8 research outputs found

    Stability and Robustness of Homogeneous Differential Inclusions

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    International audienceThe known results on asymptotic stability of homogeneous differential inclusions with negative homogeneity degrees and their accuracy in the presence of noises and delays are extended to arbitrary homogeneity degrees. Discretization issues are considered, which include explicit and implicit Euler integration schemes. Computer simulation illustrates the theoretical results

    The Robust Exact Differentiator Toolbox: Improved Discrete-Time Realization

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    This paper presents a new release of A Robust Exact Differentiator Toolbox for Matlab®/Simulink® proposed in [1]. This release features a new discrete-time realization of the continuous-time robust exact differentiator. The implemented discretization scheme is less sensitive to gain overestimation and does not suffer from the discretization chattering effect. Hence, the single tuning parameter of the new version of the implemented differentiator is more intuitive to tune. Furthermore, it shows superior estimation performance in the case of large sampling times in comparison to the previous release. This is confirmed by the presented results obtained by numerical simulations and a real world application

    On State-dependent Discretization of Stable Homogeneous Systems

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    International audienceConditions for the existence and convergence to zero of numeric approximations with state-depend step of discretization to solutions of asymptotically stable homogeneous systems are obtained for the explicit and implicit Euler integration schemes. It is shown that for a sufficiently small discretization step the convergence of the approximating solutions to zero can be guaranteed globally in a finite or a fixed time, but in an infinite number of discretization iterations. It is proven that the absolute and relative errors of the respective discretizations are globally bounded functions. Efficiency of the proposed discretization algorithms is demonstrated by the simulation of the super-twisting system

    Discretization of Homogeneous Systems Using Euler Method with a State-Dependent Step

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    International audienceNumeric approximations to the solutions of asymptotically stable homogeneous systems by Euler method, with a step of discretization scaled by the state norm, are investigated (for the explicit and implicit integration schemes). It is proven that for a sufficiently small discretization step the convergence of the approximating solutions to zero can be guaranteed globally in a finite or a fixed time depending on the degree of homogeneity of the system, but in an infinite number of discretization iterations. The maximal admissible step can be estimated by analyzing the system properties on the sphere. It is shown that the absolute and relative errors of the discretizations are globally bounded functions, thus the approximations approaching the solutions with the step converging to zero. In addition, it is established that the proposed discretization approach preserves robustness with respect to exogenous perturbations. Efficiency of the designed discretization algorithms is demonstrated in simulations

    Numerical Design of Lyapunov Functions for a Class of Homogeneous Discontinuous Systems

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    International audienceThis paper deals with the analytic and numeric design of a Lyapunov function for homogeneous and discontinuous systems. First, the presented converse theorems provide two analytic expressions of homogeneous and locally Lipschitz continuous Lyapunov functions for homogeneous discontinuous systems of negative homogeneity degree, generalizing classical results. Second, a methodology for the numerical construction of those Lyapunov functions is extended to the class of systems under consideration. Finally, the developed theory is applied to the numerical design of aLyapunov function for some Higher-Order Sliding Mode algorithms

    Acceleration of finite-time stable homogeneous systems

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    International audienceStabilization rates of power-integrator chains are easily regulated. It provides a framework for acceleration of uncertain multi-input multi-output (MIMO) dynamic systems of known relative degrees (RDs). The desired rate of the output stabilization (sliding-mode (SM) control) is ensured for an uncertain system, if its RD is known, and a rough approximation of the high-frequency gain matrix is available. The uniformly bounded convergence time (fixed-time stability) is obtained as a particular case. The control can be kept continuous everywhere accept the SM set, if the partial RDs are equal. Similarly uncertain smooth systems of complete MIMO RDs (i.e. lacking zero dynamics) are stabilized by continuous control at their equilibria in finite time and also accelerated. Output-feedback controllers are constructed. Computer simulation demonstrates the efficiency of the proposed approach

    Indirect adaptive higher-order sliding-mode control using the certainty-equivalence principle

