written to specify processes, it takes the form of a workflow, and is often written in an ad-hoc manner in a dynamic programming language. There is a proliferation of legacy workflows implemented by non-expert programmers due to the accessibility of dynamic languages. Unfortunately, ad-hoc workflows lack a structured description as provided by specialized management systems, making ad-hoc workflow maintenance and reuse difficult, and motivating the need for analysis methods. The analysis of ad-hoc workflows using compiler techniques does not address dynamic languages - a program has so few constrains that its behavior cannot be predicted. In contrast, workflow provenance tracking has had success using run-time techniques to record data. The aim of this work is to develop a new analysis method for extracting workflow structure at run-time, thus avoiding issues with dynamics. The method captures the dataflow of an ad-hoc workflow through its execution and abstracts it with a process for simplifying repetition. An instrumentation system first processes the workflow to produce an instrumented version, capable of logging events, which is then executed on an input to produce a trace. The trace undergoes dataflow construction to produce a provenance graph. The dataflow is examined for equivalent regions, which are collected into a single unit. The workflow is thus characterized in terms of its treatment of an input. Unlike other methods, a run-time approach characterizes the workflow's actual behavior; including elements which static analysis cannot predict (for example, code dynamically evaluated based on input parameters). This also enables the characterization of dataflow through external tools. The contributions of this work are: a run-time method for recording a provenance graph from an ad-hoc Python workflow, and a method to analyze the structure of a workflow from provenance. Methods are implemented in Python and are demonstrated on real world Python workflows. These contributions enable users to derive graph structure from workflows. Empowered by a graphical view, users can better understand a legacy workflow. This makes the wealth of legacy ad-hoc workflows accessible, enabling workflow reuse instead of investing time and resources into creating a workflow.Dissertation/ThesisMasters Thesis Computer Science 201

    The ALPS project release 2.0: Open source software for strongly correlated systems

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    We present release 2.0 of the ALPS (Algorithms and Libraries for Physics Simulations) project, an open source software project to develop libraries and application programs for the simulation of strongly correlated quantum lattice models such as quantum magnets, lattice bosons, and strongly correlated fermion systems. The code development is centered on common XML and HDF5 data formats, libraries to simplify and speed up code development, common evaluation and plotting tools, and simulation programs. The programs enable non-experts to start carrying out serial or parallel numerical simulations by providing basic implementations of the important algorithms for quantum lattice models: classical and quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) using non-local updates, extended ensemble simulations, exact and full diagonalization (ED), the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) both in a static version and a dynamic time-evolving block decimation (TEBD) code, and quantum Monte Carlo solvers for dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). The ALPS libraries provide a powerful framework for programers to develop their own applications, which, for instance, greatly simplify the steps of porting a serial code onto a parallel, distributed memory machine. Major changes in release 2.0 include the use of HDF5 for binary data, evaluation tools in Python, support for the Windows operating system, the use of CMake as build system and binary installation packages for Mac OS X and Windows, and integration with the VisTrails workflow provenance tool. The software is available from our web server at http://alps.comp-phys.org/.Comment: 18 pages + 4 appendices, 7 figures, 12 code examples, 2 table

    On the construction of decentralised service-oriented orchestration systems

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    Modern science relies on workflow technology to capture, process, and analyse data obtained from scientific instruments. Scientific workflows are precise descriptions of experiments in which multiple computational tasks are coordinated based on the dataflows between them. Orchestrating scientific workflows presents a significant research challenge: they are typically executed in a manner such that all data pass through a centralised computer server known as the engine, which causes unnecessary network traffic that leads to a performance bottleneck. These workflows are commonly composed of services that perform computation over geographically distributed resources, and involve the management of dataflows between them. Centralised orchestration is clearly not a scalable approach for coordinating services dispersed across distant geographical locations. This thesis presents a scalable decentralised service-oriented orchestration system that relies on a high-level data coordination language for the specification and execution of workflows. This system’s architecture consists of distributed engines, each of which is responsible for executing part of the overall workflow. It exploits parallelism in the workflow by decomposing it into smaller sub-workflows, and determines the most appropriate engines to execute them using computation placement analysis. This permits the workflow logic to be distributed closer to the services providing the data for execution, which reduces the overall data transfer in the workflow and improves its execution time. This thesis provides an evaluation of the presented system which concludes that decentralised orchestration provides scalability benefits over centralised orchestration, and improves the overall performance of executing a service-oriented workflow