147,190 research outputs found

    A Light Signalling Approach to Node Grouping for Massive MIMO IoT Networks

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    Massive MIMO is a promising technology to connect very large numbers of energy constrained nodes, as it offers both extensive spatial multiplexing and large array gain. A challenge resides in partitioning the many nodes in groups that can communicate simultaneously such that the mutual interference is minimized. We here propose node partitioning strategies that do not require full channel state information, but rather are based on nodes' respective directional channel properties. In our considered scenarios, these typically have a time constant that is far larger than the coherence time of the channel. We developed both an optimal and an approximation algorithm to partition users based on directional channel properties, and evaluated them numerically. Our results show that both algorithms, despite using only these directional channel properties, achieve similar performance in terms of the minimum signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio for any user, compared with a reference method using full channel knowledge. In particular, we demonstrate that grouping nodes with related directional properties is to be avoided. We hence realise a simple partitioning method requiring minimal information to be collected from the nodes, and where this information typically remains stable over a long term, thus promoting their autonomy and energy efficiency

    Joint Trajectory and Communication Design for UAV-Enabled Multiple Access

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have attracted significant interest recently in wireless communication due to their high maneuverability, flexible deployment, and low cost. This paper studies a UAV-enabled wireless network where the UAV is employed as an aerial mobile base station (BS) to serve a group of users on the ground. To achieve fair performance among users, we maximize the minimum throughput over all ground users by jointly optimizing the multiuser communication scheduling and UAV trajectory over a finite horizon. The formulated problem is shown to be a mixed integer non-convex optimization problem that is difficult to solve in general. We thus propose an efficient iterative algorithm by applying the block coordinate descent and successive convex optimization techniques, which is guaranteed to converge to at least a locally optimal solution. To achieve fast convergence and stable throughput, we further propose a low-complexity initialization scheme for the UAV trajectory design based on the simple circular trajectory. Extensive simulation results are provided which show significant throughput gains of the proposed design as compared to other benchmark schemes.Comment: Submitted for possible publicatio

    Scheduling of Multicast and Unicast Services under Limited Feedback by using Rateless Codes

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    Many opportunistic scheduling techniques are impractical because they require accurate channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. In this paper, we investigate the scheduling of unicast and multicast services in a downlink network with a very limited amount of feedback information. Specifically, unicast users send imperfect (or no) CSI and infrequent acknowledgements (ACKs) to a base station, and multicast users only report infrequent ACKs to avoid feedback implosion. We consider the use of physical-layer rateless codes, which not only combats channel uncertainty, but also reduces the overhead of ACK feedback. A joint scheduling and power allocation scheme is developed to realize multiuser diversity gain for unicast service and multicast gain for multicast service. We prove that our scheme achieves a near-optimal throughput region. Our simulation results show that our scheme significantly improves the network throughput over schemes employing fixed-rate codes or using only unicast communications

    Optimal scheduling for refueling multiple autonomous aerial vehicles

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    The scheduling, for autonomous refueling, of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is posed as a combinatorial optimization problem. An efficient dynamic programming (DP) algorithm is introduced for finding the optimal initial refueling sequence. The optimal sequence needs to be recalculated when conditions change, such as when UAVs join or leave the queue unexpectedly. We develop a systematic shuffle scheme to reconfigure the UAV sequence using the least amount of shuffle steps. A similarity metric over UAV sequences is introduced to quantify the reconfiguration effort which is treated as an additional cost and is integrated into the DP algorithm. Feasibility and limitations of this novel approach are also discussed

    Workforce scheduling and planning : a combinatorial approach

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    This thesis investigates solution methodologies for concrete combinatorial problems in scheduling and planning. In all considered problems, it is assumed that the available information does not change over time; hence these problems have a deterministic structure. The problems studied in this thesis are divided into two groups; \workforce scheduling" and \planning". In workforce scheduling, the center problem is to build a schedule of tasks and technicians. It is assumed that the time line is split into workdays. In every workday, tasks must be grouped as sequences, each being performed by a team of technicians. Skill requirements of every task in a sequence must be met by the assigned team. This scheduling problem with some other aspects is di??cult to solve quickly and e??ciently. We developed a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) based heuristic approach to tackle this complex scheduling problem. Our MIP model is basically a formulation of the matching problem on bipartite graphs and it enabled us to have a global way of assigning technicians to tasks. It is capable of revising technician-task allocations and performs very well, especially in the case of rare skills. A workday schedule of the aforementioned problem includes many-to-one type workforce assignments. As the second problem in workforce scheduling, stability of these workforce assignments is investigated. The stability de??nition of Gale-Shapley on the Marriage model is extended to the setting of multi-skill workforce assignments. It is shown that ??nding stable assignments is NP-hard. In some special cases stable assignments can be constructed in polynomial time. For the general case, we give linear inequalities of binary variables that describe the set of stable assignments. We propose a MIP model including these linear inequalities. To the best of our knowledge, the Gale-Shapley stability is not studied under the multi-skill workforce scheduling framework so far in the literature. The closed form description of stable assignments is also the ??rst embedding of the Gale-Shapley stability concept into an NP-complete problem. In the second problem group, two vehicle related problems are studied; the "dial a ride problem" and the "vehicle refueling problem". In the former, the goal is to check whether a list of pick-up and delivery tasks can be achieved under several timing constraints. It is shown this feasibility testing can be done in linear time using interval graphs. In the vehicle refueling problem, the goal is to make refueling decisions to reach a destination such that the cost of the travel is minimized. A greedy algorithm is presented to ??nd optimal refueling decisions. Moreover, it is shown that the vehicle refueling problem is equivalent to a ow problem on a special network

    Concurrent Channel Probing and Data Transmission in Full-duplex MIMO Systems

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    An essential step for achieving multiplexing gain in MIMO downlink systems is to collect accurate channel state information (CSI) from the users. Traditionally, CSIs have to be collected before any data can be transmitted. Such a sequential scheme incurs a large feedback overhead, which substantially limits the multiplexing gain especially in a network with a large number of users. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to mitigate the feedback overhead by leveraging the recently developed Full-duplex radios. Our approach is based on the key observation that using Full-duplex radios, when the base-station (BS) is collecting CSI of one user through the uplink channel, it can use the downlink channel to simultaneously transmit data to other (non-interfering) users for which CSIs are already known. By allowing concurrent channel probing and data transmission, our scheme can potentially achieve a higher throughput compared to traditional schemes using Half-duplex radios. The new flexibility introduced by our scheme, however, also leads to fundamental challenges in achieving throughout optimal scheduling. In this paper, we make an initial effort to this important problem by considering a simplified group interference model. We develop a throughput optimal scheduling policy with complexity O((N/I)I)O((N/I)^I), where NN is the number of users and II is the number of user groups. To further reduce the complexity, we propose a greedy policy with complexity O(NlogN)O(N\log N) that not only achieves at least 2/3 of the optimal throughput region, but also outperforms any feasible Half-duplex solutions. We derive the throughput gain offered by Full-duplex under different system parameters and show the advantage of our algorithms through numerical studies.Comment: Technical repor