304 research outputs found

    Highlights of Symmetry Groups

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    The concepts of symmetry and symmetry groups are at the heart of several developments in modern theoretical and mathematical physics. The present paper is devoted to a number of selected topics within this framework: Euclidean and rotation groups; the properties of fullerenes in physical chemistry; Galilei, Lorentz and Poincare groups; conformal transformations and the Laplace equation; quantum groups and Sklyanin algebras. For example, graphite can be vaporized by laser irradiation, producing a remarkably stable cluster consisting of 60 carbon atoms. The corresponding theoretical model considers a truncated icosahedron, i.e. a polygon with 60 vertices and 32 faces, 12 of which are pentagonal and 20 hexagonal. The Carbon 60 molecule obtained when a carbon atom is placed at each vertex of this structure has all valences satisfied by two single bonds and one double bond. In other words, a structure in which a pentagon is completely surrounded by hexagons is stable. Thus, a cage in which all 12 pentagons are completely surrounded by hexagons has optimum stability. On a more formal side, the exactly solvable models of quantum and statistical physics can be studied with the help of the quantum inverse problem method. The problem of enumerating the discrete quantum systems which can be solved by the quantum inverse problem method reduces to the problem of enumerating the operator-valued functions that satisfy an equation involving a fixed solution of the quantum Yang--Baxter equation. Two basic equations exist which provide a systematic procedure for obtaining completely integrable lattice approximations to various continuous completely integrable systems. This analysis leads in turn to the discovery of Sklyanin algebras.Comment: Plain Tex with one figur

    Maximal Subgroups of Compact Lie Groups

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    This report aims at giving a general overview on the classification of the maximal subgroups of compact Lie groups (not necessarily connected). In the first part, it is shown that these fall naturally into three types: (1) those of trivial type, which are simply defined as inverse images of maximal subgroups of the corresponding component group under the canonical projection and whose classification constitutes a problem in finite group theory, (2) those of normal type, whose connected one-component is a normal subgroup, and (3) those of normalizer type, which are the normalizers of their own connected one-component. It is also shown how to reduce the classification of maximal subgroups of the last two types to: (2) the classification of the finite maximal Σ\Sigma-invariant subgroups of center-free connected compact simple Lie groups and (3) the classification of the Σ\Sigma-primitive subalgebras of compact simple Lie algebras, where Σ\Sigma is a subgroup of the corresponding outer automorphism group. In the second part, we explicitly compute the normalizers of the primitive subalgebras of the compact classical Lie algebras (in the corresponding classical groups), thus arriving at the complete classification of all (non-discrete) maximal subgroups of the compact classical Lie groups.Comment: 83 pages. Final versio

    Spectral transfer morphisms for unipotent affine Hecke algebras

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    In this paper we will give a complete classification of the spectral transfer morphisms between the unipotent affine Hecke algebras of the various inner forms of a given quasi-split absolutely simple algebraic group, defined over a non-archimidean local field k\textbf{k} and split over an unramified extension of k\textbf{k}. As an application of these results, the results of [O4] on the spectral correspondences associated with such morphisms and some results of Ciubotaru, Kato and Kato [CKK] we prove a conjecture of Hiraga, Ichino and Ikeda [HII] on the formal degrees and adjoint gamma factors for all unipotent discrete series characters of unramified simple groups of adjoint type defined over k\bf{k}.Comment: 61 pages; We explained the comparison with Lusztig's parameterization of unipotent representations in more detai

    On the structure of axial algebras

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    Axial algebras are a recently introduced class of non-associative algebra motivated by applications to groups and vertex-operator algebras. We develop the structure theory of axial algebras focussing on two major topics: (1) radical and simplicity; and (2) sum decompositions.Comment: 27 page

    Depth and the local Langlands correspondence

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    Let G be an inner form of a general linear group over a non-archimedean local field. We prove that the local Langlands correspondence for G preserves depths. We also show that the local Langlands correspondence for inner forms of special linear groups preserves the depths of essentially tame Langlands parameters.Comment: The proof of Lemma 3.2 in the first version contained a mistake. In the second version the analysis of depth for inner forms of SL_n was extended and paragraph 2.4 was simplifie
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