10,826 research outputs found

    Two-parameter nonsmooth grazing bifurcations of limit cycles: classification and open problems

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    This paper proposes a strategy for the classification of codimension-two grazing bifurcations of limit cycles in piecewise smooth systems of ordinary differential equations. Such nonsmooth transitions (C-bifurcations) occur when the cycle interacts with a discontinuity boundary of phase space in a non-generic way. Several such codimension-one events have recently been identified, causing for example period-adding or sudden onset of chaos. Here, the focus is on codimension-two grazings that are local in the sense that the dynamics can be fully described by an appropriate Poincaré map from a neighbourhood of the grazing point (or points) of the critical cycle to itself. It is proposed that codimension-two grazing bifurcations can be divided into three distinct types: either the grazing point is degenerate, or the the grazing cycle is itself degenerate (e.g. non-hyperbolic) or we have the simultaneous occurrence of two grazing events. A careful distinction is drawn between their occurrence in systems with discontinuous states, discontinuous vector fields, or that have discontinuity in some derivative of the vector field. Examples of each kind of bifurcation are presented, mostly derived from mechanical applications. For each example, where possible, principal bifurcation curves characteristic to the codimension-two scenario are presented and general features of the dynamics discussed. Many avenues for future research are opened.

    Bifurcations of piecewise smooth flows:perspectives, methodologies and open problems

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    In this paper, the theory of bifurcations in piecewise smooth flows is critically surveyed. The focus is on results that hold in arbitrarily (but finitely) many dimensions, highlighting significant areas where a detailed understanding is presently lacking. The clearest results to date concern equilibria undergoing bifurcations at switching boundaries, and limit cycles undergoing grazing and sliding bifurcations. After discussing fundamental concepts, such as topological equivalence of two piecewise smooth systems, discontinuity-induced bifurcations are defined for equilibria and limit cycles. Conditions for equilibria to exist in n-dimensions are given, followed by the conditions under which they generically undergo codimension-one bifurcations. The extent of knowledge of their unfoldings is also summarized. Codimension-one bifurcations of limit cycles and boundary-intersection crossing are described together with techniques for their classification. Codimension-two bifurcations are discussed with suggestions for further study

    Event-triggered gain scheduling of reaction-diffusion PDEs

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    This paper deals with the problem of boundary stabilization of 1D reaction-diffusion PDEs with a time- and space- varying reaction coefficient. The boundary control design relies on the backstepping approach. The gains of the boundary control are scheduled under two suitable event-triggered mechanisms. More precisely, gains are computed/updated on events according to two state-dependent event-triggering conditions: static-based and dynamic-based conditions, under which, the Zeno behavior is avoided and well-posedness as well as exponential stability of the closed-loop system are guaranteed. Numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the results.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, submitted to SICO

    Optimal fluctuations and the control of chaos.

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    The energy-optimal migration of a chaotic oscillator from one attractor to another coexisting attractor is investigated via an analogy between the Hamiltonian theory of fluctuations and Hamiltonian formulation of the control problem. We demonstrate both on physical grounds and rigorously that the Wentzel-Freidlin Hamiltonian arising in the analysis of fluctuations is equivalent to Pontryagin's Hamiltonian in the control problem with an additive linear unrestricted control. The deterministic optimal control function is identied with the optimal fluctuational force. Numerical and analogue experiments undertaken to verify these ideas demonstrate that, in the limit of small noise intensity, fluctuational escape from the chaotic attractor occurs via a unique (optimal) path corresponding to a unique (optimal) fluctuational force. Initial conditions on the chaotic attractor are identified. The solution of the boundary value control problem for the Pontryagin Hamiltonian is found numerically. It is shown that this solution is approximated very accurately by the optimal fluctuational force found using statistical analysis of the escape trajectories. A second series of numerical experiments on the deterministic system (i.e. in the absence of noise) show that a control function of precisely the same shape and magnitude is indeed able to instigate escape. It is demonstrated that this control function minimizes the cost functional and the corresponding energy is found to be smaller than that obtained with some earlier adaptive control algorithms