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    Seit den 50er Jahren werden große Anstrengungen unternommen, Algorithmen zu entwickeln, welche in der Lage sind Unsicherheiten und Störungen in Regelkreisen zu kompensieren. Früh wurden hierzu adaptive Verfahren, die eine kontinuierliche Anpassung der Reglerparameter vornehmen, genutzt, um die Stabilisierung zu ermöglichen. Die fortlaufende Modifikation der Parameter sorgt dabei dafür, dass strukturelle Änderungen im Systemmodell sich nicht auf die Regelgüte auswirken. Eine deutlich andere Herangehensweise wird durch strukturvariable Systeme, insbesondere die sogenannte Sliding-Mode Regelung, verfolgt. Hierbei wird ein sehr schnell schaltendes Stellsignal für die Kompensation auftretender Störungen und Modellunsicherheiten so genutzt, dass bereits ohne besonderes Vorwissen über die Störeinflüsse eine beachtliche Regelgüte erreicht werden kann. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema, diese beiden sehr unterschiedlichen Strategien miteinander zu verbinden und dabei die Vorteile der ursprünglichen Umsetzung zu erhalten. So benötigen Sliding-Mode Verfahren generell nur wenige Informationen über die Störung, zeigen jedoch Defizite bei Unsicherheiten, die vom Systemzustand abhängen. Auf der anderen Seite können adaptive Regelungen sehr gut parametrische Unsicherheiten kompensieren, wohingegen unmodellierte Störungen zu einer verschlechterten Regelgüte führen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es daher, eine kombinierte Entwurfsmethodik zu entwickeln, welche die verfügbaren Informationen über die Störeinflüsse bestmöglich ausnutzt. Hierbei wird insbesondere Wert auf einen theoretisch fundierten Stabilitätsnachweis gelegt, welcher erst durch Erkenntnisse der letzten Jahre im Bereich der Lyapunov-Theorie im Zusammenhang mit Sliding-Mode ermöglicht wurde. Anhand der gestellten Anforderungen werden Regelalgorithmen entworfen, die eine Kombination von Sliding-Mode Reglern höherer Ordnung und adaptiven Verfahren darstellen. Neben den theoretischen Betrachtungen werden die Vorteile des Verfahrens auch anhand von Simulationsbeispielen und eines Laborversuchs nachgewiesen. Es zeigt sich hierbei, dass die vorgeschlagenen Algorithmen eine Verbesserung hinsichtlich der Regelgüte als auch der Robustheit gegenüber den konventionellen Verfahren erzielen.Since the late 50s, huge efforts have been made to improve the control algorithms that are capable of compensating for uncertainties and disturbances. Adaptive controllers that adjust their parameters continuously have been used from the beginning to solve this task. This adaptation of the controller allows to maintain a constant performance even under changing conditions. A different idea is proposed by variable structure systems, in particular by the so-called sliding-mode control. The idea is to employ a very fast switching signal to compensate for disturbances or uncertainties. This thesis deals with a combination of these two rather different approaches while preserving the advantages of each method. The design of a sliding-mode controller normally does not demand sophisticated knowledge about the disturbance, while the controller's robustness against state-dependent uncertainties might be poor. On the other hand, adaptive controllers are well suited to compensate for parametric uncertainties while unstructured influence may result in a degraded performance. Hence, the objective of this work is to design sliding-mode controllers that use as much information about the uncertainty as possible and exploit this knowledge in the design. An important point is that the design procedure is based on a rigorous proof of the stability of the combined approach. Only recent results on Lyapunov theory in the field of sliding-mode made this analysis possible. It is shown that the Lyapunov function of the nominal sliding-mode controller has a direct impact on the adaptation law. Therefore, this Lyapunov function has to meet certain conditions in order to allow a proper implementation of the proposed algorithms. The main contributions of this thesis are sliding-mode controllers, extended by an adaptive part using the certainty-equivalence principle. It is shown that the combination of both approaches results in a novel controller design that is able to solve a control task even in the presence of different classes of uncertainties. In addition to the theoretical analysis, the advantages of the proposed method are demonstrated in a selection of simulation examples and on a laboratory test-bench. The experiments show that the proposed control algorithm delivers better performance in regard to chattering and robustness compared to classical sliding-mode controllers

    Stability and Robustness of Homogeneous Differential Inclusions

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    International audienceThe known results on asymptotic stability of homogeneous differential inclusions with negative homogeneity degrees and their accuracy in the presence of noises and delays are extended to arbitrary homogeneity degrees. Discretization issues are considered, which include explicit and implicit Euler integration schemes. Computer simulation illustrates the theoretical results