1,313 research outputs found

    Predictive input delay compensation for motion control systems

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    This paper presents an analytical approach for the prediction of future motion to be used in input delay compensation of time-delayed motion control systems. The method makes use of the current and previous input values given to a nominally behaving system in order to realize the prediction of the future motion of that system. The generation of the future input is made through an integration which is realized in discrete time setting. Once the future input signal is created, it is used as the reference input of the remote system to enforce an input time delayed system, conduct a delay-free motion. Following the theoretical formulation, the proposed method is tested in experiments and the validity of the approach is verified

    Robust Predictive Extended State Observer for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Input Delay

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    [EN] This paper deals with asymptotic stabilisation of a class of nonlinear input-delayed systems via dynamic output feedback in the presence of disturbances. The proposed strategy has the structure of an observer-based control law, in which the observer estimates and predicts both the plant state and the external disturbance. A nominal delay value is assumed to be known and stability conditions in terms of linear matrix inequalities are derived for fast-varying delay uncertainties. Asymptotic stability is achieved if the disturbance or the time delay is constant. The controller design problem is also addressed and a numerical example with an unstable system is provided to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed strategy.This work was partially supported by: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (TIN2017-86520-C3-1-R); Universitat Politècnica de València (FPI-UPV 2014 PhD Grant); and Israel Science Foundation (Grant No. 1128/14).Sanz Diaz, R.; García Gil, PJ.; Fridman, E.; Albertos Pérez, P. (2020). Robust Predictive Extended State Observer for a Class of Nonlinear Systems with Time-Varying Input Delay. International Journal of Control. 93(2):217-225. https://doi.org/10.1080/00207179.2018.1562204S217225932Ahmed-Ali, T., Cherrier, E., & Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, F. (2012). Cascade High Gain Predictors for a Class of Nonlinear Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 57(1), 221-226. doi:10.1109/tac.2011.2161795Artstein, Z. (1982). Linear systems with delayed controls: A reduction. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 27(4), 869-879. doi:10.1109/tac.1982.1103023Basturk, H. I. (2017). Cancellation of unmatched biased sinusoidal disturbances for unknown LTI systems in the presence of state delay. Automatica, 76, 169-176. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2016.10.006Basturk, H. I., & Krstic, M. (2015). Adaptive sinusoidal disturbance cancellation for unknown LTI systems despite input delay. Automatica, 58, 131-138. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2015.05.013Bekiaris-Liberis, N., & Krstic, M. (2011). Compensation of Time-Varying Input and State Delays for Nonlinear Systems. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, 134(1). doi:10.1115/1.4005278Besançon, G., Georges, D. & Benayache, Z. (2007). Asymptotic state prediction for continuous-time systems with delayed input and application to control. 2007 European control conference (ECC) (pp. 1786–1791).Engelborghs, K., Dambrine, M., & Roose, D. (2001). Limitations of a class of stabilization methods for delay systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 46(2), 336-339. doi:10.1109/9.905705Fridman, E. (2001). New Lyapunov–Krasovskii functionals for stability of linear retarded and neutral type systems. Systems & Control Letters, 43(4), 309-319. doi:10.1016/s0167-6911(01)00114-1Fridman, E. (2014). Introduction to Time-Delay Systems. Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-09393-2Fridman, E. (2014). Tutorial on Lyapunov-based methods for time-delay systems. European Journal of Control, 20(6), 271-283. doi:10.1016/j.ejcon.2014.10.001Furtat, I., Fridman, E., & Fradkov, A. (2018). Disturbance Compensation With Finite Spectrum Assignment for Plants With Input Delay. