827 research outputs found

    Multilevel Converters: An Enabling Technology for High-Power Applications

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    | Multilevel converters are considered today as the state-of-the-art power-conversion systems for high-power and power-quality demanding applications. This paper presents a tutorial on this technology, covering the operating principle and the different power circuit topologies, modulation methods, technical issues and industry applications. Special attention is given to established technology already found in industry with more in-depth and self-contained information, while recent advances and state-of-the-art contributions are addressed with useful references. This paper serves as an introduction to the subject for the not-familiarized reader, as well as an update or reference for academics and practicing engineers working in the field of industrial and power electronics.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología DPI2001-3089Ministerio de Eduación y Ciencia d TEC2006-0386

    Dual Channel Control with DC Fault Ride Through for MMC-based, Isolated DC/DC Converter

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    This study is sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) grant no EP/K006428/1, 2013.D. Jovcic and H. Zhang are with the School of Engineering, University of Aberdeen, AB24 3UE, U.K. ([email protected], [email protected]).Peer reviewedPostprin

    Feedforward Modulation Technique for More Accurate Operation of Modular Multilevel Converters

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    Modular multilevel converters have become the prominent topology for medium- and high-voltage applications. The performance of these converters highly depends on the accuracy of the used modulation approach, for which the capacitor voltage of submodules (SM) are usually assumed to be equal. This article exhibits that ignoring the capacitor voltage differences among SMs adversely affects the system performance. This becomes more obvious the larger the capacitor voltage differences are. Hence, this article proposes a more accurate feedforward modulation approach that takes into account either the instantaneous capacitor voltage value and the real output voltage in the modulation stage. As a result, in applications where larger SM voltage differences are expected, the current distortion and control performance are improved. Particularly, switching–saving approaches benefit from this method as it enables their operation with reduced switching losses without the downsides of increased distortion due to capacitor voltage differences. The proposed approach is analyzed and compared with the nearest-level modulation and with the level-shift PWM. Simulations and experimental validation are presented to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PDI2019-105890RJ-100 y PID2019-109071RB-I00Comisión Europea H2020-821 381Junta de Andalucia P18-RT-134

    Control of modular multilevel converters in high voltage direct current power systems

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    This thesis focuses on a comprehensive analysis of Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC) in High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) applications from the viewpoint of presenting new mathematical dynamic models and designing novel control strategies. In the first step, two new mathematical dynamic models using differential flatness theory (DFT) and circulating currents components are introduced. Moreover, detailed step-by-step analysis-based relationships are achieved for accurate control of MMCs in both inverter and rectifier operating modes. After presenting these new mathematical equations-based descriptions of MMCs, suitable control techniques are designed in the next step. Because of the nonlinearity features of MMCs, two nonlinear control strategies based on direct Lyapunov method (DLM) and passivity theory-based controller combined with sliding mode surface are designed by the use of circulating currents componentsbased dynamic model to provide a stable operation of MMCs in HVDC applications under various operating conditions. The negative effects of the input disturbance, model errors and system uncertainties are suppressed by defining a Lyapunov control function to reach the integralproportional terms of the flat output errors that should be finally added to the initial inputs. Simulation results in MATLAB/SIMULINK environment verify the positive effects of the proposed dynamic models and control strategies in all operating conditions of the MMCs in inverter mode, rectifier mode and HVDC applications.Esta tese visa proceder a uma análise abrangente de conversores multinível modulares (MMC) para transmissão a alta tensão em corrente contínua (HVDC), almejando apresentar novos modelos matemáticos em sistemas dinâmicos e projetar novas estratégias de controlo. Na primeira etapa são introduzidos dois novos modelos matemáticos dinâmicos que usam differential flatness theory e as componentes de correntes circulantes. Ainda, é estabelecida uma modelação matemática para o controlo preciso dos MMCs, operando em modo inversor ou modo retificador. Depois de apresentar as novas equações matemáticas, as técnicas de controlo mais adequadas são delineadas. Devido às características não lineares dos MMCs, são projetadas duas estratégias de controlo não-lineares baseadas no método direto de Lyapunov e no controlo do tipo passivity theory-based combinado com controlo por modo de deslizamento através do uso de modelos dinâmicos baseados em correntes circulantes para fornecer uma operação estável aos MMCs em aplicações de HVDC sob várias condições de operação. Os efeitos negativos das perturbações de entrada, erros de modelação e incertezas do sistema são suprimidos através da definição da função de controlo de Lyapunov para alcançar os termos de integraçãoproporcionalidade dos erros de saída para que possam finalmente ser adicionados às entradas iniciais. Os resultados da simulação computacional realizados em ambiente MATLAB/SIMULINK verificam os efeitos positivos dos modelos dinâmicos propostos e das novas estratégias de controlo em todas as condições de operação dos MMCs no modo inversor, retificador e em aplicações HVDC

