10 research outputs found

    Control Flow Analysis for SF Combinator Calculus

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    Programs that transform other programs often require access to the internal structure of the program to be transformed. This is at odds with the usual extensional view of functional programming, as embodied by the lambda calculus and SK combinator calculus. The recently-developed SF combinator calculus offers an alternative, intensional model of computation that may serve as a foundation for developing principled languages in which to express intensional computation, including program transformation. Until now there have been no static analyses for reasoning about or verifying programs written in SF-calculus. We take the first step towards remedying this by developing a formulation of the popular control flow analysis 0CFA for SK-calculus and extending it to support SF-calculus. We prove its correctness and demonstrate that the analysis is invariant under the usual translation from SK-calculus into SF-calculus.Comment: In Proceedings VPT 2015, arXiv:1512.0221

    Effective Quotation: Relating Approaches to Language-integrated Query

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    Language-integrated query techniques have been explored in a number of different language designs. We consider two different, type-safe approaches employed by Links and F#. Both approaches provide rich dynamic query generation capabilities, and thus amount to a form of heterogeneous staged computation, but to date there has been no formal investigation of their relative expressiveness. We present two core calculi Eff and Quot, respectively capturing the essential aspects of language-integrated querying using effects in Links and quotation in LINQ. We show via translations from Eff to Quot and back that the two approaches are equivalent in expressiveness. Based on the translation from Eff to Quot, we extend a simple Links compiler to handle queries.Comment: Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2014 Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Program Manipulation, January 20-21, 2014, San Diego, CA, USA. Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to AC

    Static analysis of multi-staged programs via unstaging translation

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    Static analysis of multi-staged programs via unstaging translation

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    Due to copyright restrictions, the access to the full text of this article is only available via subscription.Static analysis of multi-staged programs is challenging because thebasic assumption of conventional static analysis no longer holds: the program text itself is no longer a fixed static entity, but rather a dynamically constructed value. This article presents a semanticpreserving translation of multi-staged call-by-value programs into unstaged programs and a static analysis framework based on this translation. The translation is semantic-preserving in that every small-step reduction of a multi-staged program is simulated by the evaluation of its unstaged version. Thanks to this translation we can analyze multi-staged programs with existing static analysis techniques that have been developed for conventional unstaged programs: we first apply the unstaging translation, then we apply conventional static analysis to the unstaged version, and finally we cast the analysis results back in terms of the original staged program. Our translation handles staging constructs that have beenevolved to be useful in practice (typified in Lisp’s quasi quotation): open code as values, unrestricted operations on references and intentional variable-capturing substitutions. This article omits references for which we refer the reader to our companion technical report.Engineering Research Center of Excellence Program of Korea Ministry of Education, Science and Technology(MEST) ; National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF

    Cross-language program analysis for dynamic web applications

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    Web applications have become one of the most important and prevalent types of software. In modern web applications, the display of any web page is usually an interplay of multiple languages and involves code execution at different locations (the server side, the database side, and the client side). These characteristics make it hard to write and maintain web applications. Much of the existing research and tool support often deals with one single language and therefore is still limited in addressing those challenges. To fill in this gap, this dissertation is aimed at developing an infrastructure for cross-language program analysis for dynamic web applications to support creating reliable and robust web applications with higher quality and lower costs. To reach that goal, we have developed the following research components. First, to understand the client-side code that is embedded in the server-side code, we develop an output-oriented symbolic execution engine that approximates all possible outputs of a server-side program. Second, we use variability-aware parsing, a technique recently developed for parsing conditional code in software product lines, to parse those outputs into a compact tree representation (called VarDOM) that represents all possible DOM variants of a web application. Third, we leverage the VarDOM to extract semantic information from the server-side code. Specifically, we develop novel concepts, techniques, and tools (1) to build call graphs for embedded client code in different languages, (2) to compute cross-language program slices, and (3) to compute a novel test coverage criterion called output coverage that aids testers in creating effective test suites for detecting output-related bugs. The results have been demonstrated in a wide range of applications for web programs such as IDE services, fault localization, bug detection, and testing