83 research outputs found

    Stability Approach to Regularization Selection (StARS) for High Dimensional Graphical Models

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    A challenging problem in estimating high-dimensional graphical models is to choose the regularization parameter in a data-dependent way. The standard techniques include KK-fold cross-validation (KK-CV), Akaike information criterion (AIC), and Bayesian information criterion (BIC). Though these methods work well for low-dimensional problems, they are not suitable in high dimensional settings. In this paper, we present StARS: a new stability-based method for choosing the regularization parameter in high dimensional inference for undirected graphs. The method has a clear interpretation: we use the least amount of regularization that simultaneously makes a graph sparse and replicable under random sampling. This interpretation requires essentially no conditions. Under mild conditions, we show that StARS is partially sparsistent in terms of graph estimation: i.e. with high probability, all the true edges will be included in the selected model even when the graph size diverges with the sample size. Empirically, the performance of StARS is compared with the state-of-the-art model selection procedures, including KK-CV, AIC, and BIC, on both synthetic data and a real microarray dataset. StARS outperforms all these competing procedures

    The Impact of Personality Traits Towards the Intention to Adopt Mobile Learning

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    Mobile devices have become increasingly more common in the digitally connected world. Mobile learning as a model of e-learning refers to the acquisition of knowledge & skills utilizing mobile technologies. The aim of this study is to identify the extrinsic influential factors for the adoption of mobile learning. This study proposes the use of an extended technology acceptance model (TAM) theory that includes variables of personality traits such as perceived enjoyment and computer self-efficiency. The participants of this study were 351 students at University Technology Malaysia who had experiences in e-learning. The study found that perceived usefulness as an extrinsic factor has the highest influence on students’ intention to adopt mobile learning through an investigation of technology acceptance toward mobile learning. Personality traits such as perceived enjoyment and self-efficacy have impact on behavior intention to adopt mobile learning

    Markov Network Structure Learning via Ensemble-of-Forests Models

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    Real world systems typically feature a variety of different dependency types and topologies that complicate model selection for probabilistic graphical models. We introduce the ensemble-of-forests model, a generalization of the ensemble-of-trees model. Our model enables structure learning of Markov random fields (MRF) with multiple connected components and arbitrary potentials. We present two approximate inference techniques for this model and demonstrate their performance on synthetic data. Our results suggest that the ensemble-of-forests approach can accurately recover sparse, possibly disconnected MRF topologies, even in presence of non-Gaussian dependencies and/or low sample size. We applied the ensemble-of-forests model to learn the structure of perturbed signaling networks of immune cells and found that these frequently exhibit non-Gaussian dependencies with disconnected MRF topologies. In summary, we expect that the ensemble-of-forests model will enable MRF structure learning in other high dimensional real world settings that are governed by non-trivial dependencies.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Variational inference for sparse network reconstruction from count data

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    In multivariate statistics, the question of finding direct interactions can be formulated as a problem of network inference - or network reconstruction - for which the Gaussian graphical model (GGM) provides a canonical framework. Unfortunately, the Gaussian assumption does not apply to count data which are encountered in domains such as genomics, social sciences or ecology. To circumvent this limitation, state-of-the-art approaches use two-step strategies that first transform counts to pseudo Gaussian observations and then apply a (partial) correlation-based approach from the abundant literature of GGM inference. We adopt a different stance by relying on a latent model where we directly model counts by means of Poisson distributions that are conditional to latent (hidden) Gaussian correlated variables. In this multivariate Poisson lognormal-model, the dependency structure is completely captured by the latent layer. This parametric model enables to account for the effects of covariates on the counts. To perform network inference, we add a sparsity inducing constraint on the inverse covariance matrix of the latent Gaussian vector. Unlike the usual Gaussian setting, the penalized likelihood is generally not tractable, and we resort instead to a variational approach for approximate likelihood maximization. The corresponding optimization problem is solved by alternating a gradient ascent on the variational parameters and a graphical-Lasso step on the covariance matrix. We show that our approach is highly competitive with the existing methods on simulation inspired from microbiological data. We then illustrate on three various data sets how accounting for sampling efforts via offsets and integrating external covariates (which is mostly never done in the existing literature) drastically changes the topology of the inferred network
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