5 research outputs found

    Static Type Determination for C++

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    Static type determination involves compile time calculation of the type of object a pointer may point to at a particular program point during some execution. We show that the problem of precise interprocedural type determination is NP-hard in the presence of inheritance, virtual methods and pointers. We highlight the signicance of type determination in improving code eciency and precision of other static analyses. We present a safe, approximate algorithm for C++ programs with single level pointers, using the conditional analysis technique [LR91]. We discuss the generalization of our approach to analyze programs with multiple levels of pointer dereferencing.Technical report LCSR-TR-197-

    Static Type Determination for C++

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    Static type determination involves compile time calculation of the type of object a pointer may point to at a particular program point during some execution. We show that the problem of precise interprocedural type determination is NP-hard in the presence of inheritance, virtual methods and pointers. We highlight the significance of type determination in improving code efficiency and precision of other static analyses. We present a safe, approximate algorithm for C ++ programs with single level pointers, using the conditional analysis technique [LR91]. We discuss the generalization of our approach to analyze programs with multiple levels of pointer dereferencing. 1 Introduction Recent emphasis in the static analysis community has been on expanding compile time analysis to include interprocedural information [Bur90, Cal88, CBC93, MLR + 93, CK88, CK89, HS90, HRB90, LRZ93, Mey81]. Historically, compile time analysis has been used in intraprocedural context for code optimizations. The..