6 research outputs found

    Static, Lightweight Includes Resolution for PHP

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    Dynamic languages include a number of features that are challenging to model properly in static analysis tools. In PHP, one of these features is the include expression, where an arbitrary expression provides the path of the file to include at runtime. In this paper we present two complementary analyses for statically resolving PHP includes, one that works at the level of individual PHP files and one targeting PHP programs, possibly consisting of multiple scripts. To evaluate the effectiveness of these analyses we have applied the first to a corpus of 20 open-source systems, totaling more than 4.5 million lines of PHP, and the second to a number of programs from a subset of these systems. Our results show that, in many cases, includes can be either resolved to a specific file or a small subset of possible files, enabling better IDE features and more advanced program analysis tools for PHP

    Static, lightweight includes resolution for PHP

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    International audienceDynamic languages include a number of features that are challenging to model properly in static analysis tools. In PHP, one of these features is the include expression, where an arbitrary expression provides the path of the file to include at runtime. In this paper we present two complementary analyses for statically resolving PHP includes, one that works at the level of individual PHP files and one targeting PHP programs, possibly consisting of multiple scripts. To evaluate the effectiveness of these analyses we have applied the first to a corpus of 20 open-source systems, totaling more than 4.5 million lines of PHP, and the second to a number of programs from a subset of these systems. Our results show that, in many cases, includes can be either resolved to a specific file or a small subset of possible files, enabling better IDE features and more advanced program analysis tools for PHP

    CMS-järjestelmien suorituskyvyn optimointi ja parantaminen

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    Web-pohjaisten CMS-järjestelmien suorituskyvyn merkitys on erittäin suuri. Sivuston suorituskyky vaikuttaa muun muassa käyttökokemukseen ja asiakastyytyväisyyteen sekä syntyvään laatuvaikutelmaan. Joskus suorituskyvyn ongelmien taustalla voi olla myös järjestelmässä piileviä laatuongelmia, kuten runsaasti teknistä velkaa tai rappeutunut kokonaisarkkitehtuuri. Tässä tutkielmassa tehdään katsaus CMS-järjestelmiin sekä ohjelmistojen laatuun, laadun arviointiin ja metriikoihin. Tutkielman tapaustutkimuksen kohteena on erään IT-alalla toimivan yrityksen kehittämä ja markkinoima web CMS -järjestelmä. Suorituskyky on muodostunut tässä järjestelmässä ongelmalliseksi. Tutkielmassa pyritään löytämään keinoja, joilla web CMS -järjestelmien suorituskykyä voidaan parantaa ja optimoida yleisellä tasolla. Löydettyjä keinoja pyritään soveltamaan tapaustutkimuksen kohdejärjestelmään sen suorituskyvyn parantamiseksi ja optimoimiseksi. Tapaustutkimuksen kohteena olevan web CMS -järjestelmän suorituskykyä onnistuttiin parantamaan ja optimoimaan löydetyillä keinoilla merkittävästi. Erityisesti keskeisiksi keinoiksi nousivat datan käytön parantaminen, toiston purkaminen, kapselointi, abstraktointi ja keskeisten funktioiden parantaminen. Tutkielman yhteydessä tehtiin myös havainto tapaustutkimuksen kohteena olevan web CMS -järjestelmän laatuongelmista ja annetaan ehdotuksia laatutason parantamiseksi myös jatkoss

    Static, lightweight includes resolution for PHP

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    Dynamic languages include a number of features that are challenging to model properly in static analysis tools. In PHP, one of these features is the include expression, where an arbitrary expression provides the path of the file to include at runtime. In this paper we present two complementary analyses for statically resolving PHP includes, one that works at the level of individual PHP files, and one targeting PHP programs possibly consisting of multiple scripts. To evaluate the effectiveness of these analyses we have applied the first to a corpus of 20 open-source systems, totaling more than 4.5 million lines of PHP, and the second to a number of programs from a subset of these systems. Our results show that, in many cases, includes can be resolved to a specific file or a small subset of possible files, enabling better IDE features and more advanced program analysis tools for PHP

    Static, Lightweight Includes Resolution for PHP

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    Dynamic languages include a number of features that are challenging to model properly in static analysis tools. In PHP, one of these features is the include expression, where an arbitrary expression provides the path of the file to include at runtime. In this paper we present two complementary analyses for statically resolving PHP includes, one that works at the level of individual PHP files and one targeting PHP programs, possibly consisting of multiple scripts. To evaluate the effectiveness of these analyses we have applied the first to a corpus of 20 open-source systems, totaling more than 4.5 million lines of PHP, and the second to a number of programs from a subset of these systems. Our results show that, in many cases, includes can be either resolved to a specific file or a small subset of possible files, enabling better IDE features and more advanced program analysis tools for PHP