140,967 research outputs found

    Orbital Transfer Vehicle (OTV) engine study. Phase A: Extension

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    An orbital transfer vehicle OTV engine study program was undertaken to provide additional expander and staged combustion cycle data in the design definition of the OTV engine. The proposed program effort optimizes the expander cycle engine concept (consistent with identified OTV engine requirements), investigates the feasibility of kitting the staged combustion cycle engine to provide extended low thrust operation, and conducts in-depth analysis of development risk, crew safety, and reliability for both cycles. Additional tasks to establish the cost of a 10K thrust expander cycle engine and to render support of OTV systems study contractors are reported

    Supporting a Culture of Evidence-Based Practice and Continuous Program Improvement: A Staged Approach to Implementing and Studying International Early Childhood Development Programs

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    This concept paper proposes a four-stage approach to in-country/region ECD program development, selection, and inquiry designed to build the evidence base required to guide program and policy decisions. The foundation of the approach is a strengths-based continuous program improvement framework. Feedback loops would be tied to indicators of program fidelity, family participation, and outcomes. This approach includes developing a partnership between stakeholders and researchers at each stage (a community of learners). The proposed staged approach builds on the medical model of clinical research on innovative treatments and drug therapies as well as design options for evaluating program enhancements to the federal Head Start program in the United States (Ross et al., 2005).

    The Miracle

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    Lithograph souvenir program for a 1926 tour of The Miracle, a pantomime play about a miraculous statue of the Virgin Mary originally staged in New York in 1911. The program includes synopses of production development and the plot, costume and stage designs by Norman-Bel Geddes, essays and travelogues from the tour, and an advertisement for a perfume inspired by the play

    Advanced research and technology programs for advanced high-pressure oxygen-hydrogen rocket propulsion

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    A research and technology program for advanced high pressure, oxygen-hydrogen rocket propulsion technology is presently being pursued by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to establish the basic discipline technologies, develop the analytical tools, and establish the data base necessary for an orderly evolution of the staged combustion reusable rocket engine. The need for the program is based on the premise that the USA will depend on the Shuttle and its derivative versions as its principal Earth-to-orbit transportation system for the next 20 to 30 yr. The program is focused in three principal areas of enhancement: (1) life extension, (2) performance, and (3) operations and diagnosis. Within the technological disciplines the efforts include: rotordynamics, structural dynamics, fluid and gas dynamics, materials fatigue/fracture/life, turbomachinery fluid mechanics, ignition/combustion processes, manufacturing/producibility/nondestructive evaluation methods and materials development/evaluation. An overview of the Advanced High Pressure Oxygen-Hydrogen Rocket Propulsion Technology Program Structure and Working Groups objectives are presented with highlights of several significant achievements

    Orbit transfer vehicle engine study, phase A extension. Volume 2A: Study results

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    Engine trade studies and systems analyses leading to a baseline engine selection for advanced expander cycle engine are discussed with emphasis on: (1) performance optimization of advanced expander cycle engines in the 10 to 20K pound thrust range; (2) selection of a recommended advanced expander engine configuration based on maximized performance and minimized mission risk, and definition of the components for this configuration; (3) characterization of the low thrust adaptation requirements and performance for the staged combustion engine; (4) generation of a suggested safety and reliability approach for OTV engines independent of engine cycle; (5) definition of program risk relationships between expander and staged combustion cycle engines; and (6) development of schedules and costs for the DDT&E, production, and operation phases of the 10K pound thrust expander engine program

    Pollution reduction technology program for turboprop engines

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    The reduction of CO, HC, and smoke emissions while maintaining acceptable NO(x) emissions without affecting fuel consumption, durability, maintainability, and safety was accomplished. Component combustor concept screening directed toward the demonstration of advanced combustor technology required to meet the EPA exhaust emissions standards for class P2 turboprop engines was covered. The combustion system for the Allison 501-D22A engine was used, and three combustor design concepts - reverse flow, prechamber, and staged fuel were evaluated

    Engineering a venture capital market: lessons from the American experience

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    The venture capital market and firms whose creation and early stages were financed by venture capital are among the crown jewels of the American economy. Beyond representing an important engine of macroeconomic growth and job creation, these firms have been a major force in commercializing cutting edge science, whether through their impact on existing industries as with the radical changes in pharmaceuticals catalyzed by venture-backed firms commercialization of biotechnology, or by the their role in developing entirely new industries as with the emergence of the internet and world wide web. The venture capital market thus provides a unique link between finance and innovation, providing start-up and early stage firms - organizational forms particularly well suited to innovation - with capital market access that is tailored to the special task of financing these high risk, high return activities