412 research outputs found

    Stance classification in rumours as a sequential task exploiting the tree structure of social media conversations

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    Rumour stance classification, the task that determines if each tweet in a collection discussing a rumour is supporting, denying, questioning or simply commenting on the rumour, has been attracting substantial interest. Here we introduce a novel approach that makes use of the sequence of transitions observed in tree-structured conversation threads in Twitter. The conversation threads are formed by harvesting users’ replies to one another, which results in a nested tree-like structure. Previous work addressing the stance classification task has treated each tweet as a separate unit. Here we analyse tweets by virtue of their position in a sequence and test two sequential classifiers, Linear-Chain CRF and Tree CRF, each of which makes different assumptions about the conversational structure. We experiment with eight Twitter datasets, collected during breaking news, and show that exploiting the sequential structure of Twitter conversations achieves significant improvements over the non-sequential methods. Our work is the first to model Twitter conversations as a tree structure in this manner, introducing a novel way of tackling NLP tasks on Twitter conversations

    Discourse-aware rumour stance classification in social media using sequential classifiers

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    Rumour stance classification, defined as classifying the stance of specific social media posts into one of supporting, denying, querying or commenting on an earlier post, is becoming of increasing interest to researchers. While most previous work has focused on using individual tweets as classifier inputs, here we report on the performance of sequential classifiers that exploit the discourse features inherent in social media interactions or 'conversational threads'. Testing the effectiveness of four sequential classifiers -- Hawkes Processes, Linear-Chain Conditional Random Fields (Linear CRF), Tree-Structured Conditional Random Fields (Tree CRF) and Long Short Term Memory networks (LSTM) -- on eight datasets associated with breaking news stories, and looking at different types of local and contextual features, our work sheds new light on the development of accurate stance classifiers. We show that sequential classifiers that exploit the use of discourse properties in social media conversations while using only local features, outperform non-sequential classifiers. Furthermore, we show that LSTM using a reduced set of features can outperform the other sequential classifiers; this performance is consistent across datasets and across types of stances. To conclude, our work also analyses the different features under study, identifying those that best help characterise and distinguish between stances, such as supporting tweets being more likely to be accompanied by evidence than denying tweets. We also set forth a number of directions for future research

    Rumor Stance Classification in Online Social Networks: A Survey on the State-of-the-Art, Prospects, and Future Challenges

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    The emergence of the Internet as a ubiquitous technology has facilitated the rapid evolution of social media as the leading virtual platform for communication, content sharing, and information dissemination. In spite of revolutionizing the way news used to be delivered to people, this technology has also brought along with itself inevitable demerits. One such drawback is the spread of rumors facilitated by social media platforms which may provoke doubt and fear upon people. Therefore, the need to debunk rumors before their wide spread has become essential all the more. Over the years, many studies have been conducted to develop effective rumor verification systems. One aspect of such studies focuses on rumor stance classification, which concerns the task of utilizing users' viewpoints about a rumorous post to better predict the veracity of a rumor. Relying on users' stances in rumor verification task has gained great importance, for it has shown significant improvements in the model performances. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive literature review on rumor stance classification in complex social networks. In particular, we present a thorough description of the approaches and mark the top performances. Moreover, we introduce multiple datasets available for this purpose and highlight their limitations. Finally, some challenges and future directions are discussed to stimulate further relevant research efforts.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, journa

    Stance Classification for Rumour Analysis in Twitter: Exploiting Affective Information and Conversation Structure

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    Analysing how people react to rumours associated with news in social media is an important task to prevent the spreading of misinformation, which is nowadays widely recognized as a dangerous tendency. In social media conversations, users show different stances and attitudes towards rumourous stories. Some users take a definite stance, supporting or denying the rumour at issue, while others just comment it, or ask for additional evidence related to the veracity of the rumour. On this line, a new shared task has been proposed at SemEval-2017 (Task 8, SubTask A), which is focused on rumour stance classification in English tweets. The goal is predicting user stance towards emerging rumours in Twitter, in terms of supporting, denying, querying, or commenting the original rumour, looking at the conversation threads originated by the rumour. This paper describes a new approach to this task, where the use of conversation-based and affective-based features, covering different facets of affect, has been explored. Our classification model outperforms the best-performing systems for stance classification at SemEval-2017 Task 8, showing the effectiveness of the feature set proposed.Comment: To appear in Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Rumours and Deception in Social Media (RDSM), co-located with CIKM 2018, Turin, Italy, October 201

    Enhancing prediction of user stance for social networks rumors

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    The spread of social media has led to a massive change in the way information is dispersed. It provides organizations and individuals wider opportunities of collaboration. But it also causes an emergence of malicious users and attention seekers to spread rumors and fake news. Understanding user stances in rumor posts is very important to identify the veracity of the underlying content as news becomes viral in a few seconds which can lead to mass panic and confusion. In this paper, different machine learning techniques were utilized to enhance the user stance prediction through a conversation thread towards a given rumor on Twitter platform. We utilized both conversation thread features as well as features related to users who participated in this conversation, in order to predict the users’ stances, in terms of supporting, denying, querying, or commenting (SDQC), towards the source tweet. Furthermore, different datasets for the stance-prediction task were explored to handle the data imbalance problem and data augmentation for minority classes was applied to enhance the results. The proposed framework outperforms the state-of-the-art results with macro F1-score of 0.7233

    Exploiting context for rumour detection in social media

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    Tools that are able to detect unverified information posted on social media during a news event can help to avoid the spread of rumours that turn out to be false. In this paper we compare a novel approach using Conditional Random Fields that learns from the sequential dynamics of social media posts with the current state-of-the-art rumour detection system, as well as other baselines. In contrast to existing work, our classifier does not need to observe tweets querying the stance of a post to deem it a rumour but, instead, exploits context learned during the event. Our classifier has improved precision and recall over the state-of-the-art classifier that relies on querying tweets, as well as outperforming our best baseline. Moreover, the results provide evidence for the generalisability of our classifier

    Stance Prediction for Russian: Data and Analysis

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    Stance detection is a critical component of rumour and fake news identification. It involves the extraction of the stance a particular author takes related to a given claim, both expressed in text. This paper investigates stance classification for Russian. It introduces a new dataset, RuStance, of Russian tweets and news comments from multiple sources, covering multiple stories, as well as text classification approaches to stance detection as benchmarks over this data in this language. As well as presenting this openly-available dataset, the first of its kind for Russian, the paper presents a baseline for stance prediction in the language
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