    Capacitor Voltage Balancing of a Grid-Tied, Cascaded Multilevel Converter with Binary Asymmetric Voltage Levels Using an Optimal One-Step-Ahead Switching-State Combination Approach†

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    This paper presents a novel capacitor voltage balancing control approach for cascaded multilevel inverters with an arbitrary number of series-connected H-Bridge modules (floating capacitor modules) with asymmetric voltages, tiered by a factor of two (binary asymmetric). Using a nearest-level reference waveform, the balancing approach uses a one-step-ahead approach to find the optimal switching-state combination among all redundant switching-state combinations to balance the capacitor voltages as quickly as possible. Moreover, using a Lyapunov function candidate and considering LaSalle\u27s invariance principle, it is shown that an offline calculated trajectory of optimal switching-state combinations for each discrete output voltage level can be used to operate (asymptotically stable) the inverter without measuring any of the capacitor voltages, achieving a novel sensorless control as well. To verify the stability of the one-step-ahead balancing approach and its sensorless variant, a demonstrator inverter with 33 levels is operated in grid-tied mode. For the chosen 33-level converter, the NPC main-stage and the individual H-bridge modules are operated with an individual switching frequency of about 1 kHz and 2 kHz, respectively. The sensorless approach slightly reduced the dynamic system response and, furthermore, the current THD for the chosen operating point was increased from 3.28% to 4.58% in comparison with that of using the capacitor voltage feedback

    Application of Modular Multilevel Converters (MMC) Using Phase-Shifted PWM and Selective Harmonic Elimination in Distribution Systems

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    Reducing the size and weight of a power electric system is a prodigious challenge to researchers as the development of the latest technologies emerge in the field of electrical engineering. A similar urge is there to develop a light-weight mobile power substation (MPS) to use in the electric power distribution systems during emergency conditions. This thesis proposes a power electronics based solution using the modular multilevel converter (MMC) topology to design the MPS system. The market-available power semiconductor devices are analyzed and suitable devices are selected to design the system. The phase-shifted pulse width modulation (PS-PWM) and selective harmonic elimination (SHE) switching algorithms are selected to modulate the MMC terminals. To validate the proposed techniques simulation files are built in MATLAB/SIMULINKTM. Simulation results are presented and analyzed to verify the theoretical claims. These simulation results prove the feasibility of designing the MPS system with the proposed techniques

    Implementation of Active Damping Control Methodology on Modular Multilevel Converter(MMC)-Based Arbitrary Wave Shape Generator Used for High Voltage Testing

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    In order to damp the resonance in the MMC-based Arbitrary Wave shape Generator (AWG) used for high voltage testing, an active damping control methodology is proposed in this paper instead of the passive damping with an arm resistor. It is vital to ensure the system’s stability when such an active damping closed loop control is implemented. Consequently, optimal parameters of a PI controller are designed by analyzing the stability margins of the involved transfer function using Bode-Plots. The performance of the designed active damping control methodology and the PI controller have been demonstrated with a 50 Hz sinusoidal waveform and arbitrary waveforms such as triangular, trapezoidal, and complex waveforms in MATLAB-Simulink. These results proves that the output voltage can track the reference without any reasonable error and does not contain any resonant frequency. Additionally, the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the sinusoidal waveform and other arbitrary waveforms is less than 1% with the Phase Shift Carrier (PSC) modulation technique