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 63(1), 298-305. doi:10.1109/tac.2017.2732279Germani, A., Manes, C., & Pepe, P. (2002). A new approach to state observation of nonlinear systems with delayed output. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47(1), 96-101. doi:10.1109/9.981726Guo, L., & Chen, W.-H. (2005). Disturbance attenuation and rejection for systems with nonlinearity via DOBC approach. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 15(3), 109-125. doi:10.1002/rnc.978Karafyllis, I., & Krstic, M. (2017). Predictor Feedback for Delay Systems: Implementations and Approximations. Systems & Control: Foundations & Applications. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-42378-4Krstic, M. (2008). Lyapunov tools for predictor feedbacks for delay systems: Inverse optimality and robustness to delay mismatch. Automatica, 44(11), 2930-2935. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2008.04.010Léchappé, V., Moulay, E., Plestan, F., Glumineau, A., & Chriette, A. (2015). New predictive scheme for the control of LTI systems with input delay and unknown disturbances. Automatica, 52, 179-184. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2014.11.003Léchappé, V., Moulay, E. & Plestan, F. (2016). Dynamic observation-prediction for LTI systems with a time-varying delay in the input. 2016 IEEE 55th conference on decision and control (CDC) (pp. 2302–2307).Manitius, A., & Olbrot, A. (1979). Finite spectrum assignment problem for systems with delays. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 24(4), 541-552. doi:10.1109/tac.1979.1102124Mazenc, F. & Malisoff, M. (2016). New prediction approach for stabilizing time-varying systems under time-varying input delay. 2016 IEEE 55th conference on decision and control (CDC) (pp. 3178–3182).Mondie, S., & Michiels, W. (2003). Finite spectrum assignment of unstable time-delay systems with a safe implementation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48(12), 2207-2212. doi:10.1109/tac.2003.820147Najafi, M., Hosseinnia, S., Sheikholeslam, F., & Karimadini, M. (2013). Closed-loop control of dead time systems via sequential sub-predictors. International Journal of Control, 86(4), 599-609. doi:10.1080/00207179.2012.751627Najafi, M., Sheikholeslam, F., Hosseinnia, S., & Wang, Q.-G. (2014). Robust H ∞ control of single input-delay systems based on sequential sub-predictors. IET Control Theory & Applications, 8(13), 1175-1184. doi:10.1049/iet-cta.2012.1004Sanz, R., Garcia, P., & Albertos, P. (2016). Enhanced disturbance rejection for a predictor-based control of LTI systems with input delay. Automatica, 72, 205-208. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2016.05.019Sanz, R., García, P., & Albertos, P. (2018). A generalized smith predictor for unstable time-delay SISO systems. ISA Transactions, 72, 197-204. doi:10.1016/j.isatra.2017.09.020Sanz, R., García, P., Fridman, E. & Albertos, P. (2017). A predictive extended state observer for a class of nonlinear systems with input delay subject to external disturbances. 2017 IEEE 56th annual conference on decision and control (CDC) (pp. 4345–4350).Sanz, R., Garcia, P., Fridman, E., & Albertos, P. (2018). Rejection of mismatched disturbances for systems with input delay via a predictive extended state observer. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 28(6), 2457-2467. doi:10.1002/rnc.4027Shustin, E., & Fridman, E. (2007). On delay-derivative-dependent stability of systems with fast-varying delays. Automatica, 43(9), 1649-1655. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2007.02.009Suplin, V., Fridman, E., & Shaked, U. (2007). Sampled-data H∞ control and filtering: Nonuniform uncertain sampling. Automatica, 43(6), 1072-1083. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2006.11.024Yao, J., Jiao, Z., & Ma, D. (2014). RISE-Based Precision Motion Control of DC Motors With Continuous Friction Compensation. 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    Robust control strategies for unstable systems with input/output delays

