7 research outputs found

    Static Detection of Atomicity Violations in Object-Oriented Programs.

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    Preventing Atomicity Violations with Contracts

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    Software developers are expected to protect concurrent accesses to shared regions of memory with some mutual exclusion primitive that ensures atomicity properties to a sequence of program statements. This approach prevents data races but may fail to provide all necessary correctness properties.The composition of correlated atomic operations without further synchronization may cause atomicity violations. Atomic violations may be avoided by grouping the correlated atomic regions in a single larger atomic scope. Concurrent programs are particularly prone to atomicity violations when they use services provided by third party packages or modules, since the programmer may fail to identify which services are correlated. In this paper we propose to use contracts for concurrency, where the developer of a module writes a set of contract terms that specify which methods are correlated and must be executed in the same atomic scope. These contracts are then used to verify the correctness of the main program with respect to the usage of the module(s). If a contract is well defined and complete, and the main program respects it, then the program is safe from atomicity violations with respect to that module. We also propose a static analysis based methodology to verify contracts for concurrency that we applied to some real-world software packages. The bug we found in Tomcat 6.0 was immediately acknowledged and corrected by its development team

    Lock Removal for Concurrent Trace Programs

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    Abstract. We propose a trace-based concurrent program analysis to soundly remove redundant synchronizations such as locks while preserving the behaviors of the concurrent computation. Our new method is computationally efficient in that it involves only thread-local computation and therefore avoids interleaving explosion, which is known as the main hurdle for scalable concurrency analysis. Our method builds on the partial-order theory and a unified analysis framework; therefore, it is more generally applicable than existing methods based on simple syntactic rules and ad hoc heuristics. We have implemented and evaluated the proposed method in the context of runtime verification of multithreaded Java and C programs. Our experimental results show that lock removal can significantly speed up symbolic predictive analysis for detecting concurrency bugs. Besides runtime verification, our new method will also be useful in applications such as debugging, performance optimization, program understanding, and maintenance.

    Static Detection of Atomicity Violations in Object-Oriented Programs

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    Violations of atomicity are possible sources of errors in parallel programs. A violation occurs if the effect of a method depends on the execution of concurrent threads that operate on the same shared data. Such unwanted thread interference can occur even if access to shared data is ordered through synchronization, hence common techniques for data race detection are not able to find such errors. We have developed a static analysis that infers atomicity constraints and identifies potential violations. The analysis is based on an abstract model of threads and data. A symbolic execution tracks object locking and access and provides information that is finally used to determine potential violations of atomicity. We provide a detailed evaluation of our algorithm for several Java programs. Although the algorithm does not guarantee to find all violations of atomicity, our experience shows that the method is efficient and effective in determining several known synchronization problems in a number of applications and the Java library. The problem of overreporting that is commonly encountered due to conservatism in static analyses is moderate.

    Maintaining the correctness of transactional memory programs

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia InformáticaThis dissertation addresses the challenge of maintaining the correctness of transactional memory programs, while improving its parallelism with small transactions and relaxed isolation levels. The efficiency of the transactional memory systems depends directly on the level of parallelism, which in turn depends on the conflict rate. A high conflict rate between memory transactions can be addressed by reducing the scope of transactions, but this approach may turn the application prone to the occurrence of atomicity violations. Another way to address this issue is to ignore some of the conflicts by using a relaxed isolation level, such as snapshot isolation, at the cost of introducing write-skews serialization anomalies that break the consistency guarantees provided by a stronger consistency property, such as opacity. In order to tackle the correctness issues raised by the atomicity violations and the write-skew anomalies, we propose two static analysis techniques: one based in a novel static analysis algorithm that works on a dependency graph of program variables and detects atomicity violations; and a second one based in a shape analysis technique supported by separation logic augmented with heap path expressions, a novel representation based on sequences of heap dereferences that certifies if a transactional memory program executing under snapshot isolation is free from writeskew anomalies. The evaluation of the runtime execution of a transactional memory algorithm using snapshot isolation requires a framework that allows an efficient implementation of a multi-version algorithm and, at the same time, enables its comparison with other existing transactional memory algorithms. In the Java programming language there was no framework satisfying both these requirements. Hence, we extended an existing software transactional memory framework that already supported efficient implementations of some transactional memory algorithms, to also support the efficient implementation of multi-version algorithms. The key insight for this extension is the support for storing the transactional metadata adjacent to memory locations. We illustrate the benefits of our approach by analyzing its impact with both single- and multi-version transactional memory algorithms using several transactional workloads.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - PhD research grant SFRH/BD/41765/2007, and in the research projects Synergy-VM (PTDC/EIA-EIA/113613/2009), and RepComp (PTDC/EIAEIA/ 108963/2008

    Techniques for Detection, Root Cause Diagnosis, and Classification of In-Production Concurrency Bugs

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    Concurrency bugs are at the heart of some of the worst bugs that plague software. Concurrency bugs slow down software development because it can take weeks or even months before developers can identify and fix them. In-production detection, root cause diagnosis, and classification of concurrency bugs is challenging. This is because these activities require heavyweight analyses such as exploring program paths and determining failing program inputs and schedules, all of which are not suited for software running in production. This dissertation develops practical techniques for the detection, root cause diagnosis, and classification of concurrency bugs for inproduction software. Furthermore, we develop ways for developers to better reason about concurrent programs. This dissertation builds upon the following principles: — The approach in this dissertation spans multiple layers of the system stack, because concurrency spans many layers of the system stack. — It performs most of the heavyweight analyses in-house and resorts to minimal in-production analysis in order to move the heavy lifting to where it is least disruptive. — It eschews custom hardware solutions that may be infeasible to implement in the real world. Relying on the aforementioned principles, this dissertation introduces: 1. Techniques to automatically detect concurrency bugs (data races and atomicity violations) in-production by combining in-house static analysis and in-production dynamic analysis. 2. A technique to automatically identify the root causes of in-production failures, with a particular emphasis on failures caused by concurrency bugs. 3. A technique that given a data race, automatically classifies it based on its potential consequence, allowing developers to answer questions such as “can the data race cause a crash or a hang?”, or “does the data race have any observable effect?”. We build a toolchain that implements all the aforementioned techniques. We show that the tools we develop in this dissertation are effective, incur low runtime performance overhead, and have high accuracy and precision