406 research outputs found

    Robust geometric forest routing with tunable load balancing

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    Although geometric routing is proposed as a memory-efficient alternative to traditional lookup-based routing and forwarding algorithms, it still lacks: i) adequate mechanisms to trade stretch against load balancing, and ii) robustness to cope with network topology change. The main contribution of this paper involves the proposal of a family of routing schemes, called Forest Routing. These are based on the principles of geometric routing, adding flexibility in its load balancing characteristics. This is achieved by using an aggregation of greedy embeddings along with a configurable distance function. Incorporating link load information in the forwarding layer enables load balancing behavior while still attaining low path stretch. In addition, the proposed schemes are validated regarding their resilience towards network failures

    Geographic Routing with Partial Position Information

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    International audienceGeographic routing protocols show good properties for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). They are stateless, local and scalable. However they require that each node of the network is aware of its own position. While it may be possible to equip each node with GPS receiver, even if it is costly, there are some issues and receiving a usable GPS signal may be difficult in some situations. For these reasons, we propose a geographic routing algorithm, called HGA, able to take advantages of position informations of nodes when available but also able to continue the routing in a more traditional way if position information is not available. We show with simulations that our algorithm offers an alternative solution to classical routing algorithm (non-geographic) and offers better performances for network with a density above 25 and more than 5% of nodes are aware of their position

    MAP: Medial Axis Based Geometric Routing in Sensor Networks

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    One of the challenging tasks in the deployment of dense wireless networks (like sensor networks) is in devising a routing scheme for node to node communication. Important consideration includes scalability, routing complexity, the length of the communication paths and the load sharing of the routes. In this paper, we show that a compact and expressive abstraction of network connectivity by the medial axis enables efficient and localized routing. We propose MAP, a Medial Axis based naming and routing Protocol that does not require locations, makes routing decisions locally, and achieves good load balancing. In its preprocessing phase, MAP constructs the medial axis of the sensor field, defined as the set of nodes with at least two closest boundary nodes. The medial axis of the network captures both the complex geometry and non-trivial topology of the sensor field. It can be represented compactly by a graph whose size is comparable with the complexity of the geometric features (e.g., the number of holes). Each node is then given a name related to its position with respect to the medial axis. The routing scheme is derived through local decisions based on the names of the source and destination nodes and guarantees delivery with reasonable and natural routes. We show by both theoretical analysis and simulations that our medial axis based geometric routing scheme is scalable, produces short routes, achieves excellent load balancing, and is very robust to variations in the network model

    A Distributed Geo-Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Geographic wireless sensor networks use position information for greedy routing. Greedy routing works well in dense networks, whereas in sparse networks it may fail and require a recovery algorithm. Recovery algorithms help the packet to get out of the communication void. However, these algorithms are generally costly for resource constrained position-based wireless sensor networks (WSNs). In this paper, we propose a void avoidance algorithm (VAA), a novel idea based on upgrading virtual distance. VAA allows wireless sensor nodes to remove all stuck nodes by transforming the routing graph and forwarding packets using only greedy routing. In VAA, the stuck node upgrades distance unless it finds a next hop node that is closer to the destination than it is. VAA guarantees packet delivery if there is a topologically valid path. Further, it is completely distributed, immediately responds to node failure or topology changes and does not require planarization of the network. NS-2 is used to evaluate the performance and correctness of VAA and we compare its performance to other protocols. Simulations show our proposed algorithm consumes less energy, has an efficient path and substantially less control overheads

    Towards content-centric geometric routing

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    Content delivery is a crucial feature of existing cloud and telecom networks. This is confirmed by the tremendous success of media streaming services such as Spotify and Netftix, as well as the content and file-distribution systems such as BitTorrent. A recurring problem in these type of network services is about keeping the protocol overhead as low as possible while maximizing the efficiency of such systems in terms of network delay to customers. In this paper we propose the use of a routing system-inferred coordinate system to improve: i) content server selection upon receiving content requests, and ii) the mapping of content to servers/caches. We describe the required protocol mechanisms, and evaluate potential gains using coordinates of Geometric Tree Routing and compare it to pure IP-based mechanisms or measurement-based content systems relying on coordinates. The proposed approach can be further extended in order to include alternate geometric systems for example supporting hyperbolic geometries