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    Los sistemas con retardo temporal aparecen con frecuencia en el ámbito de la ingeniería, por ejemplo en transmisiones hidráulicas o mecánicas, procesos metalúrgicos o sistemas de control en red. Los retardos temporales han despertado el interés de los investigadores en el ámbito del control desde finales de los años 50. Se ha desarrollado una amplia gama de herramientas para el análisis de su estabilidad y prestaciones, especialmente durante las dos últimas décadas. Esta tesis se centra en la estabilización de sistemas afectados por retardos temporales en la actuación y/o la medida. Concretamente, las contribuciones que aquí se incluyen tienen por objetivo mejorar las prestaciones de los controladores existentes en presencia de perturbaciones. Los retardos temporales degradan, inevitablemente, el desempeño de un bucle de control. No es de extrañar que el rechazo de perturbaciones haya sido motivo de estudio desde que emergieron los primeros controladores predictivos para sistemas con retardo. Las estrategias presentadas en esta tesis se basan en la combinación de controladores predictivos y observadores de perturbaciones. Estos últimos han sido aplicados con éxito para mejorar el rechazo de perturbaciones de controladores convencionales. Sin embargo, la aplicación de esta metodología a sistemas con retardo es poco frecuente en la literatura, la cual se investiga exhaustivamente en esta tesis. Otro inconveniente de los controladores predictivos está relacionado con su implementación, que puede llevar a la inestabilidad si no se realiza cuidadosamente. Este fenómeno está relacionado con el hecho de que las leyes de control predictivas se expresan mediante una ecuación integral. En esta tesis se presenta una estructura de control alternativa que evita este problema, la cual utiliza un observador de dimensión infinita, gobernado por una ecuación en derivadas parciales de tipo hiperbólico.Time-delay systems are ubiquitous in many engineering applications, such as mechanical or fluid transmissions, metallurgical processes or networked control systems. Time-delay systems have attracted the interest of control researchers since the late 50's. A wide variety of tools for stability and performance analysis has been developed, specially over the past two decades. This thesis is focused on the problem of stabilizing systems that are affected by delays on the actuator and/or sensing paths. More specifically, the contributions herein reported aim at improving the performance of existing controllers in the presence of external disturbances. Time delays unavoidably degrade the control loop performance. Disturbance rejection has been a matter of concern since the first predictive controllers for time-delay systems emerged. The key idea of the strategies presented in this thesis is the combination of predictive controllers and disturbance observers. The latter have been successfully applied to improve the disturbance rejection capabilities of conventional controllers. However, the application of this methodology to time-delay systems is rarely found in the literature. This combination is extensively investigated in this thesis. Another handicap of predictive controllers has to do with their implementation, which can induce instability if not done carefully. This issue is related to the fact that predictive control laws take the form of integral equations. An alternative control structure that avoids this problem is also reported in this thesis, which employs an infinite-dimensional observer, governed by a hyperbolic partial differential equation.Sanz Díaz, R. (2018). Robust control strategies for unstable systems with input/output delays [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/111830TESI

    Robust and Decentralized Control of Web Winding Systems

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    This research addresses the velocity and tension regulation problems in web handling, including those found in the single element of an accumulator and those in the large-scale system settings. A continuous web winding system is a complex large-scale interconnected dynamics system with numerous tension zones to transport the web while processing it. A major challenge in controlling such systems is the unexpected disturbances that propagate through the system and affect both tension and velocity loops along the way. To solve this problem, a unique active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) strategy is proposed. Simulation results show remarkable disturbance rejection capability of the proposed control scheme in coping with large dynamic variations commonly seen in web winding systems. Another complication in web winding system stems from its large-scale and interconnected dynamics which makes control design difficult. This motivates the research in formulating a novel robust decentralized control strategy. The key idea in the proposed approach is that nonlinearities and interactions between adjunct subsystems are regarded as perturbations, to be estimated by an augmented state observer and rejected in the control loop, therefore making the local control design extremely simple. The proposed decentralized control strategy was implemented on a 3-tension-zone web winding processing line. Simulation results show that the proposed control method leads to much better tension and velocity regulation quality than the existing controller common in industry. Finally, this research tackles the challenging problem of stability analysis. Although ADRC has demonstrated the validity and advantage in many applications, the rigorous stability study has not been fully addressed previously. To this end, stability characterization of ADRC is carried out in this work. The closed-loop system is first reformulated, resulting in a form that allows the application of the well established singular perturbation method. Based on the decom

