57 research outputs found

    Symplectic analogs of polar decomposition and their applications to bosonic Gaussian channels

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    We obtain several analogs of real polar decomposition for even dimensional matrices. In particular, we decompose a non-degenerate matrix as a product of a Hamiltonian and an anti-symplectic matrix and under additional requirements we decompose a matrix as a skew-Hamiltonian and a symplectic matrix. We apply our results to study bosonic Gaussian channels up to inhomogeneous symplectic transforms

    The Pad\'e iterations for the matrix sign function and their reciprocals are optimal

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    It is proved that among the rational iterations locally converging with order s>1 to the sign function, the Pad\'e iterations and their reciprocals are the unique rationals with the lowest sum of the degrees of numerator and denominator

    Scalable Task-Based Algorithm for Multiplication of Block-Rank-Sparse Matrices

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    A task-based formulation of Scalable Universal Matrix Multiplication Algorithm (SUMMA), a popular algorithm for matrix multiplication (MM), is applied to the multiplication of hierarchy-free, rank-structured matrices that appear in the domain of quantum chemistry (QC). The novel features of our formulation are: (1) concurrent scheduling of multiple SUMMA iterations, and (2) fine-grained task-based composition. These features make it tolerant of the load imbalance due to the irregular matrix structure and eliminate all artifactual sources of global synchronization.Scalability of iterative computation of square-root inverse of block-rank-sparse QC matrices is demonstrated; for full-rank (dense) matrices the performance of our SUMMA formulation usually exceeds that of the state-of-the-art dense MM implementations (ScaLAPACK and Cyclops Tensor Framework).Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted to IA3 2015. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1504.0504

    On computing complex square roots of real matrices

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    We present an idea for computing complex square roots of matrices using only real arithmetic.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - Project PEst-C/MAT/UI0013/2011, PTDC/MAT/112273/2009National Natural Science Foundation of China - Project PEst-C/MAT/UI0013/2011, PTDC/MAT/112273/2009, Portugal.Major Foundation of Educational Committee of Hunan Province - Grant No. 09A002 [2009]FEDER Funds- "Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade - COMPETE

    New method for square root of non-singular M-matrix

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    Square root of a matrix play an important role in many applications of matrix theory. In this paper, we propose a new iterative method for square root of a non-singular M-matrix. We first transform the matrix equation X2 – A=0 into special form of a non-symmetric algebraic Riccati equation (NARE), and then solve this special NARE by Newton method. Efficiency and effectiveness proved by theoretical analysis and numerical experiments. Keywords: - Matrix square root, M-matrix, Non-symmetric algebraic Riccati equation, Newton method

    Classical and nonclassical randomness in quantum measurements

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    The space of positive operator-valued measures on the Borel sets of a compact (or even locally compact) Hausdorff space with values in the algebra of linear operators acting on a d-dimensional Hilbert space is studied from the perspectives of classical and non-classical convexity through a transform Γ\Gamma that associates any positive operator-valued measure with a certain completely positive linear map of the homogeneous C*-algebra C(X)⊗B(H)C(X)\otimes B(H) into B(H)B(H). This association is achieved by using an operator-valued integral in which non-classical random variables (that is, operator-valued functions) are integrated with respect to positive operator-valued measures and which has the feature that the integral of a random quantum effect is itself a quantum effect. A left inverse Ω\Omega for Γ\Gamma yields an integral representation, along the lines of the classical Riesz Representation Theorem for certain linear functionals on C(X)C(X), of certain (but not all) unital completely positive linear maps ϕ:C(X)⊗B(H)→B(H)\phi:C(X)\otimes B(H) \rightarrow B(H). The extremal and C*-extremal points of the space of POVMS are determined.Comment: to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic
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