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    A first cubic upper bound on the local reachability index for some positive 2-D systems

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    [EN] The calculation of the smallest number of steps needed to deterministically reach all local states of an nth-order positive 2-D system, which is called local reachability index (ILR) of that system, was recently tackled bymeans of the use of a suitable composition table. The greatest index ILR obtained in the previous literature was n+3 ([n/2]) 2 for some appropriated values of n. Taking as a basis both a combinatorial approach of such systems and the construction of suitable geometric sets in the plane, an upper bound on ILR depending on the dimension n for a new family of systems is characterized. The 2-D influence digraph of this family of order n = 6 consists of two subdigraphs corresponding to a unique source s. The first one is a cycle involving the first n(1) vertices and is connected to the another subdigraph through the 1-arc (2, n(1) +n(2)), being the natural numbers n(1) and n(2) such that n(1) > n(2) = 2 and n-n(1)-n(2) = 1. The second one has two main cycles, a cycle where only the remaining vertices n(1)+1,..., n appear and a cycle containing only the vertices n(1)+1, n(1)+n(2)-1. Moreover, the last vertices are connected through the 2-arc (n(1) +n(2)-1, n). Furthermore, if n > 12 and is a multiple of 3, for appropriate n(1) and n(2), the ILR of that family is at least cubic, exactly, it must be n(3)+9n(2)+45n+108/27, which shows that some local states can be deterministically reached much further than initially proposed in the literature.We are gratefully thankful to the reviewers for their valuable remarks. This work has been partially supported by the European Union [FEDER funds] and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion through Grants MTM-2013-43678-P and DPI2016-78831-C2-1-R.Bailo Ballarín, E.; Gelonch, J.; Romero Vivó, S. (2019). A first cubic upper bound on the local reachability index for some positive 2-D systems. 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    Single and Many Particle Correlation Functions and Uniform Phase Bases for Strongly Correlated Systems

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    The need for suitable many or infinite fermion correlation functions to describe some low dimensional strongly correlated systems is discussed. This is linked to the need for a correlated basis, in which the ground state may be postive definite, and in which single particle correlations may suffice. A particular trial basis is proposed, and applied to a certain quasi-1D model. The model is a strip of the 2D square lattice wrapped around a cylinder, and is related to the ladder geometries, but with periodic instead of open boundary conditions along the edges. Analysis involves a novel mean-field approach and exact diagonalisation. The model has a paramagnetic region and a Nagaoka ferromagnetic region. The proposed basis is well suited to the model, and single particle correlations in it have power law decay for the paramagnet, where the charge motion is qualitatively hard core bosonic. The mean field also leads to a BCS-type model with single particle long range order.Comment: 23 pages, in plain tex, 12 Postscript figures included. Accepted for publication in J.Physics : Condensed Matte

    Quantum Monte Carlo calculation of entanglement Renyi entropies for generic quantum systems

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    Pattern formation in systems with competing interactions

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    There is a growing interest, inspired by advances in technology, in the low temperature physics of thin films. These quasi-2D systems show a wide range of ordering effects including formation of striped states, reorientation transitions, bubble formation in strong magnetic fields, etc. The origins of these phenomena are, in many cases, traced to competition between short ranged exchange ferromagnetic interactions, favoring a homogeneous ordered state, and the long ranged dipole-dipole interaction, which opposes such ordering on the scale of the whole sample. The present theoretical understanding of these phenomena is based on a combination of variational methods and a variety of approximations, e.g., mean-field and spin-wave theory. The comparison between the predictions of these approximate methods and the results of MonteCarlo simulations are often difficult because of the slow relaxation dynamics associated with the long-range nature of the dipole-dipole interactions. In this note we will review recent work where we prove existence of periodic structures in some lattice and continuum model systems with competing interactions. The continuum models have also been used to describe micromagnets, diblock polymers, etc.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the AIP conference proceedings of the 10th Granada Seminar on Computational Physics, Sept. 15-19, 2008. (v2) Updated reference

    Absence of Localization in Certain Field Effect Transistors

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    We review some experimental and theoretical results on the metal-to-insulator transition (MIT) observed at zero magnetic field (B=0) in several two-dimensional electron systems (2DES). Scaling of the conductance and magnetic field dependence of the conductance provide convincing evidence that the MIT is driven by Coulomb interactions among the carriers and is dramatically sensitive to spin polarization of the carriers.Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX, figure label change