1,801 research outputs found

    Analysis of Compatible Discrete Operator Schemes for the Stokes Equations on Polyhedral Meshes

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    Compatible Discrete Operator schemes preserve basic properties of the continuous model at the discrete level. They combine discrete differential operators that discretize exactly topological laws and discrete Hodge operators that approximate constitutive relations. We devise and analyze two families of such schemes for the Stokes equations in curl formulation, with the pressure degrees of freedom located at either mesh vertices or cells. The schemes ensure local mass and momentum conservation. We prove discrete stability by establishing novel discrete Poincar\'e inequalities. Using commutators related to the consistency error, we derive error estimates with first-order convergence rates for smooth solutions. We analyze two strategies for discretizing the external load, so as to deliver tight error estimates when the external load has a large irrotational or divergence-free part. Finally, numerical results are presented on three-dimensional polyhedral meshes

    A posteriori error estimation for the Stokes problem: Anisotropic and isotropic discretizations

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    The paper presents a posteriori error estimators for the stationary Stokes problem. We consider anisotropic finite element discretizations (i.e. elements with very large aspect ratio) where conventional, isotropic error estimators fail. Our analysis covers two- and three-dimensional domains, conforming and nonconforming discretizations as well as different elements. This large variety of settings requires different approaches and results in different estimators. Furthermore many examples of finite element pairs that are covered by the analysis are presented. Lower and upper error bounds form the main result with minimal assumptions on the elements. The lower error bound is uniform with respect to the mesh anisotropy with the exception of nonconforming 3D discretizations made of pentahedra or hexahedra. The upper error bound depends on a proper alignment of the anisotropy of the mesh which is a common feature of anisotropic error estimation. In the special case of isotropic meshes, the results simplify, and upper and lower error bounds hold unconditionally. Some of the corresponding results seem to be novel (in particular for 3D domains), and cover element pairs of practical importance. The numerical experiments confirm the theoretical predictions and show the usefulness of the anisotropic error estimators

    Piecewise polynomial interpolation in Muckenhoupt weighted Sobolev spaces and applications

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    We develop a constructive piecewise polynomial approximation theory in weighted Sobolev spaces with Muckenhoupt weights for any polynomial degree. The main ingredients to derive optimal error estimates for an averaged Taylor polynomial are a suitable weighted Poincare inequality, a cancellation property and a simple induction argument. We also construct a quasi-interpolation operator, built on local averages over stars, which is well defined for functions in L1L^1. We derive optimal error estimates for any polynomial degree on simplicial shape regular meshes. On rectangular meshes, these estimates are valid under the condition that neighboring elements have comparable size, which yields optimal anisotropic error estimates over nn-rectangular domains. The interpolation theory extends to cases when the error and function regularity require different weights. We conclude with three applications: nonuniform elliptic boundary value problems, elliptic problems with singular sources, and fractional powers of elliptic operators
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