    Output-feedback anti-disturbance predictor-based control for discrete-time systems with time-varying input delays

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    [EN] This paper investigates the robust stabilization of discrete-time systems with time-varying input delays and model uncertainties by predictor-based anti-disturbance output-feedback control strategies. Here, a novel predictor-feedback control combined with an extended state observer is proposed. The objective is to counteract the negative effects of input delays while actively rejecting disturbance signals typically encountered in engineering practice, such as steps or harmonics. Differently from previous approaches, unknown but bounded time-varying delays are taken into consideration. Moreover, the complexity of the algorithm for control synthesis is notably reduced. Finally, an illustrative example from the literature is provided to show that better robust performance can be achieved with the proposed method.This work was partially supported by projects TIN201786520C31R, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spain) , and PGC2018098719BI00, MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE, and Group DGA T4517R, Spain. The material in this paper was not presented at any conference. This paper was recommended for publication in revised form by Associate Editor Bin Zhou under the direction of Editor Ian R. Petersen.González Sorribes, A.; García Gil, PJ. (2021). Output-feedback anti-disturbance predictor-based control for discrete-time systems with time-varying input delays. Automatica. 129:1-8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.automatica.2021.109627S1812

    Robust and Decentralized Control of Web Winding Systems

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    This research addresses the velocity and tension regulation problems in web handling, including those found in the single element of an accumulator and those in the large-scale system settings. A continuous web winding system is a complex large-scale interconnected dynamics system with numerous tension zones to transport the web while processing it. A major challenge in controlling such systems is the unexpected disturbances that propagate through the system and affect both tension and velocity loops along the way. To solve this problem, a unique active disturbance rejection control (ADRC) strategy is proposed. Simulation results show remarkable disturbance rejection capability of the proposed control scheme in coping with large dynamic variations commonly seen in web winding systems. Another complication in web winding system stems from its large-scale and interconnected dynamics which makes control design difficult. This motivates the research in formulating a novel robust decentralized control strategy. The key idea in the proposed approach is that nonlinearities and interactions between adjunct subsystems are regarded as perturbations, to be estimated by an augmented state observer and rejected in the control loop, therefore making the local control design extremely simple. The proposed decentralized control strategy was implemented on a 3-tension-zone web winding processing line. Simulation results show that the proposed control method leads to much better tension and velocity regulation quality than the existing controller common in industry. Finally, this research tackles the challenging problem of stability analysis. Although ADRC has demonstrated the validity and advantage in many applications, the rigorous stability study has not been fully addressed previously. To this end, stability characterization of ADRC is carried out in this work. The closed-loop system is first reformulated, resulting in a form that allows the application of the well established singular perturbation method. Based on the decom

    Adaptive rejection of finite band disturbances - theory and applications

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    Le chapitre présente les techniques de rejection adpative de perturbation inconnue mais de bande finie. Plusieurs exemples sont mentionnés et l'application au rejet adaptatifs de perturbation inconnues sur une suspension active est décrite en détailThe techniques for adaptive rejection of unknown finite band disturbances are reviewed. Several applications are mentionned and the application to the adaptive rejection of unknown disturbances on an active suspension is presented in detail

    A Decoding Approach to Fault Tolerant Control of Linear Systems with Quantized Disturbance Input

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    The aim of this paper is to propose an alternative method to solve a Fault Tolerant Control problem. The model is a linear system affected by a disturbance term: this represents a large class of technological faulty processes. The goal is to make the system able to tolerate the undesired perturbation, i.e., to remove or at least reduce its negative effects; such a task is performed in three steps: the detection of the fault, its identification and the consequent process recovery. When the disturbance function is known to be \emph{quantized} over a finite number of levels, the detection can be successfully executed by a recursive \emph{decoding} algorithm, arising from Information and Coding Theory and suitably adapted to the control framework. This technique is analyzed and tested in a flight control issue; both theoretical considerations and simulations are reported