    Cost-Effective Model Predictive Control Techniques for Modular Multilevel Converters

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    In this thesis, model predictive control (MPC) techniques are investigated with their applications to modular multilevel converters (MMCs). Since normally a large number of submodule (SM) capacitor voltages and gate signals need to be handled in an MMC, the MPC schemes studied in this thesis are employed for determining only the voltage levels of converter arms, while gate signals are subsequently generated by the conventional sorting method. Emphasis is given to inner-loop current control in terms of phase current and circulating current, aiming at performance enhancement and computation reduction. A variable rounding level control (VRLC) approach is developed in this thesis, which is based on a modification of the conventional nearest level control (NLC) scheme: instead of the conventional nearest integer function, a proper rounding function is selected for each arm of the MMC employing the MPC method. As a result, the simplicity of the NLC is maintained while the current regulating ability is improved. The VRLC technique can also be generalized from an MPC perspective. Different current controllers can be considered to generate the arm voltage references as input of the VRLC block, thus refining the control sets of the MPC. Based on the decoupled current models, the accumulated effect of SM capacitor voltage ripples is investigated, revealing that the VRLC strategy may not achieve a proper performance if the accumulated ripple is nontrivial compared to the voltage per level. Two indexes are also proposed for quantifying the current controllability of the VRLC. Benefiting from this analysis, A SM-grouping solution is put forward to apply such MPC techniques to an MMC with a large number of SMs, leading to an equivalent operation of an MMC with much reduced number of SMs, which significantly increases the current regulating capability with reduced complexity. As an example, the SM-grouping VRLC proposal is analyzed and its system design principles are described. This thesis also develops another MPC technique which directly optimizes the cost function using quadratic programming technique. Both a rigorous and a simplified procedure are provided to solve the optimization problem. Compared with the conventional finite control set (FCS)-MPC method which evaluates all voltage level combinations, the proposed scheme presents apparent advantage in terms of calculation cost while achieving similar performance

    A New MMC Topology Which Decreases the Sub Module Voltage Fluctuations at Lower Switching Frequencies and Improves Converter Efficiency

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    Modular Multi-level inverters (MMCs) are becoming more common because of their suitability for applications in smart grids and multi-terminal HVDC transmission networks. The comparative study between the two classic topologies of MMC (AC side cascaded and DC side cascaded topologies) indicates some disadvantages which can affect their performance. The sub module voltage ripple and switching losses are one of the main issues and the reason for the appearance of the circulating current is sub module capacitor voltage ripple. Hence, the sub module capacitor needs to be large enough to constrain the voltage ripple when operating at lower switching frequencies. However, this is prohibitively uneconomical for the high voltage applications. There is always a trade off in MMC design between the switching frequency and sub module voltage ripple

    Virtual Synchronous Machine Control with Adaptive Inertia Applicable to an MMC Terminal

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    Renewable energy sources (RES) penetration levels are increasing in the power grid. However, it does not have inertia as a traditional synchronous generator, causing a reduction in the inertia and damping in the power grid, impacting the stability during power changes in the grid, causing large frequency deviations. The virtual synchronous machine (VSM) concept has become an attractive solution to emulate the synchronous machine characteristics and supply the inertia and damping property in the system. It consists of emulating the synchronous machine’s static and dynamic properties by power electronic converters and energy storage systems. Nevertheless, the implementation and design of the VSM is a challenge since it must be flexible in the presence of load fluctuations, preventing the oscillations and frequency overshoot from increasing during system disturbances. Hence, the VSM with adaptive inertia has become a potential solution because it provides the inertia and damping factor to the grid according to the load variations and different RES penetration levels in the system. Therefore, the inertia estimation is necessary to use the special techniques that guarantee the balance between the power and frequency response..